2017-03-12 27 views


type tTest is record 
    A : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 
    B : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 
    C : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); 
end record tTest; 
. . . 
signal sTestIn  : tTest; 
signal sMemWrData : std_logic_vector(fRecordLen(tTest)-1 downto 0); 
signal sMemRdData : std_logic_vector(fRecordLen(tTest)-1 downto 0); 
signal sTestOut  : tTest; 
. . . 
sMemWrData <= fRecordToVector(sTestIn); 
-- At some point sMemRdData gets the data in sMemWrData... 
sTestOut <= fVectorToRecord(sMemRdData); 


我知道record introspection proposal但并不屏住呼吸,甚至提出的方法似乎非常繁琐。



哇。没有评论的投票 - 对不要问作业抱歉,但如果这太明显或示例答案不显示研究,请做出评论或回答! – FritzDC


*哇。没有意见的投票 - 对不要求作业抱歉,但如果这太明显或示例答案没有显示研究,请做出评论或回答!*你有没有“放弃希望”?每个人都抱怨天气,但没有人愿意为此做任何事情。写一个包。你的例子是两个案例之一,作为记录内省的理由。转换机制到/从任意记录类型是不可能的。该子集不符合该语言的条件。而不是使用记录如何使用定义字段的子类型? – user1155120


_“如何使用子类型定义字段”_你会有指针或照顾举个例子吗?该记录不是主要观点,但不知何故,必须从std_logic_vectors中获取不同信号的更多可读数据,因此使用其他记录是我愿意采取的让步之一。 – FritzDC




library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
package TestPck is 
    type tTest is record 
     A : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); 
     B : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); 
     C : std_logic_vector(0 downto 0); 
    end record tTest; 
    procedure pSliceToFrom (
     signal vec_to : out std_logic_vector; 
     signal vec_from : in std_logic_vector; 
     position  : inout integer 
end package TestPck; 

package body TestPck is 
    procedure pSliceToFrom (
    signal vec_to : out std_logic_vector; 
    signal vec_from : in std_logic_vector; 
    position  : inout integer 
    ) is 
    vec_to <= vec_from(position-1 downto position-vec_to'length); 
    position := position-vec_to'length; 
    end pSliceToFrom; 
end package body TestPck; 

library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
use work.TestPck.all; 

entity tb is 
end entity tb; 

architecture sim of tb is 
    signal sTestIn  : tTest; 
    -- How to create this constant in the package, 
    -- i.e. without needing the signal? 
    constant cTestLength : integer := sTestIn.A'length + sTestIn.B'length + sTestIn.C'length; 
    signal sMemWrData : std_logic_vector(cTestLength-1 downto 0); 
    signal sMemRdData : std_logic_vector(cTestLength-1 downto 0); 
    signal sTestOut  : tTest; 
    -- How to make this without needing to know what 
    -- is inside tTest? 
    sMemWrData <= sTestIn.A & sTestIn.B & sTestIn.C; 
    -- Memory, Fifo, communication link, doesn't matter... 
    sMemRdData <= sMemWrData after 5 ns; 
    -- How to get the data back without needing this 
    -- process (and the procedure)? 
    slice_data_to_item : process (all) is 
    variable vPosition : integer := 0; 
    vPosition := cTestLength; 
    pSliceToFrom(sTestOut.A, sMemRdData, vPosition); 
    pSliceToFrom(sTestOut.B, sMemRdData, vPosition); 
    pSliceToFrom(sTestOut.C, sMemRdData, vPosition); 
    end process slice_data_to_item; 

process is 
     wait for 10 ns; 
     sTestIn <= (x"E", x"A7", "1"); 
     wait for 10 ns; 
     sTestIn <= (x"7", x"AC", "0"); 
    end process; 
end architecture sim; 

您似乎有[错过](https://i.stack.imgur.com/0VZNM.png)fVectorToRecord部分。 – user1155120


它的slice_data_to_item,[wave here](http://imgur.com/a/AOwgP)自然不是函数 - 这是我试图找出如何去做的问题。 – FritzDC



library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

package TestPck is 
    subtype A is std_logic_vector (12 downto 9); 
    subtype B is std_logic_vector (8 downto 1); 
    subtype C is std_logic_vector (0 downto 0); 
    constant ABC_len: natural := A'length + B'length + C'length; 
    type tTest is record 
     A: std_logic_vector (A'RANGE); 
     B: std_logic_vector (B'RANGE); 
     C: std_logic_vector (C'RANGE); 
    end record tTest; 
    type tTests is array (natural range <>) of tTest; 
end package TestPck; 

library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
use work.TestPck.all; 

entity tb is 
end entity tb; 

architecture sim of tb is 
    signal sTestIn:  tTest; 
    signal sMemWrData:  std_logic_vector(ABC_len - 1 downto 0); 
    signal sMemRdData:  std_logic_vector(ABC_len - 1 downto 0); 
    signal sTestOut:  tTest; 
    constant tests:  tTests (0 to 1) := 
      (0 => (x"E", x"A7", "1"), 1 => (x"7", x"AC", "0")); 
    sMemWrData <= sTestIn.A & sTestIn.B & sTestIn.C; 
    sMemRdData <= sMemWrData after 5 ns; 
    sTestOut <= 
     tTest'(sMemRdData(A'range), sMemRdData(B'range), SMemRdData(C'range)); 
process is 
     wait for 10 ns; 
     sTestIn <= tests(0); 
     wait for 10 ns; 
     sTestIn <= tests(1); 
     wait for 10 ns; 
    end process; 
end architecture sim; 






library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 

package TestPck is 
    subtype A is natural range 12 downto 9; 
    subtype B is natural range 8 downto 1; 
    subtype C is natural range 0 downto 0; 
    constant ABC_len: natural := A'left + 1; 
    type tTest is record 
     A: std_logic_vector (A); 
     B: std_logic_vector (B); 
     C: std_logic_vector (C); 
    end record tTest; 
    type tTests is array (natural range <>) of tTest; 
end package TestPck; 

library ieee; 
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; 
use work.TestPck.all; 

entity tb is 
end entity tb; 

architecture sim of tb is 
    signal sTestIn:  tTest; 
    signal sMemWrData:  std_logic_vector(ABC_len - 1 downto 0); 
    signal sMemRdData:  std_logic_vector(ABC_len - 1 downto 0); 
    signal sTestOut:  tTest; 
    constant tests:  tTests (0 to 1) := 
      (0 => (x"E", x"A7", "1"), 1 => (x"7", x"AC", "0")); 
    sMemWrData <= sTestIn.A & sTestIn.B & sTestIn.C; 
    sMemRdData <= sMemWrData after 5 ns; 
    sTestOut <= 
     tTest'(sMemRdData(A), sMemRdData(B), SMemRdData(C)); 
process is 
     wait for 10 ns; 
     sTestIn <= tests(0); 
     wait for 10 ns; 
     sTestIn <= tests(1); 
     wait for 10 ns; 
    end process; 
end architecture sim; 



这整齐地摆脱了切片机程序,并允许包内的常量声明 - 所以解决了3个问题中的2个!然而,代码可能有点整洁,声明子类型为stA,然后在记录中只有A:stA。这似乎工作 - 在记录中使用std_logic_vector(A'range)而不是子类型会有一些好处吗? – FritzDC


现在我可以看到,最大的垮台是事实上,范围不是0°。我能够做到这一点,没有手动计算功能,但现在使用这些元素,“downto 0”在第二个自然,我不断在切片记录元素上犯错误。 – FritzDC


啊!我想我知道了 - 使用常量而不是子类型,'长度为1'的downto 0代替记录中的范围。此外,函数调用(from)和(to),而不是一个函数调用它。我可以发布完整答案,但不要踩在user1155120的脚趾上 - 解决方案肯定是他/她的。 – FritzDC
