2013-04-01 79 views




import java.util.Random; 

/** Generate random integers in a certain range. */ 
public final class RandomRange { 

public static final void main(String... aArgs){ 
    log("Generating random integers in the range 1..10."); 

    int START = 1; 
    int END = 10; 
    Random random = new Random(); 
    for (int idx = 1; idx <= 10; ++idx){ 
    showRandomInteger(START, END, random); 


private static void showRandomInteger(int aStart, int aEnd, Random aRandom){ 
    if (aStart > aEnd) { 
    throw new IllegalArgumentException("Start cannot exceed End."); 
//get the range, casting to long to avoid overflow problems 
long range = (long)aEnd - (long)aStart + 1; 
// compute a fraction of the range, 0 <= frac < range 
long fraction = (long)(range * aRandom.nextDouble()); 
int randomNumber = (int)(fraction + aStart);  
log("Generated : " + randomNumber); 

private static void log(String aMessage){ 

这是在Java中,我想相同的结果在java卡 –






byte[] keyBytes = JCSystem.getTransientByteArray(COD,16); 

RandomData rng = RandomData.getInstance(ALG_SECURE_RANDOM); 


    * generate a random number between 0 and 50 
    Random random1 = new Random(); 
    int card = (random1.nextInt(51)); 

我看到这个链接,但我不知道如何使用这个功能,你能给我一个例子请 –


我编辑我的答案与RandomData类的例子使用 –


谢谢你的repley,我想要seconde例子的相同结果:int card =(random1.nextInt(51));但是在javaCard中,因为这个Random在java卡API中不可用2.2.2 –




private RandomData rng; 
private byte[] rndBuffer; 


rng = RandomData.getInstance(RandomData.ALG_SECURE_RANDOM); 
rndBuffer = JCSystem.getTransientByteArray(JCSystem.CLEAR_ON_DESELECT, 1); 


byte getRandomByteInRange(byte min, byte max) { 
    do { 
    while ((rndBuffer[0]<min) || (rndBuffer[0]>max)) 
    return rndBuffer[0]; 



是的,有,检查[这个(有点数学)在加密答案](http://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/7996/correct-way-to-map-random-number-to-defined-range) ,Java的通常答案是在Java SE中使用(或在这种情况下复制)Random.nextInt()的方法。 –


请测试您的代码。 'getTransientByteArray'不存在,参数的顺序不正确,直接对这个值进行测试是非常幼稚的。此外,我不认为最小值和最大值都应该是排他性的。通常它是从最小(含)到最大(排他)。可以说包容性的包容性,但我不认为有人会预期从0到2的范围只是能够提供值1。 –


虽然你正朝着正确的方向:) –


被这个问题所吸引,我决定再次通过StackOverflow做一些代码贡献。请注意,我仅在Java SE中使用SecureRandom测试了随机数的分布。我相当确定这段代码是正确的。


package nl.owlstead.jcsecurerandom; 

import javacard.framework.JCSystem; 
import javacard.framework.Util; 
import javacard.security.RandomData; 

* Generates numbers within a range. This class uses modulo arithmetic to 
* minimize the number of calls to the random number generator without expensive 
* calculations. The class is similar in operation to the 
* {@code SecureRandom.nextInt(int)} method defined in Java SE. 
* @author owlstead 
public final class JCSecureRandom { 

    private static final short SHORT_SIZE_BYTES = 2; 
    private static final short START = 0; 

    private final RandomData rnd; 
    private final byte[] buf; 

    * Constructor which uses the given source of random bytes. A two byte 
    * buffer transient buffer is generated that is cleared on deselect. 
    * @param rnd 
    *   the source of random bytes 
    public JCSecureRandom(final RandomData rnd) { 
     this.rnd = rnd; 
     this.buf = JCSystem.makeTransientByteArray(SHORT_SIZE_BYTES, 

    * Generates a single short with a random value in the range of 0 
    * (inclusive) to the given parameter n (exclusive). 
    * @param n 
    *   the upper bound of the random value, must be positive 
    *   (exclusive) 
    * @return the random value in the range [0..n-1] 
    public short nextShort(final short n) { 
     final short sn = (short) (n - 1); 
     short bits, val; 
     do { 
      bits = next15(); 
      val = (short) (bits % n); 
     } while ((short) (bits - val + sn) < 0); 
     return val; 

    * Generates a single byte with a random value in the range of 0 (inclusive) 
    * to the given parameter n (exclusive). 
    * @param n 
    *   the upper bound of the random value, must be positive 
    *   (exclusive) 
    * @return the random value in the range [0..n-1] 
    public byte nextByte(final byte n) { 
     if ((n & -n) == n) { 
      return (byte) ((n * next7()) >> 7); 

     final byte sn = (byte) (n - 1); 
     byte bits, val; 
     do { 
      bits = next7(); 
      val = (byte) (bits % n); 
     } while ((byte) (bits - val + sn) < 0); 
     return val; 

    * Generates 15 bits from two bytes by setting the highest bit to zero. 
    * @return the positive valued short containing 15 bits of random 
    private short next15() { 
     this.rnd.generateData(this.buf, START, SHORT_SIZE_BYTES); 
     return (short) (Util.getShort(this.buf, START) & 0x7FFF); 

    * Generates 7 bits from one byte by setting the highest bit to zero. 
    * @return the positive valued byte containing 7 bits of random 
    private byte next7() { 
     this.rnd.generateData(this.buf, START, SHORT_SIZE_BYTES); 
     return (byte) (this.buf[START] & 0x7F); 

请指出这是否回答您的问题,或者如果您需要更多的细节。 –
