2012-03-21 61 views


#include <cassert> 
#include <vector> 
#include <deque> 
#include <list> 

// General case copies data to temporary vector, in case iterators are from a list or otherwise. 
template < typename Iterator, typename tag = std::iterator_traits <Iterator>::iterator_category > 
class IteratorBuffer 
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits <Iterator>::value_type T; 

    std::vector <T> temp; 
    IteratorBuffer(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : temp(std::distance(begin, end)) 
     std::copy(begin, end, temp.begin()); 

    const T * data() { return temp.data(); } 

// Special case should be invoked if Iterator can safely be treated as a pointer to the range. 
template < typename Iterator > 
class IteratorBuffer < Iterator, std::random_access_iterator_tag > 
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits <Iterator>::value_type T; 

    const T * temp; 
    IteratorBuffer(Iterator begin, Iterator end) : temp(&*begin) { } 

    const T * data() { return temp; } 

int main(int argc, char ** argv) 
    std::vector <int> test1(10); 
    IteratorBuffer < std::vector <int>::iterator > temp1(test1.begin(), test1.end()); 
    // This should be pointing to the data in test1. 
    assert(temp1.data() == test1.data()); 

    std::list <int> test2; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) 
    IteratorBuffer < std::list <int>::iterator > temp2(test2.begin(), test2.end()); 
    // This must not point to the beginning iterator. 
    assert(temp2.data() != &*test2.begin()); 

    int test3[10]; 
    IteratorBuffer < int * > temp3(&test3[0], &test3[10]); 
    // This should point to the array. 
    assert(temp3.data() == &test3[0]); 

    std::deque <int> test4; 
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i) 
    IteratorBuffer < std::deque <int>::iterator > temp4(test4.begin(), test4.end()); 
    // This must not point to the beginning iterator, not safe. 
    assert(temp4.data() != &*test4.begin()); 

这失败的最后一次测试,因为的std ::双端队列的迭代器有random_access_iterator_tag。


我想我应该提到我用VC++ 2010


template < typename Iterator > 
struct IteratorTraits 
    enum { IsPointerCompatible = false }; 
    typedef typename std::iterator_traits <Iterator>::value_type T; 
template < typename T > 
struct IteratorTraits < T * > 
    enum { IsPointerCompatible = true }; 
    typedef T T; 
template < typename T > 
struct IteratorTraits < const T * > 
    enum { IsPointerCompatible = true }; 
    typedef const T T; 
//template < typename T > 
//struct IteratorTraits < typename std::vector <T>::iterator > 
// enum { IsPointerCompatible = true }; 
// typedef T T; 
//template < typename T, size_t N > 
//struct IteratorTraits < typename std::array < T, N >::iterator > 
// enum { IsPointerCompatible = true }; 
// typedef T T; 

,因为它们非常类似于使用的std :: iterator_traits的那些我省略了IteratorBuffer类。



'&* test2.begin()'看起来很丑! – iammilind 2012-03-21 04:55:56


它的丑陋,但它的作品... – dsharlet 2012-03-21 05:01:20


这恐怕不是真的可能。唯一的可能性是专门针对特定的迭代器,例如'vector :: iterator'。请注意'vector :: reverse_iterator'不安全。 – 2012-03-21 06:33:22






感谢您的回答。看到我的编辑,我试图实现你描述的内容,但是我很难理解如何为特定的迭代器类定义特化。 – dsharlet 2012-03-21 16:20:58


我试过了,我失败了。相信没有合理的标准兼容解决方案。但我会尝试更多,如果我会找到任何我会在这里发布。 – 2012-03-22 12:49:32