2013-10-14 130 views


事情是这样的:Draw rotated text on curved path



你有没有解决过这个问题?我自己需要它。谢谢。 –


@ tommy.carstensen - 我无法解决这个问题:( – deepak


@tommy。carstensen - 看起来像有人发现答案:) (我不需要它了,虽然) – deepak



这是我对这个问题: 为了使文字强劲绘图后的图的调整,我得到一个子类,CurvedText,从matplotlib.textCurvedText对象以x - 和y-值数组的形式获取字符串和曲线。要显示的文本本身被分割成单独的字符,每个字符都被添加到适当位置的图中。由于matplotlib.text如果字符串是空的,我什么也没画,我用不可见的'a's替换所有的空格。在调整figure时,过载的draw()称为update_positions()函数,该函数注意字符位置和方向保持正确。为了保证通话顺序(每个字符的draw()函数也会被调用),CurvedText对象也需要注意每个字符的zorder高于它自己的zorder。按照我的示例here,文本可以有任何对齐。如果文本无法在当前分辨率下适合曲线,则其余部分将隐藏,但会在调整大小时显示。以下是带有应用程序示例的代码。

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt 
from matplotlib import patches 
from matplotlib import text as mtext 
import numpy as np 
import math 

class CurvedText(mtext.Text): 
    A text object that follows an arbitrary curve. 
    def __init__(self, x, y, text, axes, **kwargs): 
     super(CurvedText, self).__init__(x[0],y[0],' ', axes, **kwargs) 


     ##saving the curve: 
     self.__x = x 
     self.__y = y 
     self.__zorder = self.get_zorder() 

     ##creating the text objects 
     self.__Characters = [] 
     for c in text: 
      if c == ' ': 
       ##make this an invisible 'a': 
       t = mtext.Text(0,0,'a') 
       t = mtext.Text(0,0,c, **kwargs) 

      #resetting unnecessary arguments 
      t.set_zorder(self.__zorder +1) 


    ##overloading some member functions, to assure correct functionality 
    ##on update 
    def set_zorder(self, zorder): 
     super(CurvedText, self).set_zorder(zorder) 
     self.__zorder = self.get_zorder() 
     for c,t in self.__Characters: 

    def draw(self, renderer, *args, **kwargs): 
     Overload of the Text.draw() function. Do not do 
     do any drawing, but update the positions and rotation 
     angles of self.__Characters. 

    def update_positions(self,renderer): 
     Update positions and rotations of the individual text elements. 


     ##determining the aspect ratio: 
     ##from https://stackoverflow.com/a/42014041/2454357 

     ##data limits 
     xlim = self.axes.get_xlim() 
     ylim = self.axes.get_ylim() 
     ## Axis size on figure 
     figW, figH = self.axes.get_figure().get_size_inches() 
     ## Ratio of display units 
     _, _, w, h = self.axes.get_position().bounds 
     ##final aspect ratio 
     aspect = ((figW * w)/(figH * h))*(ylim[1]-ylim[0])/(xlim[1]-xlim[0]) 

     #points of the curve in figure coordinates: 
     x_fig,y_fig = (
      np.array(l) for l in zip(*self.axes.transData.transform([ 
      (i,j) for i,j in zip(self.__x,self.__y) 

     #point distances in figure coordinates 
     x_fig_dist = (x_fig[1:]-x_fig[:-1]) 
     y_fig_dist = (y_fig[1:]-y_fig[:-1]) 
     r_fig_dist = np.sqrt(x_fig_dist**2+y_fig_dist**2) 

     #arc length in figure coordinates 
     l_fig = np.insert(np.cumsum(r_fig_dist),0,0) 

     #angles in figure coordinates 
     rads = np.arctan2((y_fig[1:] - y_fig[:-1]),(x_fig[1:] - x_fig[:-1])) 
     degs = np.rad2deg(rads) 

     rel_pos = 10 
     for c,t in self.__Characters: 
      #finding the width of c: 
      bbox1 = t.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer) 
      w = bbox1.width 
      h = bbox1.height 

      #ignore all letters that don't fit: 
      if rel_pos+w/2 > l_fig[-1]: 
       rel_pos += w 

      elif c != ' ': 

      #finding the two data points between which the horizontal 
      #center point of the character will be situated 
      #left and right indices: 
      il = np.where(rel_pos+w/2 >= l_fig)[0][-1] 
      ir = np.where(rel_pos+w/2 <= l_fig)[0][0] 

      #if we exactly hit a data point: 
      if ir == il: 
       ir += 1 

      #how much of the letter width was needed to find il: 
      used = l_fig[il]-rel_pos 
      rel_pos = l_fig[il] 

      #relative distance between il and ir where the center 
      #of the character will be 
      fraction = (w/2-used)/r_fig_dist[il] 

      ##setting the character position in data coordinates: 
      ##interpolate between the two points: 
      x = self.__x[il]+fraction*(self.__x[ir]-self.__x[il]) 
      y = self.__y[il]+fraction*(self.__y[ir]-self.__y[il]) 

      #getting the offset when setting correct vertical alignment 
      #in data coordinates 
      bbox2 = t.get_window_extent(renderer=renderer) 

      bbox1d = self.axes.transData.inverted().transform(bbox1) 
      bbox2d = self.axes.transData.inverted().transform(bbox2) 
      dr = np.array(bbox2d[0]-bbox1d[0]) 

      #the rotation/stretch matrix 
      rad = rads[il] 
      rot_mat = np.array([ 
       [math.cos(rad), math.sin(rad)*aspect], 
       [-math.sin(rad)/aspect, math.cos(rad)] 

      ##computing the offset vector of the rotated character 
      drp = np.dot(dr,rot_mat) 

      #setting final position and rotation: 


      #updating rel_pos to right edge of character 
      rel_pos += w-used 

if __name__ == '__main__': 
    Figure, Axes = plt.subplots(2,2, figsize=(7,7), dpi=100) 

    N = 100 

    curves = [ 

    texts = [ 
     'straight lines work the same as rotated text', 
     'wavy curves work well on the convex side', 
     'you even can annotate parametric curves', 
     'changing the plotting direction also changes text orientation', 

    for ax, curve, text in zip(Axes.reshape(-1), curves, texts): 
     #plotting the curve 
     ax.plot(*curve, color='b') 

     #adjusting plot limits 
     stretch = 0.2 
     xlim = ax.get_xlim() 
     w = xlim[1] - xlim[0] 
     ax.set_xlim([xlim[0]-stretch*w, xlim[1]+stretch*w]) 
     ylim = ax.get_ylim() 
     h = ylim[1] - ylim[0] 
     ax.set_ylim([ylim[0]-stretch*h, ylim[1]+stretch*h]) 

     #adding the text 
     text = CurvedText(
      x = curve[0], 
      y = curve[1], 
      text=text,#'this this is a very, very long text', 
      va = 'bottom', 
      axes = ax, ##calls ax.add_artist in __init__ 



curved text in matplotlib


测试python 3.5和2.7


嘿,虽然我不需要答案了,我真的很感激你的答案!这正是我想要的 - 4年前! 希望别人认为它有用:) – deepak


@ThomasKühn:很好地使用派生类,非常简洁的答案,+1!我建议一些编辑与python 2.7完全兼容。它们应该在编辑队列中可见。 – Daan


@达安感谢您的编辑。 –



from __future__ import division 
import itertools 
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
import numpy as np 
%matplotlib inline 

# define figure and axes properties 
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8,6)) 
ax.set_xlim(left=0, right=10) 
ax.set_ylim(bottom=-1.5, top=1.5) 
(xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax) = ax.get_xlim(), ax.get_ylim() 

# calculate a shape factor, more explanation on usage further 
# it is a representation of the distortion of the actual image compared to a 
# cartesian space: 
fshape = abs(fig.get_figwidth()*(xmax - xmin)/(ymax - ymin)/fig.get_figheight()) 

# the text you want to plot along your line 
thetext = 'the text is flowing  ' 

# generate a cycler, so that the string is cycled through 
lettercycler = itertools.cycle(tuple(thetext)) 

# generate dummy river coordinates 
xvals = np.linspace(1, 10, 300) 
yvals = np.sin(xvals)**3 

# every XX datapoints, a character is printed 
markerevery = 10 

# calculate the rotation angle for the labels (in degrees) 
# the angle is calculated as the slope between two datapoints. 
# it is then multiplied by a shape factor to get from the angles in a 
# cartesian space to the angles in this figure 
# first calculate the slope between two consecutive points, multiply with the 
# shape factor, get the angle in radians with the arctangens functions, and 
# convert to degrees 
angles = np.rad2deg(np.arctan((yvals[1:]-yvals[:-1])/(xvals[1:]-xvals[:-1])*fshape)) 

# plot the 'river' 
ax.plot(xvals, yvals, 'b', linewidth=3) 

# loop over the data points, but only plot a character every XX steps 
for counter in np.arange(0, len(xvals)-1, step=markerevery): 
    # plot the character in between two datapoints 
    xcoord = (xvals[counter] + xvals[counter+1])/2. 
    ycoord = (yvals[counter] + yvals[counter+1])/2. 

    # plot using the text method, set the rotation so it follows the line, 
    # aling in the center for a nicer look, optionally, a box can be drawn 
    # around the letter 
    ax.text(xcoord, ycoord, lettercycler.next(), 
      fontsize=25, rotation=angles[counter], 
      horizontalalignment='center', verticalalignment='center', 
      bbox=dict(facecolor='white', edgecolor='white', alpha=0.5)) 

example output



matplotlib on github: pull request

matplotlib on github: issue