2012-12-17 107 views







typedef unsigned int uint32; 

void Line(uint32 y, uint32 x_left, uint32 x_right); //Draws a horizontal line 

struct vector2 
    float x,y; 

//  Draws a flat bottom triangle from top to bottom 
void Draw_Bottom_Tri_SOLID(Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2) 
    //Point order: 
    //Bottom left: p0 
    //Bottom right: p1 
    //Top point:  p2 

    //calculate dy 
    float dy = p2.y - p0.y; 

    //dx/dy for the left and right edges 
    float dxdy_left = (p0.x - p2.x)/dy; 
    float dxdy_right = (p1.x - p2.x)/dy; 

    //Since we start the raster process at floor(p2.y) 
    //we need to shift the initial x start and x end 
    //postions along by this factor: 
    float y_bump = p2.y - floor(p2.y); 

    //Initial start and end x values 
    float xs = p2.x + dxdy_left*y_bump; //x left (start) 
    float xe = p2.x + dxdy_right*y_bump; //x right (end) 

    uint32 yb = uint32(p0.y) + 1;   //y bottom, +1 for top left fill convention 
    uint32 yt = uint32(p2.y);    //y top, use casting instead of std::floor 

    //Draw lines 
    for (uint32 i = yt; i >= yb; i--) 
     //Set left and right limits, use casting instead of std::floor 
     uint32 left = uint32(xs) + 1;  //+1 for top left fill convention 
     uint32 right = uint32(xe); 

     //Draw line, can also be std::fill or simply a for loop. 
     Line(i, left, right); 

     //Increment limits 
     xs += dxdy_left; 
     xe += dxdy_right; 

} //End: Draw_Bottom_Tri_SOLID() 

//  Draws a flat top triangle from bottom to top 
void Draw_Top_Tri_SOLID(Vector2 p0, Vector2 p1, Vector2 p2) 
    //Point order: 
    //Top left:  p0 
    //Top right:  p1 
    //Bottom point: p2 

    //calculate dy (height) 
    float dy = p0.y - p2.y; 

    //dx/dy for the left and right edges 
    float dxdy_left = (p0.x - p2.x)/dy; 
    float dxdy_right = (p1.x - p2.x)/dy; 

    //Find shifting factor 
    float y_bump = ceil(p2.y) - p2.y; 

    //Initial start and end x values 
    float xs = p2.x + dxdy_left*y_bump; //x left (start) 
    float xe = p2.x + dxdy_right*y_bump; //x right (end) 

    uint32 yb = uint32(p2.y) + 1;   //y bottom, +1 for top left fill convention 
    uint32 yt = uint32(p0.y) ;    //y top 

    //Draw lines 
    for (uint32 i = yb; i <= yt; i++) 
     //Set left and right limits 
     uint32 left = uint32(xs) + 1;  //+1 for top left fill convention 
     uint32 right = uint32(xe); 

     //Draw line, can be std::fill or simply a for loop. 
     Line(i, left, right); 

     //Increment limits 
     xs += dxdy_left; 
     xe += dxdy_right; 

} //End: Draw_Top_Tri_SOLID() 




  • 改为使用固定点。这也可能会更快。
  • 如果透支不是问题,您可以简单地为您的浮动值添加足够大的epsilon。