2017-09-13 49 views

开始于:我正在开发OpenCV C++的图像处理。有没有办法在OpenCV中绘制图表?


#include opencv2/plot.hpp是不是在原来的OpenCV库(最新版本)。它必须在一些额外的图书馆中实施,但没有实现我想。


#include <opencv2/plot.hpp> 

int PlotGraph(Mat & data) { 

Mat plot_result; 

Ptr<plot::Plot2d> plot = plot::createPlot2d(data); 

//Set Background color 
plot->setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar(50, 50, 50)); 

//Set plot line color 
plot->setPlotLineColor(Scalar(50, 50, 255)); 

imshow("plot", plot_result); 

plot->setPlotLineColor(Scalar(50, 255, 255)); 
data = data/3; 

imshow("plot", plot_result); 

plot->setPlotGridColor(Scalar(255, 0, 255)); 
data = data * 4; 

imshow("plot", plot_result); 

plot->setPlotTextColor(Scalar(255, 0, 0)); 
randu(data, 100, 400); 

imshow("plot", plot_result); 

return 0; 



如果有人给我一个解决方案或者提出一种在OpenCV C++中绘制图表的方法,我将不胜感激。


绘图模块位于_contrib modules_中。您需要重建OpenCV以使用它 – Miki


此图库位于[opencv contrib库](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib)中,除此之外,没有直接的方法可以这样做,您可以手动做到这一点,如果你看到[直方图计算]的例子(http://docs.opencv.org/2.4/doc/tutorials/imgproc/histograms/histogram_calculation/histogram_calculation.html),你会在那里看到线条图...不过,我建议为此目的使用任何其他库,因为OpenCV的替代方案通常看起来很糟糕 – api55


好吧,伙计们,谢谢。看起来有一个额外的设置过程来添加贡献模块。我会尝试做到这一点,并考虑到有更好的图书馆来绘制图表。 – DivyaMaheswaran






#pragma once 
#include <opencv2/core.hpp> 
#include <opencv2/imgproc.hpp> 
#include <opencv2/highgui.hpp> 

namespace cv 
namespace plot 
    //! @addtogroup plot 
    //! @{ 

    class CV_EXPORTS_W Plot2d : public Algorithm 

     CV_WRAP virtual void setMinX(double _plotMinX) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setMinY(double _plotMinY) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setMaxX(double _plotMaxX) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setMaxY(double _plotMaxY) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotLineWidth(int _plotLineWidth) = 0; 
     * @brief Switches data visualization mode 
     * @param _needPlotLine if true then neighbour plot points will be connected by lines. 
     * In other case data will be plotted as a set of standalone points. 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setNeedPlotLine(bool _needPlotLine) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotLineColor(Scalar _plotLineColor) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar _plotBackgroundColor) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotAxisColor(Scalar _plotAxisColor) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotGridColor(Scalar _plotGridColor) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotTextColor(Scalar _plotTextColor) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPlotSize(int _plotSizeWidth, int _plotSizeHeight) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setShowGrid(bool needShowGrid) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setShowText(bool needShowText) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setGridLinesNumber(int gridLinesNumber) = 0; 
     * @brief Sets the index of a point which coordinates will be printed on the top left corner of the plot (if ShowText flag is true). 
     * @param pointIdx index of the required point in data array. 
     CV_WRAP virtual void setPointIdxToPrint(int pointIdx) = 0; 
     CV_WRAP virtual void render(OutputArray _plotResult) = 0; 

     * @brief Creates Plot2d object 
     * @param data \f$1xN\f$ or \f$Nx1\f$ matrix containing \f$Y\f$ values of points to plot. \f$X\f$ values 
     * will be equal to indexes of correspondind elements in data matrix. 
     CV_WRAP static Ptr<Plot2d> create(InputArray data); 

     * @brief Creates Plot2d object 
     * @param dataX \f$1xN\f$ or \f$Nx1\f$ matrix \f$X\f$ values of points to plot. 
     * @param dataY \f$1xN\f$ or \f$Nx1\f$ matrix containing \f$Y\f$ values of points to plot. 
     CV_WRAP static Ptr<Plot2d> create(InputArray dataX, InputArray dataY); 
    //! @} 

namespace cv 
namespace plot 
    using namespace std; 

    class Plot2dImpl : public Plot2d 

     Plot2dImpl(InputArray plotData) 
      Mat _plotData = plotData.getMat(); 
      //if the matrix is not Nx1 or 1xN 
      if (_plotData.cols > 1 && _plotData.rows > 1) 
       CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "ERROR: Plot data must be a 1xN or Nx1 matrix.\n"); 

      CV_Assert(_plotData.type() == CV_64F); 

      //in case we have a row matrix than needs to be transposed 
      if (_plotData.cols > _plotData.rows) 
       _plotData = _plotData.t(); 

      plotDataY = _plotData; 
      plotDataX = plotDataY * 0; 
      for (int i = 0; i<plotDataY.rows; i++) 
       plotDataX.at<double>(i, 0) = i; 

      //calling the main constructor 
      plotHelper(plotDataX, plotDataY); 


     Plot2dImpl(InputArray plotDataX_, InputArray plotDataY_) 
      Mat _plotDataX = plotDataX_.getMat(); 
      Mat _plotDataY = plotDataY_.getMat(); 
      //f the matrix is not Nx1 or 1xN 
      if ((_plotDataX.cols > 1 && _plotDataX.rows > 1) || (_plotDataY.cols > 1 && _plotDataY.rows > 1)) 
       CV_Error(Error::StsBadArg, "ERROR: Plot data must be a 1xN or Nx1 matrix.\n"); 

      CV_Assert(_plotDataX.type() == CV_64F && _plotDataY.type() == CV_64F); 

      //in case we have a row matrix than needs to be transposed 
      if (_plotDataX.cols > _plotDataX.rows) 
       _plotDataX = _plotDataX.t(); 
      if (_plotDataY.cols > _plotDataY.rows) 
       _plotDataY = _plotDataY.t(); 

      plotHelper(_plotDataX, _plotDataY); 

     //set functions 
     void setMinX(double _plotMinX) 
      plotMinX = _plotMinX; 
      plotMinX_plusZero = _plotMinX; 
     void setMaxX(double _plotMaxX) 
      plotMaxX = _plotMaxX; 
      plotMaxX_plusZero = _plotMaxX; 
     void setMinY(double _plotMinY) 
      plotMinY = _plotMinY; 
      plotMinY_plusZero = _plotMinY; 
     void setMaxY(double _plotMaxY) 
      plotMaxY = _plotMaxY; 
      plotMaxY_plusZero = _plotMaxY; 
     void setPlotLineWidth(int _plotLineWidth) 
      plotLineWidth = _plotLineWidth; 
     void setNeedPlotLine(bool _needPlotLine) 
      needPlotLine = _needPlotLine; 
     void setPlotLineColor(Scalar _plotLineColor) 
      plotLineColor = _plotLineColor; 
     void setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar _plotBackgroundColor) 
      plotBackgroundColor = _plotBackgroundColor; 
     void setPlotAxisColor(Scalar _plotAxisColor) 
      plotAxisColor = _plotAxisColor; 
     void setPlotGridColor(Scalar _plotGridColor) 
      plotGridColor = _plotGridColor; 
     void setPlotTextColor(Scalar _plotTextColor) 
      plotTextColor = _plotTextColor; 
     void setPlotSize(int _plotSizeWidth, int _plotSizeHeight) 
      if (_plotSizeWidth > 400) 
       plotSizeWidth = _plotSizeWidth; 
       plotSizeWidth = 400; 

      if (_plotSizeHeight > 300) 
       plotSizeHeight = _plotSizeHeight; 
       plotSizeHeight = 300; 
     void setShowGrid(bool _needShowGrid) 
      needShowGrid = _needShowGrid; 
     void setShowText(bool _needShowText) 
      needShowText = _needShowText; 
     void setGridLinesNumber(int _gridLinesNumber) 
      if (_gridLinesNumber <= 0) 
       _gridLinesNumber = 1; 
      gridLinesNumber = _gridLinesNumber; 
     void setPointIdxToPrint(int _cursorPos) 
      if (_cursorPos >= plotDataX.rows || _cursorPos < 0) 
       _cursorPos = plotDataX.rows - 1; 
      cursorPos = _cursorPos; 
     //render the plotResult to a Mat 
     void render(OutputArray _plotResult) 
      //create the plot result 
      _plotResult.create(plotSizeHeight, plotSizeWidth, CV_8UC3); 
      plotResult = _plotResult.getMat(); 

      int NumVecElements = plotDataX.rows; 

      Mat InterpXdata = linearInterpolation(plotMinX, plotMaxX, 0, plotSizeWidth, plotDataX); 
      Mat InterpYdata = linearInterpolation(plotMinY, plotMaxY, 0, plotSizeHeight, plotDataY); 

      //Find the zeros in image coordinates 
      Mat InterpXdataFindZero = linearInterpolation(plotMinX_plusZero, plotMaxX_plusZero, 0, plotSizeWidth, plotDataX_plusZero); 
      Mat InterpYdataFindZero = linearInterpolation(plotMinY_plusZero, plotMaxY_plusZero, 0, plotSizeHeight, plotDataY_plusZero); 

      int ImageXzero = (int)InterpXdataFindZero.at<double>(NumVecElements, 0); 
      int ImageYzero = (int)InterpYdataFindZero.at<double>(NumVecElements, 0); 

      double CurrentX = plotDataX.at<double>(cursorPos, 0); 
      double CurrentY = plotDataY.at<double>(cursorPos, 0); 

      drawAxis(ImageXzero, ImageYzero, CurrentX, CurrentY, plotAxisColor, plotGridColor); 

      if (needPlotLine) 
       //Draw the plot by connecting lines between the points 
       Point p1; 
       p1.x = (int)InterpXdata.at<double>(0, 0); 
       p1.y = (int)InterpYdata.at<double>(0, 0); 

       for (int r = 1; r<InterpXdata.rows; r++) 
        Point p2; 
        p2.x = (int)InterpXdata.at<double>(r, 0); 
        p2.y = (int)InterpYdata.at<double>(r, 0); 

        line(plotResult, p1, p2, plotLineColor, plotLineWidth, 8, 0); 

        p1 = p2; 
       for (int r = 0; r<InterpXdata.rows; r++) 
        Point p; 
        p.x = (int)InterpXdata.at<double>(r, 0); 
        p.y = (int)InterpYdata.at<double>(r, 0); 

        circle(plotResult, p, 1, plotLineColor, plotLineWidth, 8, 0); 


     Mat plotDataX; 
     Mat plotDataY; 
     Mat plotDataX_plusZero; 
     Mat plotDataY_plusZero; 
     const char * plotName; 

     //dimensions and limits of the plot 
     int plotSizeWidth; 
     int plotSizeHeight; 
     double plotMinX; 
     double plotMaxX; 
     double plotMinY; 
     double plotMaxY; 
     double plotMinX_plusZero; 
     double plotMaxX_plusZero; 
     double plotMinY_plusZero; 
     double plotMaxY_plusZero; 
     int plotLineWidth; 
     bool needShowGrid; 
     bool needShowText; 
     int gridLinesNumber; 
     int cursorPos; 

     //colors of each plot element 
     Scalar plotLineColor; 
     Scalar plotBackgroundColor; 
     Scalar plotAxisColor; 
     Scalar plotGridColor; 
     Scalar plotTextColor; 

     //the final plot result 
     Mat plotResult; 

     //flag which enables/disables connection of plotted points by lines 
     bool needPlotLine; 

     void plotHelper(Mat _plotDataX, Mat _plotDataY) 
      plotDataX = _plotDataX; 
      plotDataY = _plotDataY; 

      int NumVecElements = plotDataX.rows; 

      plotDataX_plusZero = Mat::zeros(NumVecElements + 1, 1, CV_64F); 
      plotDataY_plusZero = Mat::zeros(NumVecElements + 1, 1, CV_64F); 

      for (int i = 0; i<NumVecElements; i++) 
       plotDataX_plusZero.at<double>(i, 0) = plotDataX.at<double>(i, 0); 
       plotDataY_plusZero.at<double>(i, 0) = plotDataY.at<double>(i, 0); 

      double MinX; 
      double MaxX; 
      double MinY; 
      double MaxY; 
      double MinX_plusZero; 
      double MaxX_plusZero; 
      double MinY_plusZero; 
      double MaxY_plusZero; 

      needPlotLine = true; 

      //Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Xdata 
      minMaxLoc(plotDataX, &MinX, &MaxX); 

      //Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Ydata 
      minMaxLoc(plotDataY, &MinY, &MaxY); 

      //Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Xdata plus zero 
      minMaxLoc(plotDataX_plusZero, &MinX_plusZero, &MaxX_plusZero); 

      //Obtain the minimum and maximum values of Ydata plus zero 
      minMaxLoc(plotDataY_plusZero, &MinY_plusZero, &MaxY_plusZero); 

      //setting the min and max values for each axis 
      plotMinX = MinX; 
      plotMaxX = MaxX; 
      plotMinY = MinY; 
      plotMaxY = MaxY; 
      plotMinX_plusZero = MinX_plusZero; 
      plotMaxX_plusZero = MaxX_plusZero; 
      plotMinY_plusZero = MinY_plusZero; 
      plotMaxY_plusZero = MaxY_plusZero; 

      //setting the default size of a plot figure 
      setPlotSize(600, 400); 

      //setting the default plot line size 

      //setting default colors for the different elements of the plot 
      setPlotAxisColor(Scalar(0, 0, 255)); 
      setPlotGridColor(Scalar(255, 255, 255)); 
      setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar(0, 0, 0)); 
      setPlotLineColor(Scalar(0, 255, 255)); 
      setPlotTextColor(Scalar(255, 255, 255)); 

     void drawAxis(int ImageXzero, int ImageYzero, double CurrentX, double CurrentY, Scalar axisColor, Scalar gridColor) 
      if (needShowText) 
       drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, 10, 20); 
       drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, -20, 20); 
       drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, 10, -10); 
       drawValuesAsText(0, ImageXzero, ImageYzero, -20, -10); 
       drawValuesAsText((format("X_%d = ", cursorPos) + "%g").c_str(), CurrentX, 0, 0, 40, 20); 
       drawValuesAsText((format("Y_%d = ", cursorPos) + "%g").c_str(), CurrentY, 0, 20, 40, 20); 

      //Horizontal X axis and equispaced horizontal lines 
      int LineSpace = cvRound(plotSizeHeight/(float)gridLinesNumber); 
      int TraceSize = 5; 
      drawLine(0, plotSizeWidth, ImageYzero, ImageYzero, axisColor); 

      if (needShowGrid) 
       for (int i = -plotSizeHeight; i<plotSizeHeight; i = i + LineSpace) 

        if (i != 0) 
         int Trace = 0; 
         while (Trace<plotSizeWidth) 
          drawLine(Trace, Trace + TraceSize, ImageYzero + i, ImageYzero + i, gridColor); 
          Trace = Trace + 2 * TraceSize; 

      //Vertical Y axis 
      drawLine(ImageXzero, ImageXzero, 0, plotSizeHeight, axisColor); 
      LineSpace = cvRound(LineSpace * (float)plotSizeWidth/plotSizeHeight); 

      if (needShowGrid) 
       for (int i = -plotSizeWidth; i<plotSizeWidth; i = i + LineSpace) 

        if (i != 0) 
         int Trace = 0; 
         while (Trace<plotSizeHeight) 
          drawLine(ImageXzero + i, ImageXzero + i, Trace, Trace + TraceSize, gridColor); 
          Trace = Trace + 2 * TraceSize; 

     Mat linearInterpolation(double Xa, double Xb, double Ya, double Yb, Mat Xdata) 

      Mat Ydata = Xdata * 0; 

      for (int i = 0; i<Xdata.rows; i++) 

       double X = Xdata.at<double>(i, 0); 
       Ydata.at<double>(i, 0) = int(Ya + (Yb - Ya)*(X - Xa)/(Xb - Xa)); 

       if (Ydata.at<double>(i, 0)<0) 
        Ydata.at<double>(i, 0) = 0; 


      return Ydata; 

     void drawValuesAsText(double Value, int Xloc, int Yloc, int XMargin, int YMargin) 

      char AxisX_Min_Text[20]; 
      double TextSize = 1; 

      sprintf(AxisX_Min_Text, "%g", Value); 
      Point AxisX_Min_Loc; 
      AxisX_Min_Loc.x = Xloc + XMargin; 
      AxisX_Min_Loc.y = Yloc + YMargin; 

      putText(plotResult, AxisX_Min_Text, AxisX_Min_Loc, FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, TextSize, plotTextColor, 1, 8); 

     void drawValuesAsText(const char *Text, double Value, int Xloc, int Yloc, int XMargin, int YMargin) 

      char AxisX_Min_Text[20]; 
      int TextSize = 1; 

      sprintf(AxisX_Min_Text, Text, Value); 
      Point AxisX_Min_Loc; 
      AxisX_Min_Loc.x = Xloc + XMargin; 
      AxisX_Min_Loc.y = Yloc + YMargin; 

      putText(plotResult, AxisX_Min_Text, AxisX_Min_Loc, FONT_HERSHEY_COMPLEX_SMALL, TextSize, plotTextColor, 1, 8); 

     void drawLine(int Xstart, int Xend, int Ystart, int Yend, Scalar lineColor) 

      Point Axis_start; 
      Point Axis_end; 
      Axis_start.x = Xstart; 
      Axis_start.y = Ystart; 
      Axis_end.x = Xend; 
      Axis_end.y = Yend; 

      line(plotResult, Axis_start, Axis_end, lineColor, plotLineWidth, 8, 0); 


    Ptr<Plot2d> Plot2d::create(InputArray _plotData) 
     return Ptr<Plot2dImpl>(new Plot2dImpl(_plotData)); 


    Ptr<Plot2d> Plot2d::create(InputArray _plotDataX, InputArray _plotDataY) 
     return Ptr<Plot2dImpl>(new Plot2dImpl(_plotDataX, _plotDataY)); 




#include <iostream> 
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> 
#include "plot.h" 

int PlotGraph(Mat & data) { 

//converting the Mat to CV_64F 
data.convertTo(data, CV_64F); 
Mat plot_result; 

Ptr<plot::Plot2d> plot = plot::Plot2d::create(data); 
plot->setPlotBackgroundColor(Scalar(50, 50, 50)); 
plot->setPlotLineColor(Scalar(50, 50, 255)); 

imshow("Graph", plot_result); 

return 0; 



情节模块仍然需要一些改进。你可以在[相关问题页面](https://github.com/opencv/opencv_contrib/issues/1306)上分享你的评论。 – sturkmen



Ptr<plot::Plot2d> plot = plot::create2DPlot(data); 

Ptr<plot::Plot2d> plot = plot::Plot2d::create(data); 