2014-03-31 115 views


AAPL 200 15 

AAPL 300 20 


package stocks; 
import java.util.*; 

public class Stocks { 
    private String sym; 
    private List<Purchase> purchases; 

    public Stocks(final String symbol) { 
     this.sym = symbol; 
     purchases = new ArrayList<Purchase>(); 

    public void addPurchase(final int amt, final double cost){ 
     purchases.add(new Purchase(amt,cost)); 

    public String getSym(){ 
     return sym; 

    public void setSym(){ 
     this.sym = sym; 

    public double getAvg250() { 
     int i = 0; 
     int total = 0; 
     int shares = 0; 
     while (i < purchases.size()) { 
      Purchase p = purchases.get(i); 
      if (shares + p.getAmt() >= 250) { 
       total += (250 - shares) * p.getCost(); 
       shares = 250; 
      shares += p.getAmt(); 
     return total * 1.0/shares; 

class Purchase { 
    private int amt; 
    private int cost; 

    public Purchase(int amt, double cost){ 


    public int getAmt() { 
    return amt; 

public void setAmt(int amt) { 
    this.amt = amt; 

public int getCost() { 
    return cost; 

public void setCost(int cost) { 
    this.cost = cost; 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

     int choice = 0; 

     while (choice == 0){ 
     System.out.println("Enter 1 to input a new stock, or 2 to query a stock's price, 3 to quit: "); 
     Scanner sc1 = new Scanner (System.in); 
     choice = sc1.nextInt(); 

      ArrayList<Stocks> StocksList = new ArrayList<Stocks>(); 
      Scanner sc2 = new Scanner (System.in); 
      System.out.println("Please enter the stock symbol: "); 
      String sym = sc2.next(); 
      System.out.println("Please enter the number of shares: "); 
      int amt = sc2.nextInt(); 
      System.out.println("Please enter the price per share: "); 
      double cost = sc2.nextDouble(); 

      Map<String, Stocks> stocks = new HashMap<String, Stocks>(); 

      Stocks s = stocks.get(sym); 
      if (s == null) { 
       s = new Stocks(sym); 
       stocks.put(sym, s); 
      s.addPurchase(amt, cost); 


     choice = 0; 


您准备做什么?你的名单可以有不同种类的股票,或只有一种? – spinlok


它可以有不同的类型,稍后我将添加一个搜索功能,该功能将显示用户搜索的股票的平均成本 – user2921899


您是否需要维护股票行情的每个条目的原始成本,或者只是一个平均运行? –




public class Stock { 
    private String symbol; 
    private List<Purchase> purchases; 

    public Stock(final String symbol) { 
     this.symbol = symbol; 
     purchases = new ArrayList<Purchase>(); 

    public void addPurchase(final int amt, final int cost) { 
     purchases.add(new Purchase(amt, cost)); 

public class Purchase { 
    private int amt; 
    private int cost; 


public float getAvg250() { 
    int i = 0; 
    int total = 0; 
    int shares = 0; 
    while (i < purchases.size()) { 
     Purchase p = purchases.get(i); 
     if (shares + p.getAmt() >= 250) { 
      total += (250 - shares) * p.getCost(); 
      shares = 250; 
     shares += p.getAmt(); 
    return total * 1.0/shares; 


Map<String, Stock> stocks = new HashMap<String, Stock>(); 
// Get input from the user 
Stock s = stocks.get(sym); 
if (s == null) { 
    s = new Stock(sym); 
    stocks.put(sym, s); 
s.addPurchase(amt, cost); 

使用这种方法可以以相同的方式将对象输入到列表中吗? – user2921899


是的,我已经更新了答案,以包含想要的框架。 – spinlok


我从来没有用过hashmap,所以我试图去理解它。股票>来自hashmap声明在哪里? – user2921899