2013-03-28 72 views


int WilcoxinRST::work(GeneSet originalGeneSet, vector<string> randomGenes) { 
vector<string> geneIDs; 
vector<bool> isOriginal; 
vector<int> rank; 
vector<double> value; 
vector<int> score; 
int genesPerSet = originalGeneSet.geneCount(); 
unsigned int totalGenes, tempScore; 
* Fill the first half of the vectors with original gene set data 
totalGenes = genesPerSet * 2; 
for (int i = 0; i < genesPerSet; i++) { 
    value.push_back(fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(geneIDs[i], statType))); 
* Fill the second half with random data 
for (unsigned int i = genesPerSet; i < totalGenes; i++) { 
    geneIDs.push_back(randomGenes.at(i - genesPerSet)); 
    value.push_back(fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(geneIDs[i], statType))); 
totalGenes = geneIDs.size(); 
* calculate the scores 
if (statType == Fold_Change || statType == T_Statistic 
     || statType == Z_Statistic) { 
    //  Higher value is a winner 
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalGenes; i++) { 
     tempScore = 0; 
     if (!isOriginal[i]) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) { 
       if (value.at(i) > value.at(j)) { 

     } else { 
      for (unsigned int j = genesPerSet; j < totalGenes; j++) { 
       if (value.at(i) > value.at(j)) { 



} else if (statType == FDR_PValue || statType == PValue) { 
    // Lower value is a winner 
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalGenes; i++) { 
     tempScore = 0; 
     if (!isOriginal[i]) { 
      for (int j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) { 
       if (value.at(i) < value.at(j)) { 

     } else { 
      for (unsigned int j = genesPerSet; j < totalGenes; j++) { 
       if (value.at(i) < value.at(j)) { 



} else { 
    cout << endl << "ERROR. Statistic type not defined." << endl; 

* calculate Ua, Ub and U 
int U_Original = 0, U_Random = 0, U_Final; 
for (int j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) { 
    U_Original += score[j]; 
for (unsigned int j = genesPerSet; j < totalGenes; j++) { 
    U_Random += score[j]; 
U_Final = (U_Original < U_Random) ? U_Original : U_Random; 

* calculate z 
double Zn, Zd, Z; 
Zn = U_Final - ((genesPerSet * genesPerSet)/2); 
Zd = sqrt(
     (double) (((genesPerSet * genesPerSet 
       * (genesPerSet + genesPerSet + 1))))/12.0); 
Z = Zn/Zd; 

* Return 0/1/2 
* 2: p value < 0.01 
* 1: 0.01 < p value < 0.05 
* 0: p value > 0.05 
if (fabs(Z) > 2.303) 
    return 2; 
else if (fabs(Z) > 1.605) 
    return 1; 
    return 0; 

所以我假设你已经对它进行了基准测试,结果证明它是主要的瓶颈,对吧? – 2013-03-28 07:50:02


不详细看,但一个“显而易见”的观点突出 - 如果事先知道std :: vector的预期大小,先调用resize()或reserve()以避免重复的内存重新分配。 – 2013-03-28 07:50:38


不,我在ubuntu上使用eclipse,我不认为有一种方法可以在此IDE上剖析代码。 – Pranjal 2013-03-28 07:51:40



您的代码具有复杂度O(N * N)[genesPerSet = N]。但使用值的顺序与您无关的事实,我们可以在O(N•log(N))中对它进行排序并计算O(N)中的“分数”。 (有可能会快上千倍)。

而且,我们总共有N * N的比较。然后U_Original + U_Random = N * N,这意味着我们不需要计算U_Random。 也是你的统计Zn = Umin-N * N/2;当你只有abs(Zn/Zd)在N * N/2附近对称时。我们只需要一个算法。


int WilcoxinRST::work(const GeneSet &originalGeneSet, const vector<string> &randomGenes) 



4.-你保持信号的值(探头intensitat?)一起在一个向量,并使用其它矢量信号是什么每个项目 - 简单的保持两个向量。




下面是你的代码的清理,但仍O(N * N),速度快,但只能由一个常数因子。




int WilcoxinRST::work(const GeneSet &originalGeneSet , const vector<string>& randomGenes) 
    size_t genesPerSet = originalGeneSet.geneCount(); 
    std::vector<double> valueOri(genesPerSet), valueRnd(genesPerSet); 
    * Fill the valueOri vector with original gene set data, and valueRnd with random data 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet; i++) 
     valueOri[i] = std::fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(originalGeneSet.getMemberGeneAt(i) , statType)); 
     valueRnd[i] = std::fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(randomGenes.at(i)     , statType)); 

    * calculate the scores Ua, Ub and U 
    long U_Original ; 

    if (statType == Fold_Change || statType == T_Statistic || statType == Z_Statistic 
     statType == FDR_PValue || statType == PValue) 
     //  Higher value is a winner 
     size_t j=0; 
     for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet /*totalGenes*/; i++)  // i - 2x 
      while(valueOri[i] > valueRnd[j]) ++j ; 
      U_Original += j; 
    } else { cout << endl << "ERROR. Statistic type not defined." << endl; } 

    * calculate z 
    double Zn, Zd, Z; 
    Zn = U_Original - ((genesPerSet * genesPerSet)/2); 
    Zd = std::sqrt((double) (((genesPerSet * genesPerSet* (genesPerSet + genesPerSet + 1))))/12.0); 
    Z = Zn/Zd; 

    * Return 0/1/2 
    * 2: p value < 0.01 
    * 1: 0.01 < p value < 0.05 
    * 0: p value > 0.05 
     if (std::fabs(Z) > 2.303) return 2; 
    else if (std::fabs(Z) > 1.605) return 1; 
    else       return 0; 

接下来是清理你的代码,但仍然是O(N * N),但速度很快,但只有一个常数因子。

using namespace std; 
class GeneSet ; 
class WilcoxinRST; 

int WilcoxinRST::work(const GeneSet &originalGeneSet , const vector<string>& randomGenes) 
    size_t genesPerSet = originalGeneSet.geneCount(); 
    vector<double> valueOri(genesPerSet), valueRnd(genesPerSet); 
    * Fill the valueOri vector with original gene set data, and valueRnd with random data 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet; i++) 
     valueOri[i] = fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(originalGeneSet.getMemberGeneAt(i) , statType)); 
     valueRnd[i] = fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(randomGenes.at(i)     , statType)); 
    * calculate the scores Ua, Ub and U 
    long U_Original = 0, U_Random = 0, U_Final; 

    if (statType == Fold_Change || statType == T_Statistic || statType == Z_Statistic) 
     //  Higher value is a winner 
     for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet /*totalGenes*/; i++)  // i - 2x 
     { for (size_t j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) 
      { U_Random += (valueRnd[i] > valueOri[j]);// i en 2 set=Rnd, j in 1 set=Ori. count how many Ori are less than this Rnd 
       U_Original+= (valueOri[i] > valueRnd[j]);// i in 1 set=Ori, j in 2 set=Rnd, count how many Rnd are less than this Ori 
    } else 
    if (statType == FDR_PValue || statType == PValue) 
     // Lower value is a winner 
     for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet; i++) 
      for (size_t j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) 
      { U_Random += (valueRnd[i] < valueOri[j]);// i en 2 set=Rnd, j in 1 set=Ori. count how many Ori are > than this Rnd 
       U_Original+= (valueOri[i] < valueRnd[j]);// i in 1 set=Ori, j in 2 set=Rnd, count how many Rnd are > than this Ori 
    } else { cout << endl << "ERROR. Statistic type not defined." << endl; } 

    U_Final = (U_Original < U_Random) ? U_Original : U_Random; 

    * calculate z 
    double Zn, Zd, Z; 
    Zn = U_Final - ((genesPerSet * genesPerSet)/2); 
    Zd = sqrt(
      (double) (((genesPerSet * genesPerSet 
        * (genesPerSet + genesPerSet + 1))))/12.0); 
    Z = Zn/Zd; 

    * Return 0/1/2 
    * 2: p value < 0.01 
    * 1: 0.01 < p value < 0.05 
    * 0: p value > 0.05 
     if (fabs(Z) > 2.303)  return 2; 
    else if (fabs(Z) > 1.605)  return 1; 
    else       return 0; 


int WilcoxinRST::work(const GeneSet &originalGeneSet , const vector<string>& randomGenes) 
    size_t genesPerSet = originalGeneSet.geneCount(); 
    unsigned int totalGenes, tempScore; 
    totalGenes = genesPerSet * 2; 

    //vector<string> geneIDs; 
    //vector<bool> isOriginal; 
    //vector<int> rank; 
    vector<double> valueOri(genesPerSet), valueRnd(genesPerSet); 
    //vector<int> score; 
    * Fill the first half of the vectors with original gene set data 

    for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet; i++) 
     //geneIDs.push_back(originalGeneSet.getMemberGeneAt(i) ); 

     valueOri[i] = fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(originalGeneSet.getMemberGeneAt(i) , statType)); 
     valueRnd[i] = fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(randomGenes.at(i)     , statType)); 
    * Fill the second half with random data 
    //for (unsigned int i = genesPerSet; i < totalGenes; i++) { 
    // geneIDs.push_back(randomGenes.at(i - genesPerSet)); 
    // isOriginal.push_back(false); 
    // value.push_back(fabs(expressionLevels.getValue(geneIDs[i], statType))); 
    //totalGenes = geneIDs.size(); 
    * calculate the scores 
    * calculate Ua, Ub and U 
    long U_Original = 0, U_Random = 0, U_Final; 
    //for (int j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) // j in 1 set=Ori. count how many Ori are less than this Rnd 
    // U_Original += score[j]; 
    //for (unsigned int j = genesPerSet; j < totalGenes; j++) // j in 2 set=Rnd, count how many Rnd are less than this Ori 
    // U_Random += score[j]; 

    if (statType == Fold_Change || statType == T_Statistic || statType == Z_Statistic) 
     //  Higher value is a winner 
     for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet /*totalGenes*/; i++)  // i - 2x 
     { //tempScore = 0; 
      //if (!isOriginal[i]) // i en 2 set=Rnd, j in 1 set=Ori. count how many Ori are less than this Rnd 
      for (size_t j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) 
      { U_Random += (valueRnd[i] > valueOri[j]);// i en 2 set=Rnd, j in 1 set=Ori. count how many Ori are less than this Rnd 
       U_Original+= (valueOri[i] > valueRnd[j]);// i in 1 set=Ori, j in 2 set=Rnd, count how many Rnd are less than this Ori 
      //} else 
      // for (unsigned int j = genesPerSet; j < totalGenes; j++) // i in 1 set=Ori, j in 2 set=Rnd, count how many Rnd are less than this Ori 
      // { if (value.at(i) > value.at(j)) { tempScore++;  } 
      // } 


    } else 
    if (statType == FDR_PValue || statType == PValue) 
     // Lower value is a winner 
     for (size_t i = 0; i < genesPerSet; i++) 
      for (size_t j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) 
      { U_Random += (valueRnd[i] < valueOri[j]);// i en 2 set=Rnd, j in 1 set=Ori. count how many Ori are > than this Rnd 
       U_Original+= (valueOri[i] < valueRnd[j]);// i in 1 set=Ori, j in 2 set=Rnd, count how many Rnd are > than this Ori 
      //} else 
      // for (unsigned int j = genesPerSet; j < totalGenes; j++) // i in 1 set=Ori, j in 2 set=Rnd, count how many Rnd are less than this Ori 
      // { if (value.at(i) > value.at(j)) { tempScore++;  } 
      // } 


     //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalGenes; i++) 
     //{ tempScore = 0; 
     // if (!isOriginal[i]) 
     // { for (int j = 0; j < genesPerSet; j++) { 
     //   if (value.at(i) < value.at(j)) { // Rnd i < Ori j increm U_Random 
     //    tempScore++; 
     //   } 
     //  } 

     // } else { 
     //  for (unsigned int j = genesPerSet; j < totalGenes; j++) { // Ori i < Rnd j. Increm U_Original 
     //   if (value.at(i) < value.at(j)) { 
     //    tempScore++; 
     //   } 
     //  } 

     // } 

     // score.push_back(tempScore); 

    } else { cout << endl << "ERROR. Statistic type not defined." << endl; } 

    U_Final = (U_Original < U_Random) ? U_Original : U_Random; 

    * calculate z 
    double Zn, Zd, Z; 
    Zn = U_Final - ((genesPerSet * genesPerSet)/2); 
    Zd = sqrt(
      (double) (((genesPerSet * genesPerSet 
        * (genesPerSet + genesPerSet + 1))))/12.0); 
    Z = Zn/Zd; 

    * Return 0/1/2 
    * 2: p value < 0.01 
    * 1: 0.01 < p value < 0.05 
    * 0: p value > 0.05 
    if (fabs(Z) > 2.303) 
     return 2; 
    else if (fabs(Z) > 1.605) 
     return 1; 
     return 0; 

感谢您的详细解答。我现在才看到它。我会尝试并回复。真的很感谢这个努力。谢谢 – Pranjal 2013-04-01 23:41:53