2012-01-01 20 views





所有这些(标签文本分配和前景色)工作得很好。不起作用的是将背景颜色转换为线性渐变画笔。我目前使用数据库中的颜色作为“基础”颜色,并使用此颜色计算4色渐变。 (数字并不重要,但我将RGB值调整为基本颜色的1.4,1.2,0.8和0.6)。


Friend Function CalculateColorsFromBaseColor(ByVal baseColor As Color) As List(Of Color) 
    Dim retList As New List(Of Color) 
    Dim r As Byte = baseColor.R 
    Dim g As Byte = baseColor.G 
    Dim b As Byte = baseColor.B 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 1.4 > 255, 255, r * 1.4), .G = If(g * 1.4 > 255, 255, g * 1.4), .B = If(b * 1.4 > 255, 255, b * 1.4)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 1.2 > 255, 255, r * 1.2), .G = If(g * 1.2 > 255, 255, g * 1.2), .B = If(b * 1.2 > 255, 255, b * 1.2)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 0.8 > 255, 255, r * 0.8), .G = If(g * 0.8 > 255, 255, g * 0.8), .B = If(b * 0.8 > 255, 255, b * 0.8)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 0.6 > 255, 255, r * 0.6), .G = If(g * 0.6 > 255, 255, g * 0.6), .B = If(b * 0.6 > 255, 255, b * 0.6)}) 
    Return retList 
End Function 

Friend Function CalculateLinearGradientBrushFromBaseColor(ByVal baseColor As Color) As LinearGradientBrush 
    Dim lgb As New LinearGradientBrush With {.StartPoint = New Point(0.5, 0), .EndPoint = New Point(0.5, 1)} 
    Dim colors As List(Of Color) = CalculateColorsFromBaseColor(baseColor) 
    lgb.GradientStops.Add(New GradientStop With {.Color = colors.Item(0), .Offset = 0.0}) 
    lgb.GradientStops.Add(New GradientStop With {.Color = colors.Item(1), .Offset = 0.5}) 
    lgb.GradientStops.Add(New GradientStop With {.Color = colors.Item(2), .Offset = 0.5}) 
    lgb.GradientStops.Add(New GradientStop With {.Color = colors.Item(3), .Offset = 1.0}) 
    Return lgb 
End Function 


Dim backColorString As String = iCase.CaseColor 
Dim backColorRGB As String() = backColorString.Split(",") 
Dim backColor As Color = Color.FromArgb(255, CInt(backColorRGB(0)), CInt(backColorRGB(1)), CInt(backColorRGB(2))) 
caseCell.BackgroundBorder.Background = caseCell.CalculateLinearGradientBrushFromBaseColor(backColor) 

当我设置背景渐变在设计时手动在XAML中,它看起来是正确的。当我尝试从代码隐藏的角度来看时,看起来我根本没有背景。 (当整个页面的背景是白色时,我的用户控件的颜色也是如此,当黑色时,它是黑色的,因此,看起来用户控件的背景变得透明)。


'' Trying to see what the background values are prior to setting it 
For Each iStop As GradientStop In CType(caseCell.BackgroundBorder.Background, LinearGradientBrush).GradientStops 
    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("iStop Color: ({0},{1},{2})", iStop.Color.R, iStop.Color.G, iStop.Color.B)) 
'' Setting the background 
caseCell.BackgroundBorder.Background = caseCell.CalculateLinearGradientBrushFromBaseColor(backColor) 
'' Checking the values after setting 
For Each iStop As GradientStop In CType(caseCell.BackgroundBorder.Background, LinearGradientBrush).GradientStops 
    MessageBox.Show(String.Format("iStop Color: ({0},{1},{2})", iStop.Color.R, iStop.Color.G, iStop.Color.B)) 







Friend Function CalculateColorsFromBaseColor(ByVal baseColor As Color) As List(Of Color) 
    Dim retList As New List(Of Color) 
    Dim r As Byte = baseColor.R 
    Dim g As Byte = baseColor.G 
    Dim b As Byte = baseColor.B 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 1.4 > 255, 255, r * 1.4), .G = If(g * 1.4 > 255, 255, g * 1.4), .B = If(b * 1.4 > 255, 255, b * 1.4)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 1.2 > 255, 255, r * 1.2), .G = If(g * 1.2 > 255, 255, g * 1.2), .B = If(b * 1.2 > 255, 255, b * 1.2)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 0.8 > 255, 255, r * 0.8), .G = If(g * 0.8 > 255, 255, g * 0.8), .B = If(b * 0.8 > 255, 255, b * 0.8)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.R = If(r * 0.6 > 255, 255, r * 0.6), .G = If(g * 0.6 > 255, 255, g * 0.6), .B = If(b * 0.6 > 255, 255, b * 0.6)}) 
    Return retList 
End Function 



Friend Function CalculateColorsFromBaseColor(ByVal baseColor As Color) As List(Of Color) 
    Dim retList As New List(Of Color) 
    Dim r As Byte = baseColor.R 
    Dim g As Byte = baseColor.G 
    Dim b As Byte = baseColor.B 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.A = 255, .R = If(r * 1.4 > 255, 255, r * 1.4), .G = If(g * 1.4 > 255, 255, g * 1.4), .B = If(b * 1.4 > 255, 255, b * 1.4)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.A = 255, .R = If(r * 1.2 > 255, 255, r * 1.2), .G = If(g * 1.2 > 255, 255, g * 1.2), .B = If(b * 1.2 > 255, 255, b * 1.2)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.A = 255, .R = If(r * 0.8 > 255, 255, r * 0.8), .G = If(g * 0.8 > 255, 255, g * 0.8), .B = If(b * 0.8 > 255, 255, b * 0.8)}) 
    retList.Add(New Color With {.A = 255, .R = If(r * 0.6 > 255, 255, r * 0.6), .G = If(g * 0.6 > 255, 255, g * 0.6), .B = If(b * 0.6 > 255, 255, b * 0.6)}) 
    Return retList 
End Function