2014-07-08 53 views







Function Find_Last(AccountNumber, AccountDate As Date) 
'Function to find the first occurance of account number and associated quality within a two week range 

Dim R As Range 
Dim LastDiff1 As Date 
Dim LastDiff2 As Date 
Dim LastCell1 As Range, LastCell2 As Range 
Dim SearchDate1 
Dim SearchDate2 
Dim Rng As Range 
Dim DestSheet As Worksheet 
Dim LastRow 

Set DestSheet = Workbooks("Interim Referrals Report.xlsm").Worksheets("SA Wrap Up Data") 

SearchDate1 = DateAdd("d", 14, AccountDate) 
SearchDate2 = DateAdd("d", -2, AccountDate) 

LastDiff1 = DateSerial(9999, 1, 1) 
LastDiff2 = DateSerial(9999, 1, 1) 

LastRow = Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row 

For Each R In DestSheet.Range("A2:A" & LastRow) 
    If IsDate(R.Value) Then 
     'Do Nothing 
     If Abs(R.Value - SearchDate1) < LastDiff1 Then 
      Set LastCell1 = R 
      LastDiff1 = Abs(R.Value - SearchDate1) 
     End If 
    End If 
    If IsDate(R.Value) Then 
     'Do Nothing 
     If Abs(R.Value - SearchDate2) < LastDiff2 Then 
      Set LastCell2 = R 
      LastDiff2 = Abs(R.Value - SearchDate2) 
     End If 
    End If 
Next R 

'Find the CR account number within the designated range in the SA cricket 
'data worksheet, looks from bottom of range up 
With DestSheet.Range("L" & LastCell1.Row & ":L" & LastCell2.Row) 
    Set Rng = DestSheet.Cells.Find(What:=AccountNumber, After:=.Cells(LastCell1.Row), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole, _ 
    SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlPrevious, MatchCase:=False) 
     'if there is a match, return the row number 
     If Not Rng Is Nothing Then 
      Find_Last = Rng.Row 
      Find_Last = "No Match" 
     End If 
End With 

End Function 



初始和常见的想法:临时关闭'screenupdating' ...在代码运行时将计算设置为手动。 –


我们确实把这些放在代码的开头。看起来像是实际单元格的循环放慢了速度。 – Shandog




下面是使用Variant Array的循环版本。未经检验的,而应该是关闭...

Dim Dat As Variant 
Dim idx As Long 
Dim idxLastCell1 As Long 
Dim idxLastCell2 As Long 

With DestSheet 
    ' start array at row 1 to avoid confusing index offset 
    Dat = .Range("A1:A" & LastRow).Value 
    idxLastDiff1 = 2 
    idxLastDiff2 = 2 

    ' Loop from row 2 
    For idx = 2 To UBound(Dat, 1) 
     If IsDate(Dat(idx, 1)) Then 
      If Abs(Dat(idx, 1) - SearchDate1) < Dat(idxLastDiff1, 1) Then 
       idxLastCell1 = idx 
       LastDiff1 = Abs(Dat(idx, 1) - SearchDate1) 
      End If 
      If Abs(Dat(idx, 1) - SearchDate2) < Dat(idxLastDiff2, 1) Then 
       idxLastCell2 = idx 
       LastDiff2 = Abs(Dat(idx, 1) - SearchDate2) 
      End If 
     End If 
    Set LastCell1 = .Cells(idxLastCell1, 1) 
    Set LastCell2 = .Cells(idxLastCell2, 1) 
End With 



非常完美!非常感谢! Array看起来比我所能做的还要好得多。我现在就放弃它:D – Shandog


只是一个更新。昨天我们的原始代码运行了一个多小时,仍然停滞不前。新代码花了23分钟!成功!! – Shandog


@Shandog很高兴听到你对结果满意。但是20多分钟仍然很长时间!可能还有其他方法可以更快地实现这一目标。例如,您的数据排序 - 可能能够利用它的优势... –