2017-05-26 67 views

Neo4j工作正常,但今天未能启动。我试图卸载并重新安装它,这是我得到的错误信息:Neo4j未能在Windows 7上启动

> bin\neo4j.bat install-service -verbose 
VERBOSE: Neo4j Root is 'C:\Users\UserB\Documents\neo4j-community-3.1.4' 
VERBOSE: Neo4j Server Type is 'Community' 
VERBOSE: Neo4j Version is '3.1.4' 
VERBOSE: Neo4j Database Mode is '' 
WARNING: This command does not appear to be running with administrative rights. Some commands may fail e.g. Start/Stop 
VERBOSE: Install command specified 
VERBOSE: Neo4j Windows Service Name is neo4j 
VERBOSE: Java detected at 'C:\Devel\jdk18\jre\bin\java.exe' 
VERBOSE: Executing C:\Devel\jdk18\jre\bin\java.exe -version 
Invoke-Neo4j : Process with an Id of 2092428 is not running. 
At line:1 char:261 
+ try { Unblock-File -Path 'C:\Users\UserB\Documents\neo4j-community-3.1.4\bin\Neo4j-Management\*.*' -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue' } catch {};Import-Module 'C:\Users\UserB\Documents\neo4j-community-3.1.4\bin\Neo4j-Management.ps d1'; Exit (Invoke-Neo4j <<<< install-service -verbose) 
+ CategoryInfo   : NotSpecified: (:) [Write-Error], WriteErrorException 
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WriteErrorException,Invoke-N 



你是否以管理员身份运行它/从管理员shell? –


是否必须更改语法并添加一些内容到我的命令行才能以管理员身份运行它? – Benz


“以管理员身份运行”可以通过? +右键单击(alt或ctrl或shift)。 BTW,v3.2可用:) –



警告行说你应该使用管理员权限运行它。 在资源管理器中打开该文件夹,然后按照我的说法,右键单击组合以获得建议打开管理外壳的上下文菜单。