2017-04-22 30 views

我想尝试创建一个在主循环之外拥有自己的独立循环的演员的概念证明 - 我创建了类似的东西,但是我希望知道是否有一些明显的问题,或者我是否完全错误。基本上我想知道是否正确的方式来处理“内部”循环将使用此,或者如果有更好的方式(在live()函数内): setTimeout(( )=> {this.live()},100);为javascript中的每个实例化类创建自己的循环

其次的问题是要知道破坏的实例化类,withing类的,喜欢的东西的最佳方式“this.destroy()” - 现在我只删除从容器对象的连接



<ul id="simple-log"></ul> 

// We will store out actors as "id" => "actor" 
let actors = {}; 

// Custom logging functionality for a simple ul list 
const sLog = (text) => { 
    let li = document.createElement('li'); 
    li.innerHTML = text; 

const randomNum = (min,max) => { return Math.floor(Math.random() * max) + min; } 

// Actor definition 
class Actor { 
    constructor(name, id) { 
    this.id = id; 
    this.name = name; 
    this.gender = randomNum(1,2) === 1 ? 'male' : 'female'; // Random gender 
    this.lastTime = null; 

    live() { 
    // Get the current time, and log every 5 seconds 
    let now = Date.now(); 
    let difference = now - this.lastTime; 
    if(difference > 5000) { 
     sLog(`Actor "${this.name}" Log - Difference: ${difference}`); 
     this.lastTime = now; 

    // Determine if the actor died of a tragic accident 
    if(randomNum(1,100000) < 5) { 
     // Something tragic happened, that caused this actor to die 
    } else { 
     // I'm pretty sure that this is not the best way, but for some reason just 
     // setTimeout(this.live, 1); does not work 
     setTimeout(() => {this.live()}, 100); 

    die() { 
    // Log the death 
    sLog(`Actor "${this.name}" died`); 

    // This seems really a wrong way to do this, should not need to rely on an element outside of the scope - something else should do this, but how? 
    delete actors[this.id]; 

// Function to spawn a new actor 
let spawnActor =() => { 
    let id = 'a'+randomNum(1,9000000); 
    sLog('Spawning an actor'); 
    let actorInstance = new Actor(id, id); // Rejoice! 
    actors[id] = actorInstance; 

// Simple loop that simulates the rendering of the screen 
let lastTimeAnimated = null; 
let mainAnimationLoop =() => { 
    // Logs every 5 seconds to the log 
    let now = Date.now(); 
    let difference = now - lastTimeAnimated; 
    if(difference > 5000) { 
    sLog(`Main Animation Loop Log - Difference: ${difference}`); 
    lastTimeAnimated = now; 


// Simple loop that simulates a normal game main loop 
let lastTime = null; 
let mainLoop =() => { 
    // Mainloop logs every 5 seconds to the log 
    let now = Date.now(); 
    let difference = now - lastTime; 
    if(difference > 5000) { 
    sLog(`Main Loop Log - Difference: ${difference}`); 
    lastTime = now; 

    // Random actor spawner 
    if(randomNum(1,10000) < 5) { 
    spawnActor(); // It truly is a blessed day! 

    setTimeout(mainLoop, 1); 

// Should be obvious 
let init =() => { 

// Let's get started! 

目前还不清楚你在问什么。请询问关于特定代码的具体问题。 “我想知道我是否做错了”不是一个具体问题。描述一个具体的目标,解释你在实现这个目标方面有什么问题,以及你用目前的代码观察到什么,然后准确描述你想要的帮助。 – jfriend00



基本上我想知道正确的方式来处理“内部”循环将通过这个,或者如果有做它(活()函数中)更好的方式:setTimeout(() => {this.live()}, 100);


我敢肯定这是不是最好的方式,但由于某种原因只是 setTimeout(this.live, 1);不起作用

对于为什么见How to access the correct this/context inside a callback?

其次的问题是要知道破坏的实例化类,withing类的,喜欢的东西的最佳方式“this.destroy()” - 现在我只删除从容器对象的连接:

delete actors[this.id]; 

这似乎真的是一个错误的方式做到这一点,不应该需要依靠一个元素的范围之外 - 别的事情应该这样做,但如何?

你不能“销毁”javascript中的任何东西。如果你想要一个实例被垃圾回收,你需要删除对它的所有引用。让演员死去的正确方法是让它停止活动 - 即不要再打电话.live(),和/或删除所有计划调用它的超时。

