2011-07-27 73 views

我有一个包含一组数字的640 * 480向量,我希望找到向量的每一行的最小和最大数目。CUDA推力性能

for(int i = 0; i < R; i++) 
     Begin = m_valBuffer.begin() + (i*C); 
     End = Begin+C; 

     rMinmax= minmax_element(Begin, End); 


  • GPU上运行时的当前负载只有34%,所以必须有一种方法来改善它?

所以,你想要做640个减少,每只有480元,在同一个音调线性内存? – talonmies


我想对640个元素做480次minmax_element。上面的循环每次迭代移动开始和结束640个元素。 – Sharpie


整个操作可以在基本的NVIDIA SDK共享内存缩减内核的一个稍微修改版本的单个调用中完成。你绝对**有**这样做与推力? – talonmies



This example示出了如何计算使用 的reduce_by_key算法的每一行的总和。您可以轻松地调整该示例以计算每行的最小值或最大值。要同时计算每行 的最小值和最大值,您需要使用this strategy。具体来说, 您需要在输入数据上使用transform_iterator,并在应用minmax_binary_op归约算子之前将每个 值x转换为元组(x,x)


#include <thrust/host_vector.h> 
#include <thrust/device_vector.h> 
#include <thrust/generate.h> 
#include <thrust/transform_reduce.h> 
#include <thrust/functional.h> 
#include <thrust/extrema.h> 
#include <thrust/random.h> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 

// minmax_pair stores the minimum and maximum 
// values that have been encountered so far 
template <typename T> 
struct minmax_pair 
    T min_val; 
    T max_val; 

// minmax_unary_op is a functor that takes in a value x and 
// returns a minmax_pair whose minimum and maximum values 
// are initialized to x. 
template <typename T> 
struct minmax_unary_op 
    : public thrust::unary_function< T, minmax_pair<T> > 
    __host__ __device__ 
    minmax_pair<T> operator()(const T& x) const 
    minmax_pair<T> result; 
    result.min_val = x; 
    result.max_val = x; 
    return result; 

// minmax_binary_op is a functor that accepts two minmax_pair 
// structs and returns a new minmax_pair whose minimum and 
// maximum values are the min() and max() respectively of 
// the minimums and maximums of the input pairs 
template <typename T> 
struct minmax_binary_op 
    : public thrust::binary_function< minmax_pair<T>, 
            minmax_pair<T> > 
    __host__ __device__ 
    minmax_pair<T> operator()(const minmax_pair<T>& x, const minmax_pair<T>& y) const 
    minmax_pair<T> result; 
    result.min_val = thrust::min(x.min_val, y.min_val); 
    result.max_val = thrust::max(x.max_val, y.max_val); 
    return result; 

// convert a linear index to a row index 
template <typename T> 
struct linear_index_to_row_index : public thrust::unary_function<T,T> 
    T C; // number of columns 

    __host__ __device__ 
    linear_index_to_row_index(T C) : C(C) {} 

    __host__ __device__ 
    T operator()(T i) 
     return i/C; 

int main(void) 
    int R = 5;  // number of rows 
    int C = 8;  // number of columns 
    thrust::default_random_engine rng; 
    thrust::uniform_int_distribution<int> dist(0, 99); 

    // initialize data 
    thrust::device_vector<int> array(R * C); 
    for (size_t i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) 
     array[i] = dist(rng); 

    // allocate storage for per-row results and indices 
    thrust::device_vector< minmax_pair<int> > row_results(R); 
    thrust::device_vector< int    > row_indices(R); 

    // compute row sums by summing values with equal row indices 
     (thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(C)), 
     thrust::make_transform_iterator(thrust::counting_iterator<int>(0), linear_index_to_row_index<int>(C)) + (R*C), 
     thrust::make_transform_iterator(array.begin(), minmax_unary_op<int>()), 

    // print data 
    for(int i = 0; i < R; i++) 
     minmax_pair<int> result = row_results[i]; 
     std::cout << "["; 
     for(int j = 0; j < C; j++) 
      std::cout << std::setw(3) << array[i * C + j] << " "; 
     std::cout << "] = " << "(" << result.min_val << "," << result.max_val << ")\n"; 

    return 0; 


[ 0 8 60 89 96 18 51 39 ] = (0,96) 
[ 26 74 8 56 58 80 59 51 ] = (8,80) 
[ 87 99 72 96 29 42 89 65 ] = (29,99) 
[ 90 96 16 85 90 29 93 41 ] = (16,96) 
[ 30 51 39 78 68 54 59 9 ] = (9,78) 

我不太清楚你如何独立完成每一行,但同时使用这种方法。你能提供更多细节吗? – harrism


我添加了一些代码来显示我的想法。我所做的只是采用'sum_rows'示例,并将values参数(即'array.begin()')更改为'transform_iterator',将'x'扩展为'minmax_pair'(实质上是一个元组)。 – wnbell