2011-05-22 62 views

我用admob sdk在iPhone 3.1.3(第一代iPhone)上运行应用程序。我不是一直都在想,最近我开始发现这个错误,这是我从未见过的。Admob GADBannerView.m bool _WebTryThreadLock(布尔)iOS iPhone崩溃

<Warning>: bool _WebTryThreadLock(bool), 0x3c3840: Tried to obtain the web lock from a thread other than the main thread or the web thread. This may be a result of calling to UIKit from a secondary thread. Crashing now... 


Thread 6 Crashed: 
0 WebCore       0x00084380 _WebTryThreadLock(bool) + 288 
1 WebCore       0x00084ac0 _WebThreadAutoLock() + 52 
2 UIKit       0x0022061c -[UIWebView dealloc] + 128 
3 CoreFoundation     0x0003963a -[NSObject release] + 28 
4 UIKit       0x0000ab2c -[UIView(Hierarchy) removeFromSuperview] + 592 
5 UIKit       0x0005ca1c -[UIView dealloc] + 232 
6 My iPhone App      0x0008d4e0 0x1000 + 574688 
7 CoreFoundation     0x0003963a -[NSObject release] + 28 
8 UIKit       0x0000ab2c -[UIView(Hierarchy) removeFromSuperview] + 592 
9 UIKit       0x0005ca1c -[UIView dealloc] + 232 
10 CoreFoundation     0x0003963a -[NSObject release] + 28 
11 UIKit       0x000cad5c -[UIViewController dealloc] + 188 
12 My iPhone App      0x00015e60 0x1000 + 85600 
13 My iPhone App      0x000135c4 0x1000 + 75204 


-[GADBannerView dealloc] (in My iPhone App) (GADBannerView.m:111) 

-[myViewController dealloc] (in My iPhone App) (myViewController.m:378) 

-[mySubViewController dealloc] (in My iPhone App) (mySubViewController.m:64) 




