2017-08-11 26 views


x <- read.table(header=T, sep="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,text=" 
time dist 
4 3 
5 4 
5 6 
3 2 
5 5 
4 5 
4 3 
4 2 
5 6") 


# Generate data frame where each row represents one unit of time 
z_adj <- data.frame(
    time = unlist(sapply(x$time, function(s) rep(s, each = s))), 
    dist = unlist(sapply(seq_along(x$dist), function(s) rep(x$dist[s], each = x$time[s]))) 

z_adj$seq_time <- seq_along(z_adj$time) 
z_adj$time_dist <- z_adj$dist/z_adj$time 

# Furthest distance given time 
# Time 10 
z_adj$in_t10 <- sapply(z_adj$seq_time, function(s) sum(z_adj$dist[s:(s+9)])) 
z_adj$in_t10[which(z_adj$in_t10 == max(z_adj$in_t10, na.rm = T))] 
# Fastest time given distance 
# ... would need to do the above again with constant distance :/ 



有关我的答案的任何意见? –




x <- read.table(header=T, sep="", stringsAsFactors = FALSE,text=" 
time dist 
4 3 
5 4 
5 6 
3 2 
5 5 
4 5 
4 3 
4 2 
5 6") 

# Add starting point and cumulatice time/distance 
x <- rbind(c(0,0), x) 
x$total_time <- cumsum(x$time) 
x$total_dist <- cumsum(x$dist) 

# function to interpolate and calculate lagging differences 
foo <- function(x, y, n) { 
    interpolation <- approx(x, y, xout = seq(min(x), max(x))) 
    diff(interpolation$y, lag = n) 

# Max distance in ten units of time 
max(foo(x$total_time, x$total_dist, 10)) 
# Min time for ten units of distance 
min(foo(x$total_dist, x$total_time, 10)) 
