2013-03-27 26 views

我已经基于Sencha给出的示例实现了无限网格。基本上,代理使用jsonp获取json文件并填充网格。我希望网格大小为10,我希望代理仅在用户向下滚动至第10条记录时才发出后续请求。每个记录在网格视图中垂直放置足够的空间,只有约5条记录可以不滚动(在我的14英寸笔记本电脑上,分辨率为1366 x 768)。我已经将pagesize设置为10,我的期望是,只有当我向下滚动到可见记录之外时,才会刷新网格。但是,即使没有滚动,网格也会加载所有数据(共50条记录),并提供5个单独的请求。下面的代码:ExtJS Grid呈现比页面中指定的更多的行


Ext.onReady(function() { 
    Ext.define('ContentModel', { 
     extend : 'Ext.data.Model', 
     fields : [ 'content_id', 'content' ], 
     idProperty: 'content_id' 

    var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { 
     id : 'store', 
     model : 'ContentModel', 
     buffered: true, 
     pageSize: 10, 
     proxy : { 
      type : 'jsonp', 
      url : 'http://website.com/Top1.json', 
      reader: { 
       root: 'contents', 
       totalProperty: 'totalCount' 
     autoLoad : true 

    var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { 
     renderTo : Ext.getBody(), 
     width : '100%', 
     height : '100%', 
     title : 'Reader Panel', 
     id : 'reader', 
     store : store, 
     columns : [ { 
      id : 'content_id', 
      text : 'Content ID', 
      dataIndex : 'content_id', 
      width : '10%' 
      id : 'content', 
      text : 'Content', 
      dataIndex : 'content', 
      width : '90%' 
     } ] 

    Ext.define('JSONP Proxy', { 
     override: 'Ext.data.proxy.JsonP', 
     buildUrl: function(request) { 
      var me = this, url = this.getUrl(request); 
      request.url = 'http://website.com/Top' + request.params.page + '.json'; 
      return me.callParent([request]); 




Ext.data.JsonP.callback1({"totalCount":"50", "contents":[{"content_id" : 1, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 2, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 3, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 4, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 5, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 6, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 7, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 8, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 9, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"},{"content_id" : 10, "content" : "<div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br><div> Hello World 1</div><br>"}]}); 



感谢, Prathap





Ext.onReady(function() { 
    Ext.define('ContentModel', { 
     extend : 'Ext.data.Model', 
     fields : [ 'content_id', 'content' ], 
     idProperty: 'content_id' 

    var store = Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', { 
     id : 'store', 
     model : 'ContentModel', 
     buffered: true, 
     pageSize: 10, 
     trailingBufferZone: 5, 
     leadingBufferZone: 5, 
     purgePageCount: 0, 
     scrollToLoadBuffer: 10, 
     proxy : { 
      type : 'jsonp', 
      url : 'http://website.com/Top' + 0 + '.json', 
      reader: { 
       root: 'contents', 
       totalProperty: 'totalCount' 
     autoLoad : true 

    var grid = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', { 
     renderTo : Ext.getBody(), 
     width : '100%', 
     height : '100%', 
     title : 'Reader Panel', 
     id : 'reader', 
     store : store, 
     plugins : [{ 
      ptype: 'bufferedrenderer', 
      trailingBufferZone: 5, 
      leadingBufferZone: 5, 
      scrollToLoadBuffer: 10, 
      onViewResize: function(view, width, height, oldWidth, oldHeight) { 
       // Only process first layout (the boxready event) or height resizes. 
       if (!oldHeight || height !== oldHeight) { 
        var me = this, 

        // View has rows, delete the rowHeight property to trigger a recalculation when scrollRange is calculated 
        if (view.all.getCount()) { 
         // We need to calculate the table size based upon the new viewport size and current row height 
         delete me.rowHeight; 
        // If no rows, continue to use the same rowHeight, and the refresh handler will call this again. 

        // Calculates scroll range. Also calculates rowHeight if we do not have an own rowHeight property. 
        // That will be the case if the view contains some rows. 
        scrollRange = me.getScrollHeight(); 
        //newViewSize = Math.ceil(height/me.rowHeight) + me.trailingBufferZone + me.leadingBufferZone; 
        newViewSize = 18; 
        me.viewSize = me.setViewSize(newViewSize); 
        me.stretchView(view, scrollRange); 
     columns : [ { 
      id : 'content_id', 
      text : 'Content ID', 
      dataIndex : 'content_id', 
      width : '10%' 
      id : 'content', 
      text : 'Content', 
      dataIndex : 'content', 
      width : '90%' 
     } ] 

    Ext.define('JSONP Proxy', { 
     override: 'Ext.data.proxy.JsonP', 
     buildUrl: function(request) { 
      var me = this, url = this.getUrl(request); 
      request.url = 'http://website.com/Top' + request.params.page + '.json'; 
      return me.callParent([request]); 


诀窍是正确的设置在店里都与电网的bufferedrenderer插件,并重写插件的onViewResize方法缓冲区设置。 bufferedrenderer的ViewSize属性是根据rowheight计算出来的,由于某些原因,其总是默认值21,因此导致60的ViewSize大于服务器中的记录总数(50) 。这导致所有行都被立即取回。一旦我将viewsize属性覆盖到了18,viewsize就相应地改变了,现在我只有第一次抓取了30条记录。并按需加载完美滚动以及:)


不知道为什么你需要使用这个bufferedrenderer插件?如果您在此处查看示例 - http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-1/#!/example/grid/infinite-scroll-with-filter。HTML或这里 - http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-2/#!/example/grid/infinite-scroll-with-filter.html这样的插件尚未使用。您的观点是否经常调整大小? – netemp 2013-04-02 07:57:41


我使用它,因为这是4.2中如何实现无限网格。您共享的第二个链接使用缓冲的渲染器插件。 不,我的视图不会经常手动调整大小,但我猜每次刷新视图时都会计算视图大小,这会在用户上下滚动时频繁发生。 – Prathap 2013-04-03 09:13:41


不知道我们是否在同一页面上,因为当我在http://docs.sencha.com/ext-js/4-2/extjs-build/examples/grid/infinite查看JS文件的代码时-scroll-with-filter.js - 我发现这个插件只通过'require'被包含,但它没有在网格对象中使用ptype进行配置。 – netemp 2013-04-04 17:09:28




感谢您的指针。但是,将purgePageCount设置为0也不能解决问题。奇怪的是,将purgePageCount设置为从1到4的任何值都会导致一个空的网格。 – Prathap 2013-03-27 15:07:01




谢谢,我确实玩过这两个参数。下面是我最近尝试的设置 - \t \t每页:10, \t \t trailingBufferZone:5, \t \t leadingBufferZone:5, \t \t purgePageCount:0, \t \t scrollToLoadBuffer:10, 它仍然没有按” t解决它:/ – Prathap 2013-03-28 11:03:33