2013-07-23 79 views


<META http-equiv=imagetoolbar content=no> 

#rubberBand { 
position: absolute; 
visibility: hidden; 
width: 0px; height: 0px; 
border: 2px solid red; 

<img name="myImage" id="myImage" src="VK.jpg" height=400 

<DIV ID="rubberBand"></DIV> 


var IMG; 

function startRubber (evt) { 
if (document.all) { 
// IE 
var r = document.all.rubberBand; 
r.style.width = 0; 
r.style.height = 0; 
r.style.pixelLeft = event.x; 
r.style.pixelTop = event.y; 
r.style.visibility = 'visible'; 
IMG.ondragstart = cancelDragDrop; // otherwise IE will try to drag the image 
else if (document.getElementById) { 
// firefox 
var r = document.getElementById('rubberBand'); 
r.style.width = 0; 
r.style.height = 0; 
r.style.left = evt.clientX + 'px'; 
r.style.top = evt.clientY + 'px'; 
r.style.visibility = 'visible'; 
r.onmouseup = stopRubber; 
IMG.onmousemove = moveRubber; 
function moveRubber (evt) { 
if (document.all) { // IE 
var r = document.all.rubberBand; 
r.style.width = event.x - r.style.pixelLeft; 
r.style.height = event.y - r.style.pixelTop; 
else if (document.getElementById) { // firefox 
var r = document.getElementById('rubberBand'); 
r.style.width = evt.clientX - parseInt(r.style.left); 
r.style.height = evt.clientY - parseInt(r.style.top); 
return false; // otherwise IE won't fire mouseup :/ 
function stopRubber (evt) { 
IMG.onmousemove = null; 

function cancelDragDrop() 
window.event.returnValue = false; 

IMG = document.getElementById('myImage'); 
IMG.onmousedown = startRubber; 
IMG.onmouseup = stopRubber; 


你为什么显示在客户端的问题,您的服务器端代码? –


我包括的是html和javascript。他们不都是客户端吗? –



OK - 正在发生的事情是,你的DIV阻止鼠标事件到达IMG,因此,所有你需要做的是禁用对CSS的股利鼠标事件,就大功告成了:

#rubberBand { 
    position: absolute; 
    visibility: hidden; 
    width: 0px; height: 0px; 
    border: 2px solid red; 

编号:Ignore mouse interaction on overlay image