2015-08-29 68 views


我的数据集是continual在时间上,有一些errones data我需要处理。与邻居相比,他们的价值突然增加。

下面是数据集的一部分。如您所见,第四个值突然增加(28.3)。 (值是在最后一栏)

19741212,0700,200,1,N, 4.6 
19741212,0800,190,1,N, 4.6 
19741212,0900,180,1,N, 5.7 
19741212,1000,160,1,N, 28.3 # wrong data, need interpolate from neighbors 
19741212,1100,170,1,N, 4.6 
19741212,1200,200,1,N, 5.1 
19741212,1300,230,1,N, 5.1 



  1. 计算增量从接近数据点
  2. 选择合适的门槛为检测损坏的数据







def reject_outliers(data, m=2): # 2 is the std treshold, fit for your needs. 
    return data[abs(data - np.mean(data)) < m * np.std(data)] 

data[6] = reject_outliers(data[5]) # creates a new column with outliers set to Nan 

      0  1 2 3 4  5 6 
0 19741212 700 200 1 N 4.6 4.6 
1 19741212 800 190 1 N 4.6 4.6 
2 19741212 900 180 1 N 5.7 5.7 
3 19741212 1000 160 1 N 28.3 NaN 
4 19741212 1100 170 1 N 4.6 4.6 
5 19741212 1200 200 1 N 5.1 5.1 
6 19741212 1300 230 1 N 5.1 5.1 



from scipy import ndimage as im 

def interpNan(win): # with win the 1x3 window 
    if win[1] != win[1]: # if center of footprint is a nan 
     return round(np.nanmean(win), 1) 
     return round(win[1], 1) 

footprint = np.array([1,1,1]) 
data[7] = im.generic_filter(data[6], interpNan, footprint = footprint) 

      0  1 2 3 4  5 6 7 
0 19741212 700 200 1 N 4.6 4.6 4.6 
1 19741212 800 190 1 N 4.6 4.6 4.6 
2 19741212 900 180 1 N 5.7 5.7 5.7 
3 19741212 1000 160 1 N 28.3 NaN 5.2 
4 19741212 1100 170 1 N 4.6 4.6 4.6 
5 19741212 1200 200 1 N 5.1 5.1 5.1 
6 19741212 1300 230 1 N 5.1 5.1 5.1 





# your data 
# ==================================== 

      A B C D  E 
19741212 700 200 1 N 4.6 
19741212 800 190 1 N 4.6 
19741212 900 180 1 N 5.7 
19741212 1000 160 1 N 28.3 
19741212 1100 170 1 N 4.6 
19741212 1200 200 1 N 5.1 
19741212 1300 230 1 N 5.1 

# roling median, 3-term moving windows 
# ================================================= 
res = pd.rolling_median(df['E'], window=3, center=True) 

19741212 NaN 
19741212 4.6 
19741212 5.7 
19741212 5.7 
19741212 5.1 
19741212 5.1 
19741212 NaN 
dtype: float64 

# threshold 20% from rolling median 
threshold = 0.2 
mask = abs(df['E'] - res)/res > threshold 
# replace outliers with rolling medians 
df.loc[mask, 'E'] = res[mask] 


      A B C D E 
19741212 700 200 1 N 4.6 
19741212 800 190 1 N 4.6 
19741212 900 180 1 N 5.7 
19741212 1000 160 1 N 5.7 
19741212 1100 170 1 N 4.6 
19741212 1200 200 1 N 5.1 
19741212 1300 230 1 N 5.1