2015-06-01 27 views



|无痛办理登机手续。 AC上的两条腿:AC105,YYZ-YVR。宽敞而干净的A321与奇妙的船员。 AC33:YVR-SYD, 非常轻的负载,并有3个席位给我自己。像往常一样,我非常热情友好的工作人员每年参加几次这个太平洋航线。提前20分钟到达。我们的国旗航空公司加拿大航空公司的 的预期高水平服务。 Altitude Elite会员。 |我们最近从都柏林返回多伦多,然后返回温尼伯。除了削减它关闭由于有限的 在多伦多的工作人员,我们的飞行非常好。由于在多伦多匆匆忙忙,我们的一个随行人员被放入 货舱。当我们抵达温尼伯时,它住在多伦多,他们在温尼伯 机场最有帮助和善良,我们第二天接到3个电话,关于错放的包,它被送到我们的家 。我们非常感谢并感谢我们收到的服务,这是一个美好假期的完美结局。 |飞往希思罗机场的多伦多。远比出路更糟糕的飞行。我们为出口座位付了很高的额外费用,其中 没有任何存储,甚至没有座位下的任何房间。荒谬。船员很穷,不友善。一位 年长的男性工作人员态度很好,就好像他正在通过为他们服务 来帮助每个人一样。一顿合理的晚餐,但早餐是一块香蕉面包。而已!最糟糕的航空公司早餐 我有。 enter image description here




myData <- read.table("C:/Users/Norbert/Desktop/research/Important files/Airline Reviews/Reviews/air_can_Review.txt", sep="|",quote=NULL, comment='',fill = TRUE, header=FALSE) 

[1] 2 
[1] "data.frame" 
'data.frame': 1244 obs. of 2 variables: 
$ V1: Factor w/ 1093 levels "","'delayed' on departure (I reference flights between March 2014 and January 2015 in this regard: Denver, SFO,",..: 210 367 698 853 1 344 483 87 757 52 ... 
$ V2: Factor w/ 154 levels ""," hotel","5/9/2014, LHR to Vancouver, AC855. 23/9/2014, Vancouver to LHR, AC854. For Economy the leg room was OK compared to",..: 1 1 1 1 78 1 1 1 1 1 ... 

myDataFrame <- data.frame(text = myData, otherVar2 = 1, otherVar2 = "blue", stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
'data.frame': 531 obs. of 3 variables: 
    $ text  : chr "BRU-YUL, May 26th, A330-300. Departed on-time, landed 30 minutes late due to strong winds, nice flight, food" "excellent, cabin-crew smiling and attentive except for one old lady throwing meal trays like boomerangs. Seat-" "pitch was very generous, comfortable seat, IFE a bit outdated but selection was Okay. Air Canadas problem is\nthat the new pro"| __truncated__ "" ... 
$ otherVar2 : num 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ... 
$ otherVar2.1: chr "blue" "blue" "blue" "blue" ... 

[1] 3 

看看[这里](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/24679042/problems-with-reading-a-txt-file-eof-within-quoted-string)。你可能需要在read.table()中添加两个参数:'quote = NULL,comment =''' – Parfait


@Parfait它工作正常,但警告信息消失了。数据帧的长度仍然是2,当它应该是152 –


'str(myData)'输出什么? – Parfait




myData <- scan("sample.txt", what = "character", sep = "|") 
myDataFrame <- data.frame(text = myData, otherVar2 = 1, otherVar2 = "blue", 
          stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
## 'data.frame': 3 obs. of 3 variables: 
## $ text  : chr "Painless check-in. Two legs of 3 on AC: AC105, YYZ-YVR. Roomy and clean A321 with fantastic crew. AC33: YVR-SYD, very light loa"| __truncated__ "We recently returned from Dublin to Toronto, then on to Winnipeg. Other than cutting it close due to limited staffing in Toront"| __truncated__ "Flew Toronto to Heathrow. Much worse flight than on the way out. We paid a hefty extra fee for exit seats which had no storage "| __truncated__ 
## $ otherVar2 : num 1 1 1 
## $ otherVar2.1: Factor w/ 1 level "blue": 1 1 1 


我意识到你的问题是问如何让每个文本在不同的列中,但这不是一个使用data.frame的好方法,因为data.frames被设计用来保存列中的变量。 (每列有一个文本,您不能添加其他变量。)


myDataFrame <- as.data.frame(t(data.frame(text = myData, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) 
## 'data.frame': 1 obs. of 3 variables: 
## $ V1: chr "Painless check-in. Two legs of 3 on AC: AC105, YYZ-YVR. Roomy and clean A321 with fantastic crew. AC33: YVR-SYD, very light loa"| __truncated__ 
## $ V2: chr "We recently returned from Dublin to Toronto, then on to Winnipeg. Other than cutting it close due to limited staffing in Toront"| __truncated__ 
## $ V3: chr "Flew Toronto to Heathrow. Much worse flight than on the way out. We paid a hefty extra fee for exit seats which had no storage "| __truncated__ 
## [1] 3 



另一个变量2代表你编码的行中代表什么?它应该代表什么? @Ken Benoit –


我想你错误地理解了我真正想要完成的事情。我试图将每个评论放在不同的列中,但是您的代码将所有文本放在1列中......我也知道如何做,但我想在分隔符处分割文本,并将下一个评论放入新的专栏...我编辑了问题中的代码和输出。 @Ken Benoit –


不,我明白,试图轻轻地建议你不应该使用这样的data.frame。查看修改。 –