2013-09-26 46 views

我试图通过boost :: asio发送原始数据,因为boost :: serialization对于我的需求来说太慢了。继各种实例和提升文档,我有一个客户端:通过boost :: asio发送原始数据:: asio


void SimulationClient::sendData(std::vector<WaveformDefinition>waveformPackets) { 
       boost::bind(&ClientEnvironmentEngine::sendComplete, this, 


class WaveformReceiver { 
    WaveformDefinition *buffer; 

     buffer = new WaveformDefinition[MAX_WAVEFORMS]; 

    void startReceive() { 
     socket_.async_receive_from(boost::asio::null_buffers(), remote_endpoint_, 
       boost::bind(&WaveformReceiver::handleReceive, this, 

    void handleReceive(const boost::system::error_code& error, 
     std::size_t size/*bytes_transferred*/) 
      if (!error) 
       int available = socket_.available(); 
       int numWaveforms = available/sizeof(WaveformDefinition_c); 
       socket_.receive(boost::asio::buffer(buffer, available)); 

       //copy buffer into another buffer so we can re-use the original buffer for the next read 
       WaveformDefinition_c* tempBuffer = new WaveformDefinition_c[numWaveforms]; 
       std::memcpy (tempBuffer, buffer, available); 

       //schedule a thread to handle the array of waveforms that we copied 
       threadPool.schedule(boost::bind(handleWaveforms, tempBuffer, numWaveforms)); 
       //start listening for more waveforms 





在不控制服务器和客户端的编译器和体系结构的情况下,发送原始结构通常是不安全的,因为字节表示在系统之间可能会有所不同。虽然编译器和体系结构在这种特定情况下是相同的,但#pragma pack(1)是无关紧要的,因为WAVEFORM_DATA_STRUCT没有作为原始内存写入套接字。相反,为收集write操作提供了多个内存缓冲区。

boost::array<boost::asio::mutable_buffer,2> buffer = {{ 
    boost::asio::buffer(&waveformPacket->numWaveforms, ...), // &numWaveforms 
    boost::asio::buffer(waveformPacket->waveforms)   // &waveforms[0] 

有各种工具可以帮助序列化数据结构,例如Protocol Buffers



struct foo 
    char a; 
    char b; 
    boost::uint16_t c; 


0  8  16  24  32 
| a | b |  c  | 


/// @brief Serialize foo into a network-byte-order buffer. 
void serialize(const foo& foo, unsigned char* buffer) 
    buffer[0] = foo.a; 
    buffer[1] = foo.b; 

    // Handle endianness. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_short; 
    boost::uint16_t c = host_to_network_short(foo.c); 
    std::memcpy(&buffer[2], &c, sizeof c); 

/// @brief Deserialize foo from a network-byte-order buffer. 
void deserialize(foo& foo, const unsigned char* buffer) 
    foo.a = buffer[0]; 
    foo.b = buffer[1]; 

    // Handle endianness. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_short; 
    boost::uint16_t c; 
    std::memcpy(&c, &buffer[2], sizeof c); 
    foo.c = network_to_host_short(c); 


0  8  16  24  32 
|  count of foo elements [n] | 
|   serialized foo [0]  | 
|   serialized foo [1]  | 
|    ...    | 
|   serialized foo [n-1]  | 


/// @brief Serialize a collection of foos into a network-byte-order buffer. 
template <typename Foos> 
std::vector<unsigned char> serialize(const Foos& foos) 
    boost::uint32_t count = foos.size(); 

    // Allocate a buffer large enough to store: 
    // - Count of foo elements. 
    // - Each serialized foo object. 
    std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(
     sizeof count +   // count 
     foo_packed_size * count); // serialize foo objects 

    // Handle endianness for size. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_long; 
    count = host_to_network_long(count); 

    // Pack size into buffer. 
    unsigned char* current = &buffer[0]; 
    std::memcpy(current, &count, sizeof count); 
    current += sizeof count; // Adjust position. 

    // Pack each foo into the buffer. 
    BOOST_FOREACH(const foo& foo, foos) 
    serialize(foo, current); 
    current += foo_packed_size; // Adjust position. 

    return buffer; 

/// @brief Deserialize a buffer into a collection of foo objects. 
std::vector<foo> deserialize(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer) 
    const unsigned char* current = &buffer[0]; 

    // Extract the count of elements from the buffer. 
    boost::uint32_t count; 
    std::memcpy(&count, current, sizeof count); 
    current += sizeof count; 

    // Handle endianness. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_long; 
    count = network_to_host_long(count); 

    // With the count extracted, create the appropriate sized collection. 
    std::vector<foo> foos(count); 

    // Deserialize each foo from the buffer. 
    BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos) 
    deserialize(foo, current); 
    current += foo_packed_size; 

    return foos; 


#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <boost/asio.hpp> 
#include <boost/asio/detail/socket_ops.hpp> // endian functions 
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp> 
#include <boost/foreach.hpp> 
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>   // boost::tie 
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp> // operator== for boost::tuple 

/// @brief Mockup type. 
struct foo 
    char a; 
    char b; 
    boost::uint16_t c; 

/// @brief Equality check for foo objects. 
bool operator==(const foo& lhs, const foo& rhs) 
    return boost::tie(lhs.a, lhs.b, lhs.c) == 
     boost::tie(rhs.a, rhs.b, rhs.c); 

/// @brief Calculated byte packed size for foo. 
/// @note char + char + uint16 = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 
static const std::size_t foo_packed_size = 4; 

/// @brief Serialize foo into a network-byte-order buffer. 
/// @detail Data is packed as follows: 
/// 0  8  16  24  32 
/// |--------+--------+--------+--------| 
/// | a | b |  c  | 
/// '--------+--------+--------+--------' 
void serialize(const foo& foo, unsigned char* buffer) 
    buffer[0] = foo.a; 
    buffer[1] = foo.b; 

    // Handle endianness. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_short; 
    boost::uint16_t c = host_to_network_short(foo.c); 
    std::memcpy(&buffer[2], &c, sizeof c); 

/// @brief Deserialize foo from a network-byte-order buffer. 
void deserialize(foo& foo, const unsigned char* buffer) 
    foo.a = buffer[0]; 
    foo.b = buffer[1]; 

    // Handle endianness. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_short; 
    boost::uint16_t c; 
    std::memcpy(&c, &buffer[2], sizeof c); 
    foo.c = network_to_host_short(c); 

/// @brief Serialize a collection of foos into a network-byte-order buffer. 
/// @detail Data is packed as follows: 
/// 0  8  16  24  32 
/// |--------+--------+--------+--------| 
/// |  count of foo elements [n] | 
/// |--------+--------+--------+--------| 
/// |   serialized foo [0]  | 
/// |--------+--------+--------+--------| 
/// |   serialized foo [1]  | 
/// |--------+--------+--------+--------| 
/// |    ...    | 
/// |--------+--------+--------+--------| 
/// |   serialized foo [n-1]  | 
/// '--------+--------+--------+--------' 
template <typename Foos> 
std::vector<unsigned char> serialize(const Foos& foos) 
    boost::uint32_t count = foos.size(); 

    // Allocate a buffer large enough to store: 
    // - Count of foo elements. 
    // - Each serialized foo object. 
    std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(
     sizeof count +   // count 
     foo_packed_size * count); // serialize foo objects 

    // Handle endianness for size. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::host_to_network_long; 
    count = host_to_network_long(count); 

    // Pack size into buffer. 
    unsigned char* current = &buffer[0]; 
    std::memcpy(current, &count, sizeof count); 
    current += sizeof count; // Adjust position. 

    // Pack each foo into the buffer. 
    BOOST_FOREACH(const foo& foo, foos) 
    serialize(foo, current); 
    current += foo_packed_size; // Adjust position. 

    return buffer; 

/// @brief Deserialize a buffer into a collection of foo objects. 
std::vector<foo> deserialize(const std::vector<unsigned char>& buffer) 
    const unsigned char* current = &buffer[0]; 

    // Extract the count of elements from the buffer. 
    boost::uint32_t count; 
    std::memcpy(&count, current, sizeof count); 
    current += sizeof count; 

    // Handle endianness. 
    using ::boost::asio::detail::socket_ops::network_to_host_long; 
    count = network_to_host_long(count); 

    // With the count extracted, create the appropriate sized collection. 
    std::vector<foo> foos(count); 

    // Deserialize each foo from the buffer. 
    BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos) 
    deserialize(foo, current); 
    current += foo_packed_size; 

    return foos; 

int main() 
    // Create a collection of foo objects with pre populated data. 
    std::vector<foo> foos_expected(5); 
    char a = 'a', 
     b = 'A'; 
    boost::uint16_t c = 100; 

    // Populate each element. 
    BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos_expected) 
    foo.a = a++; 
    foo.b = b++; 
    foo.c = c++; 

    // Serialize the collection into a buffer. 
    std::vector<unsigned char> buffer = serialize(foos_expected); 

    // Deserialize the buffer back into a collection. 
    std::vector<foo> foos_actual = deserialize(buffer); 

    // Compare the two. 
    std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl; // expect 1 

    // Negative test. 
    foos_expected[0].c = 0; 
    std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl; // expect 0 



// Create and populate a contiguous sequence of foo objects. 
std::vector<foo> foo1; 

// Get a handle to the contiguous memory block. 
const char* buffer = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&foo1[0]); 

// Populate a new vector via iterator constructor. 
const foo* begin = reinterpret_cast<const foo*>(buffer); 
std::vector<foo> foos2(begin, begin + foos1.size()); 


#include <iostream> 
#include <vector> 
#include <boost/cstdint.hpp> 
#include <boost/foreach.hpp> 
#include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp>   // boost::tie 
#include <boost/tuple/tuple_comparison.hpp> // operator== for boost::tuple 

/// @brief Mockup type. 
struct foo 
    char a; 
    char b; 
    boost::uint16_t c; 

/// @brief Equality check for foo objects. 
bool operator==(const foo& lhs, const foo& rhs) 
    return boost::tie(lhs.a, lhs.b, lhs.c) == 
     boost::tie(rhs.a, rhs.b, rhs.c); 

int main() 
    // Create a collection of foo objects with pre populated data. 
    std::vector<foo> foos_expected(5); 
    char a = 'a', 
     b = 'A'; 
    boost::uint16_t c = 100; 

    // Populate each element. 
    BOOST_FOREACH(foo& foo, foos_expected) 
    foo.a = a++; 
    foo.b = b++; 
    foo.c = c++; 

    // Treat the collection as a raw buffer. 
    const char* buffer = 
     reinterpret_cast<const char*>(&foos_expected[0]); 

    // Populate a new vector. 
    const foo* begin = reinterpret_cast<const foo*>(buffer); 
    std::vector<foo> foos_actual(begin, begin + foos_expected.size()); 

    // Compare the two. 
    std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl; 

    // Negative test. 
    foos_expected[0].c = 0; 
    std::cout << (foos_expected == foos_actual) << std::endl; 



这是一个令人难以置信的详细例子,谢谢。但是,似乎所有序列化和备份都可能相对较慢。有没有什么办法通过将大量连续内存并插入套接字来在套接字上发送数据? ESP。如果我们控制连接的每一端的排序? – jekelija


@jekelija:是的,套接字只对原始数据进行操作;问题是反序列化。我已经扩大了答案,详细说明如何通过将原始缓冲区重新解释为一个“foo”对象数组来构造'std :: vector '。一旦知道了“numWaveforms”,就可以使用类似的方法从缓冲区构造“WAVEFORM_DATA_STRUCT”对象。 –


难以实施你的方法,但我有另一种方法运气好,我编辑我原来的帖子,包括...心灵看一看,看看它是否也是正确的?本质上,我直接将序列化为一个波形数组(我意识到我的原始结构是不必要的,因为我可以从可供读取的数据量中扣除波形数) – jekelija


首先,它不安全使用pragma pack(1)。包装可能与不同的编译器/拱不同。此外,您将在协议更改中遇到问题。我建议改用google protobuf


P.S.与boost :: asio没有任何关系,但这个问题是关于正确的序列化/反序列化。


我们可以控制客户端和服务器,所以我们可以通过一种方式控制编译器和体系结构,从而实现保存编译指示打包。 至于你的第二点,我从boost文档[链接](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/doc/html/booster_asio/reference/buffer/overload23.html)的理解是,缓冲区(矢量)本质上产生与以下相同的结果: mutable_buffers_1( data.size()?&data [0]:0, data.size()* sizeof(PodType)); 因此,这会将内存中的原始数据从第一个向量元素的地址发送到最后一个向量元素的地址 – jekelija


@jekelija关于您正在寻找故障的包装。关于数据 - 你发送矢量的原始数据,而不是你的想法..阅读有关矢量如何包含其数据。 – PSIAlt


@PSIAlt:'std :: vector'的boost :: asio :: buffer()'重载将代表std :: vector的内容('&v [0]')的缓冲区,而不是'std :: vector'本身('&v')。 Boost.Asio [引用计数缓冲区](http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_54_0/doc/html/boost_asio/example/cpp03/buffers/reference_counted.cpp)示例创建一个'boost :: asio :: std :: vector ':: const_buffer'。 –