2013-10-19 21 views

我有一个while循环,我正在从档案文件中读取并提取第一个文件。C读写问题w /指定的字节长度

int fd = open(argv[2], O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); 
    char name_buffer[16]; 
    char size_buffer[10]; 

    // go to the first header 
    lseek(fd, SARMAG, SEEK_CUR); 

    // store the number of bits read in a struct current_header 
    // until its size equal to the size of the entire 
    // header, or in other words, until the entire 
    // header is read 
    while ((num_read = read(fd, (char*) &current_header, 
    sizeof(struct ar_hdr))) == sizeof(struct ar_hdr)) 

    // scans the current string in header and stores 
    // in nameStr array 
    sscanf(current_header.ar_name, "%s", name_buffer); 
    sscanf(current_header.ar_date, "%s", date_buffer); 
    sscanf(current_header.ar_uid, "%s", uid_buffer); 
    sscanf(current_header.ar_gid, "%s", gid_buffer); 

    int mode; 
    sscanf(current_header.ar_mode, "%o", &mode); 
    sscanf(current_header.ar_size, "%s", size_buffer); 
    sscanf(current_header.ar_fmag, "%s", fmag_buffer); 

    new_file_fd = open(name_buffer, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC); 
    int size = atoi(size_buffer); 
    char buf[size]; 
    size_t count = size; 

    while ((n_read = read(fd, buf, size)) > 0) 
     n_write = 0; 
     do { 
     n = write(new_file_fd, &buf[n_write], n_read - n_write); 
     n_write += n; 
     } while (n_write < n_read); 

    lseek(fd, size + (size%2), SEEK_CUR); 


File1    1382142494 501 20 100644 29  ` 
Testing 123 

File2    1382142504 501 20 100644 23  ` 
Testing 246 

预期的输出应该是一个文件,“文件1”只包含内容“是testing123”。 相反,我得到文件1与内容: 测试123

File2    1382142504 501 20 100644 23  ` 
Testing 246 

出于某种原因,即使我指定位的数量读写(参数3是“大小”返回29 - File1)的大小,它保持读取和写入超过29个字节。




while ((n_read = read(fd, buf, size)) > 0)


size -= n_read
