2017-10-06 24 views

我正在使用Chrome puppeteer库直接运行浏览器集成测试。我现在在单个文件中编写了一些测试。有没有办法平行运行它们?达到此目的的最佳方法是什么?如何启用puppeteer并行测试?


// My tests contain about 30 pages I want to test in parallel 
const aBunchOfUrls = [ 
    desc: 'Name of test #1', 
    url: SOME_URL, 
    desc: 'Name of test #2', 
    url: ANOTHER_URL, 
    // ... snip ... 

const browserPromise = puppeteer.launch(); 

// These test pass! And rather quickly. Slowest link is the backend server. 
// They're running concurrently, generating a new page within the same browser instance 
describe('Generate about 20 parallel page tests',() => { 
    aBunchOfUrls.forEach((testObj, idx) => { 
    it.concurrent(testObj.desc, async() => { 
     const browser = await browserPromise; 
     const page = await browser.newPage(); 

     await page.goto(testObj.url, { waitUntil: 'networkidle' }); 
     await page.waitForSelector('#content'); 

     // assert things.. 
