2013-11-26 132 views


将我的网站迁移到云端很好吗? 我有一个建立在J2EE servlet和JSP和MySQL数据库上的网站。





1.first you need to buy Domain name for your website,for this you can visit 
    GOdaddy.com or Bigrock.compare the prices and buy whichever is best. 

    2.you need to buy Server space to host your website. 
    again you can go to above mentioned sites and choose your plan,they also 
    provide cloud services. 

    3.and i think you must be aware that Cloud is nothing 
    But cluster of virtual servers which is nowadays best option to keep 
    your data safe. 

    4.now yo need a FTP to transfer your file from localhost 
    to Remote server.FILEZILLA is an opensource application used 
    widely for the purpose.you may choose other also according to your need. 

获得域名的网站只是一个时间收费,我觉得。然而,根据我的观点,即获得服务器空间将是一个经常性费用。你能告诉我更多关于它吗? – vishram0709


@ vishram0709你有3个选择:1.让你的系统成为一台服务器(我严格反对),2.你也可以获得免费的托管服务,但是这将不安全加上很多headche.3。如果你是非常认真的关于你的网站比我的建议是购买一个Linux托管计划。 –


购买小用途的共享主机方案。你的名字表明你来自印度。我们在这里有一些便宜的托管计划($ 1.95 /年)。 –