2013-12-16 66 views

我正在开发Access 2007应用程序,并对MouseMove在标签和表单上的性能有所担忧。 到目前为止,在我的解决方案中,我在双核I5 3.0ghz上获得了较高的CPU使用率。 当我移动鼠标cpu使用率跳转到一个核心的30-32%左右(使用超线程) 对于像MouseMove这样简单的任务,我想有一些效率更高:)MouseMove高CPU使用率 - 寻找更好更优雅的解决方案



Private moveOverOn As Boolean 

Private Property Get isMoveOverOn() As Boolean 
isMoveOverOn = moveOverOn 
End Property 

Private Property Let setMoveOverOn(value As Boolean) 
moveOverOn = value 
End Property 

'label MouseMove detection 
Private Sub lbl_projects_completed_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 
If Shift = 0 And isMoveOverOn = False Then 
    Me.lbl_projects_completed.FontBold = True 
    setMoveOverOn = True 
End If 
End Sub 

'main form MouseMove detection 
Private Sub Detail_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 
If isMoveOverOn Then 
    resetBold 'call a sub that reset all labels .FontBold 
    setMoveOverOn = False 
End If 

End Sub 

我不知道这是否是可能的,但我认为,减少鼠标移动 刷新时的速度将有助于完成这个任务,不幸的是我没有能够找到关于它的信息。

我接受了建议,感谢您的时间! :)


什么是你想用这个来完成? – engineersmnky


简单的鼠标将使用户知道他可以与对象进行交互的粗体字体。用户将点击,然后获得另一种形式。 – Mindkrypted


我假设这些标签没有附加,如果是这样的话,为什么不明确他们可以通过使用超链接来交互呢? – engineersmnky




'put this in head of the form code 
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long) 

'form MouseMove with sleep timer 
Private Sub Detail_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 

'placeholder call sub to change the label FontBold Suggested by engineersmnky 

Sleep (25) 
End Sub 

我改变了功能,使其更加准确,但请通过减慢事件发生来减缓事件的发生,使代码不太准确,因为它可能会错过进入控件之前发生的坐标 – engineersmnky




好主意,我会试着让你知道它是怎么回事。谢谢! – Mindkrypted


迈克,我玩过并在CommandButton对象上做了一些Google搜索。不幸的是,与我所想到的解决方案相反,我仍然必须使用MouseMove属性来设置FontBold = True。这使我回到了我最初的问题。 – Mindkrypted





Private Sub Detail_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single, Y As Single) 
    mouseHover X, Y 
End Sub 
Private Sub mouseHover(X As Single, Y As Single) 
    Dim ctrl As Control 
    'You may want to make an array of controls here to shorten the loop 
    ' Dim ctrl_array() As Variant 
    ' ctrl_array(0) = Me.lbl_projects_completed 
    ' ctrl_array(1) = Me.some_other_label 
    ' For Each ctrl in ctrl_array 
    For Each ctrl In Me.Controls 
     If ctrl.ControlType = acLabel Then 
      If FuzzyInsideControl(ctrl.top, ctrl.left, ctrl.width, ctrl.height, X, Y) Then 
       ctrl.FontBold = True 
       ctrl.ForeColor = RGB(255, 0, 0) 
       Exit For 
       ctrl.ForeColor = RGB(0, 0, 0) 
       ctrl.FontBold = False 
      End If 
     End If 
    Next ctrl 
End Sub 
Private Function FuzzyInsideControl(top As Long, left As Long, width As Long, height As Long, X As Single, Y As Single, Optional fuzz As Integer = 50) As Boolean 
    Dim coord_left As Long 
    Dim coord_right As Long 
    Dim coord_top As Long 
    Dim coord_bottom As Long 
    Dim inside_x As Boolean 
    Dim inside_y As Boolean 
    coord_top = top - fuzz 
    coord_bottom = top + height + fuzz 
    coord_left = left - fuzz 
    coord_right = left + width + fuzz 
    inside_y = Y > coord_top And Y < coord_bottom 
    inside_x = X > coord_left And X < coord_right 
    FuzzyInsideControl = inside_x And inside_y 
End Function 





感谢您的时间和努力engineermnky,我会毫不犹豫地试一试,让你知道它是如何:) – Mindkrypted


没问题,就像我说这很有趣。让我知道它是如何工作的,因为我认为可以通过使用Fuzzy – engineersmnky


中的'top_left,top_right,bottom_right,bottom_left'设置来创建一个围绕控件的仿真盒,我的工作非常好,代码很多比我更漂亮。你的建议将是一个很好的升级。再次感谢! – Mindkrypted
