2010-01-20 29 views



SQLAlchemy本身不支持模式的自动更新,但有第三方工具来自动化迁移。看看"Database schema versioning workflow" chapter看看它是如何工作的。


嘿谢谢,以为这么多... – jagguli 2010-01-21 13:12:46


我可以问一个新的链接吗?那个似乎已经死了。提前致谢。 – Nonsingular 2017-06-06 18:15:12


有时迁移工作太多 - 您只需要在运行更改后的代码时自动添加列。所以这里有一个功能。注意事项:它在SQLAlchemy的内部构造中徘徊,并且每次SQLAlchemy进行重大修订时都需要进行小的更改。 (这可能是一个更好的方法 - 我不是SQLAlchemy专家)。它也不处理约束。

import logging 
import re 

import sqlalchemy 
from sqlalchemy import MetaData, Table, exceptions 
import sqlalchemy.engine.ddl 

_new_sa_ddl = sqlalchemy.__version__.startswith('0.7') 

def create_and_upgrade(engine, metadata): 
    """For each table in metadata, if it is not in the database then create it. 
    If it is in the database then add any missing columns and warn about any columns 
    whose spec has changed""" 
    db_metadata = MetaData() 
    db_metadata.bind = engine 

    for model_table in metadata.sorted_tables: 
      db_table = Table(model_table.name, db_metadata, autoload=True) 
     except exceptions.NoSuchTableError: 
      logging.info('Creating table %s' % model_table.name) 
      if _new_sa_ddl: 
       ddl_c = engine.dialect.ddl_compiler(engine.dialect, None) 
       # 0.6 
       ddl_c = engine.dialect.ddl_compiler(engine.dialect, db_table) 
      # else: 
       # 0.5 
       # ddl_c = engine.dialect.schemagenerator(engine.dialect, engine.contextual_connect()) 

      logging.debug('Table %s already exists. Checking for missing columns' % model_table.name) 

      model_columns = _column_names(model_table) 
      db_columns = _column_names(db_table) 

      to_create = model_columns - db_columns 
      to_remove = db_columns - model_columns 
      to_check = db_columns.intersection(model_columns) 

      for c in to_create: 
       model_column = getattr(model_table.c, c) 
       logging.info('Adding column %s.%s' % (model_table.name, model_column.name)) 
       assert not model_column.constraints, \ 
        'Arrrgh! I cannot automatically add columns with constraints to the database'\ 
         'Please consider fixing me if you care!' 
       model_col_spec = ddl_c.get_column_specification(model_column) 
       sql = 'ALTER TABLE %s ADD %s' % (model_table.name, model_col_spec) 

      # It's difficult to reliably determine if the model has changed 
      # a column definition. E.g. the default precision of columns 
      # is None, which means the database decides. Therefore when I look at the model 
      # it may give the SQL for the column as INTEGER but when I look at the database 
      # I have a definite precision, therefore the returned type is INTEGER(11) 

      for c in to_check: 
       model_column = model_table.c[c] 
       db_column = db_table.c[c] 
       x = model_column == db_column 

       logging.debug('Checking column %s.%s' % (model_table.name, model_column.name)) 
       model_col_spec = ddl_c.get_column_specification(model_column) 
       db_col_spec = ddl_c.get_column_specification(db_column) 

       model_col_spec = re.sub('[(][\d ,]+[)]', '', model_col_spec) 
       db_col_spec = re.sub('[(][\d ,]+[)]', '', db_col_spec) 
       db_col_spec = db_col_spec.replace('DECIMAL', 'NUMERIC') 
       db_col_spec = db_col_spec.replace('TINYINT', 'BOOL') 

       if model_col_spec != db_col_spec: 
        logging.warning('Column %s.%s has specification %r in the model but %r in the database' % 
             (model_table.name, model_column.name, model_col_spec, db_col_spec)) 

       if model_column.constraints or db_column.constraints: 
        # TODO, check constraints 
        logging.debug('Column constraints not checked. I am too dumb') 

      for c in to_remove: 
       model_column = getattr(db_table.c, c) 
       logging.warning('Column %s.%s in the database is not in the model' % (model_table.name, model_column.name)) 

def _column_names(table): 
    # Autoloaded columns return unicode column names - make sure we treat all are equal 
    return set((unicode(i.name) for i in table.c)) 

非常感谢!正是我在找什么。 – kay 2012-12-18 11:46:05

# database.py has definition for engine. 
# from sqlalchemy import create_engine 
# engine = create_engine('mysql://......', convert_unicode=True) 

from database import engine 
from sqlalchemy import DDL 

add_column = DDL('ALTER TABLE USERS ADD COLUMN city VARCHAR(60) AFTER email') 