2017-02-01 23 views



Set objectVariable = Nothing 


Declare Function GetObject Lib "ObjectCreator.dll"() As Object 
Public MyObject as Object 

Sub MyMethod() 
    Set MyObject = GetObject() 
     ...do stuff with MyObject... 

    Set MyObject = GetObject() 
     ...do stuff with my new MyObject... 

    Set MyObject = GetObject() 
     ...do stuff with my even newer MyObject... 

    Set MyObject = Nothing 
End Sub 



如果你确实有一个具有'GetObject'方法的dll,你应该在declare语句中将它别名,这样它就不会隐藏VBA'GetObject'函数。 – Comintern


@Comintern:也许我应该使用不同的名称......不,DLL没有GetObject方法,只是一个返回对象的方法。我只用这个名字来保持这个例子简单。 – zaphodalive




Dim a As Collection 
Set a = new Collection 'The reference count of this new Collection object is 1 
Set b = a    'The reference count of the Collection object is now 2 
Set b = new Collection 'The reference count of the original collection has gone back down to 1 because b is no longer a reference to it, and this new Collection has a reference count of 1 

Set a = Nothing  'The original collection no longer has any active references, so VBA safely GCs it. 
Set b = Nothing  'The newer collection now no longer has any active references either, so VBA safely GCs it. 



谢谢,这就是我需要知道的。我想确保我正在处理的电子表格不会创建无数对象,这些对象如果不用'= Nothing'显式地打破变量引用就不会被实例化。 – zaphodalive


FWIW,*所有* COM对象以这种方式处理引用计数,而用户对象是COM对象。 IIR它们扩展VBE7.dll中隐藏的第二个typelib中定义的基类。 VBA使用COM引用计数接口并让COM服务器确定对象的使用寿命。 – Comintern