2017-10-10 30 views

I have only one row '1,[space],3' which I input it manually谷歌片REST API追加不正确的数据

然后我想追加的新行3个细胞 '1,2,3' 使用REST API

curl -X POST \ 
    'https://sheets.googleapis.com/v4/spreadsheets/12_Ci93pDWrmQGLt3D5jg_Vb7Xi7vmHI9o62F58dpLeA/values/aaa%21A1%3AC1:append?insertDataOption=INSERT_ROWS&valueInputOption=RAW' \ 
    -H 'authorization: Bearer ya29.GlvgBH1pkFnZKs8cz0s0o7VyPUloPma1i2ZU-JUJGczIfFGy1Iw2XJUOMh4L9r2pTNYYVsmhMdf-2LfW4J38RMe5FosfeQjcTsZ6SiIGq1wcDzvSQjeHdY0P7iDh' \ 
    -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ 
    -H 'content-type: application/json' \ 
    -H 'postman-token: b6de9e14-d792-98a5-6d6d-183a1034cea5' \ 
    -d '{ "majorDimension": "ROWS", "values": [ [ "1", "2", "3" ] ] } '

It's strange that the newly added row has two spaces at the head '[space],[space],1,2,3', if the first row has no space, it would be normal as '1,2,3' please advice how can I add it without these 2 spaces?


添加'json''Google-sheets-api'和'curl'标签 –


看来我将A1:C1的范围更改为A1可以解决问题。 – Sim


我认为这仍然是一个问题,虽然我的问题是固定的:) – Sim



如果有一行,并且您想追加一个新行(1,2,3)。 范围应该是A2:C2或A1,A1:C1会导致不正确的行为。