2014-07-16 66 views


我相信我必须将其转换为使用FSO? 但我真的不知道如何开始这样做。



Function CSV_1304_USA_date_convertor(ByVal InputFile As String, ByVal OutputFile As String) As Boolean 
    CSV_1304_USA_date_convertor = False 'set as failed until the end 
    On Error GoTo error1 'error trapping 
    Dim ThisString As String, vArray As Variant 'set up the variables 

    Open InputFile For Input As #1 'open the input file 
    Open OutputFile For Output As #2 'open/create the output file 
    Line Input #1, ThisString 'copy the first row (headings) 
    Print #2, ThisString 

    While Not EOF(1) 'loop for each row 
     Line Input #1, ThisString 'read in the row 
     vArray = Split(ThisString, ",") 'split into an array 

     For x = 0 To UBound(vArray) 'for each field in the array 
      If Mid(vArray(x), 3, 1) = "/" And Mid(vArray(x), 6, 1) = "/" Then 'if it is a date (ISDATE doesnt work as they are American!) 
       vArray(x) = Mid(vArray(x), 4, 2) & "/" & Left(vArray(x), 2) & "/" & Right(vArray(x), 2) 'switch the day and month around 
      End If 
     Next x 

     Print #2, Join(vArray, ",") 'join array back into comma delim text and put the row into the output file 

    Close #1 'close the input file 
    Close #2 'close the output file 
    CSV_1304_USA_date_convertor = True 'success! 
    Exit Function 'end 

    'the function will return as false 
    On Error Resume Next 'ignore any further errors 
    Close #1 'close the input file, if possible 
    Close #2 'close the output file, if possible 
End Function 

好,我没弄明白,但显然我不能回答我的问题呢。明天我会发布我的最终代码。 – Treva26



好,我想通了大量的试验和错误之后。 事实证明,VBS有很多不同之处。


Function CSV_1304_USA_date_convertor(InputFile,OutputFile) 
CSV_1304_USA_date_convertor = False 'set as failed until the end 

'setup variables etc 
Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 
Dim ThisString , vArray , f1 , f2, fso 
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

'open and create text files 
Set f1 = fso.OpenTextFile(InputFile, ForReading, True) 
Set f2 = fso.CreateTextFile(OutputFile) 

'loop for each row 
    While f1.AtEndOfStream <> True 
     ThisString = f1.Readline  'read in the row 
     vArray = Split(ThisString, ",") 'split into an array 

     For x = 0 To UBound(vArray) 'for each field in the array 
      If Mid(vArray(x), 3, 1) = "/" And Mid(vArray(x), 6, 1) = "/" Then 'if it is a date 
       vArray(x) = Mid(vArray(x), 4, 2) & "/" & Left(vArray(x), 2) & "/" & Right(vArray(x), 2) 'switch the day and month around 
      End If 

     f2.WriteLine Join(vArray, ",") 'join array back into comma delim text and put the row into the output file 

'finish up 
f1.Close 'close the input file 
f2.Close 'close the output file 
Set f1 = Nothing 
Set f2 = Nothing 
Set fso = Nothing 

CSV_1304_USA_date_convertor = True 'success! 

End Function