2014-05-15 26 views

我希望我不打破本网站的任何规则,但张贴链接到问题是必要的。我已经从源代码复制了html,并在本地html文件中进行了测试,并且没有中断。我无法为我的生活工作。文字突破的Div - 只在Wordpress


Online Demo


<h2>Our Core Values:</h2> 
<strong>Relationship with God: </strong> This is our primary relationship. We were created to serve and give praise to our Creator, through our thoughts, words, and actions. When we do this, we experience the presence of God as our Heavenly Father and live in a joyful, intimate relationship with Him. 

<strong>Relationship with Self:</strong> People are uniquely created in the image of God and thus have inherent worth and dignity. While we must remember that we are not God, we have the high calling of reflecting God’s being, making us superior to the rest of creation. 

<strong>Relationship with Others:</strong> God created us to live in loving relationship with one another, and to encourage one another to use the gifts God has given to each of us to fulfill our calling. 

<strong>Relationship with the rest of Creation:</strong> The cultural mandate of Gen 1:28-30 teaches that God created us to be stewards, people who understand, subdue and manage the world that God created in order to produce bounty. While God made the World ‘perfect’ He left it incomplete. God called humans to interact with creation to make possibilities into realities and to be able to sustain ourselves via the fruit of our stewardship. The economically poor are singled out in the Scriptures as being in a particularly desperate category and as needing very specific attention (Acts :-1:6-7) 
<li>Faith – God is our provider and equips in all He calls us to do.</li> 
<li>The Great Commissions - We are called to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19-20)</li> 
<li>Relationship - The body of Christ is held together in relationship with the Lord and each other and self.</li> 
<li>Partnership – The Lord never calls one person to work alone. A biblical, effective model of missionary involvement. Ministry partnerships should promote interdependence, not dependence.</li> 
<li>Leadership – The five-fold gifts are meant to operate in the establishment and leading of the church.</li> 
<li>Faithful stewardship and accountability are essential for successful ministry.</li> 




嗨!我无法在您的网站上看到任何文字分页。你可以添加一个截图到你的问题。 – yeshansachithak


你的意思是这个页面是正确的? http://kenyaaustraliamission.com/statement-of-faith/ – Mindeater


不,我的意思是你的链接页面。好的!我可以看到很多问题。等待 – yeshansachithak




li { word-wrap: break-word; } 

为了让你的答案更有用,你可以解释为什么你的建议可以解决问题 –








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for wordpress这些p标签r自动添加,当你创建帖子。不要以为它可以被删除 – cjmling


@cjmling现在这个答案http://wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/137738/remove-empty-lines-nbsp-when-author-updates-their-post –


@RohitAzad我同意cjmling。你必须先做一个简单的快速解决方案,然后才能做大事。所以,我想答案是'.row {word-wrap:break-word; text-align:justify;}'在CSS中添加 – yeshansachithak