2016-05-09 36 views



问题是嵌套容器也使用display: flex,不知何故,嵌套容器不会使用所有剩余的空间(只有当它们具有定义的宽度/高度时才起作用)。

screenshot of the problem

jsfiddle view of the problem

<div class="flexbox-parent"> 
<div class="flexbox-item header"> 

<div class="flexbox-item fill-area content flexbox-item-grow"> 
    <div class="fill-area-content flexbox-item-grow"> 
     <div class="flexbox-parent"> 
      <div class="flexbox-item header"> 
       2nd layer header 
      <div class="flexbox-item fill-area content flexbox-item-grow"> 
       <div class="fill-area-content flexbox-item-grow"> 
        <strong>How to make this section use all the remaining space? </strong><br/> 
        It should also overflow:auto if too much data. 

      <div class="flexbox-item footer"> 
       2nd layer Footer 

<div class="flexbox-item footer"> 

html, body 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 

    display: flex; 
    flex-direction: column; 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    justify-content: flex-start; /* align items in Main Axis */ 
    align-items: stretch; /* align items in Cross Axis */ 
    align-content: stretch; /* Extra space in Cross Axis */ 
    background: rgba(255, 255, 255, .1); 

.flexbox-item {padding: 8px;} 
.flexbox-item-grow { 
    flex: 1; /* same as flex: 1 1 auto; */ 

.flexbox-item.header { background: rgba(255, 0, 0, .1);} 
.flexbox-item.footer { background: rgba(0, 255, 0, .1);} 
.flexbox-item.content{ background: rgba(0, 0, 255, .1);} 

    display: flex; 
    flex-direction: row; 
    justify-content: flex-start; /* align items in Main Axis */ 
    align-items: stretch; /* align items in Cross Axis */ 
    align-content: stretch; /* Extra space in Cross Axis */ 
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, .3); 
    border: 1px solid #000000; 

    /* Needed for when the area gets squished too far and there is content that can't be displayed */ 
    overflow: auto; 



其实答案已经存在于this stackoverflow thread


  1. 设置位置:相对;在孩子的父母身上。
  2. 设置位置:绝对;对孩子。
  3. 然后,您可以根据需要设置宽度/高度(在我的示例中为100%)。

Updated fiddle

<div class="flexbox-parent"> 
    <div class="flexbox-item header"> 

    <div class="flexbox-item fill-area content flexbox-item-grow"> 
     <div class="fill-area-content flexbox-item-grow" style="position:relative;"> 
      <div class="flexbox-parent" style="position:absolute;"> 
       <div class="flexbox-item header"> 
        2nd layer header 
       <div class="flexbox-item fill-area content flexbox-item-grow"> 
        <div class="fill-area-content flexbox-item-grow"> 
         <strong>How to make this section use all the remaining space? </strong><br/> 
         It should also overflow:auto if too much data. 

       <div class="flexbox-item footer"> 
        2nd layer Footer 

    <div class="flexbox-item footer"> 
.flexbox-item {padding: 8px;} 


<div class="flexbox-item fill-area content flexbox-item-grow"> 
      <div class="fill-area-content flexbox-item-grow"> 
       <strong>How to make this section use all the remaining space? </strong><br/> 
       It should also overflow:auto if too much data. 



Updated Fiddle


我觉得我没有解释清楚这个问题,我想用文本里面“如何使这个......”伸展高度,而不仅仅是高度文本。如果工作正常,“页脚”部分将彼此相邻。 –