2016-03-15 58 views



chrome progress



这就是被称为 “任务栏进度指示器”;它被添加到Windows 7作为一项新功能,并通过'ITaskbarList3'界面公开。 –


很多[任务栏扩展]的(https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd378460.aspx)在Windows 7 –


@JonathanPotter完美的加入!我在搜索时可能使用了错误的术语。 – TcAcS



如果耗时的操作可以在一个循环内执行,并且取决于它是否是一个计数控制循环,您可能可以使用threadatomic来解决您的问题。 如果您的处理器架构支持多线程,你可以使用线程同时运行的计算。基本使用线程的是平行于主线程运行的函数,这些操作可能在同一时间被有效地完成,这意味着你将能够使用主线程来检查你的耗时的计算进度。随着并行线程来的数据竞争的问题,其中,如果两个线程试图访问或修改相同的数据,他们可以这样做不正确的和腐败的记忆。这可以通过atomic来解决。您可以使用atomic_int来确保两个操作永远不会导致数据竞争。


#include <thread> 
#include <mutex> 
#include <atomic> 
#include <iostream> 

//function prototypes 
void foo(std::mutex * mtx, std::atomic_int * i); 

//main function 
int main() { 
    //first define your variables 
    std::thread bar; 
    std::mutex mtx; 
    std::atomic_int value; 
    //store initial value just in case 

    //create the thread and assign it a task by passing a function and any parameters of the function as parameters of thread 
    std::thread functionalThread; 
    functionalThread = std::thread(foo/*function name*/, &mtx, &value/*parameters of the function*/); 

    //a loop to keep checking value to see if it has reached its final value 

    //temp variable to hold value so that operations can be performed on it while the main thread does other things 
    int temp = value.load(); 

    //double to hold percent value 
    double percent; 
    while (temp < 1000000000) { 
     //calculate percent value 
     percent = 100.0 * double(temp)/1000000000.0; 

     //display percent value 
     std::cout << "The current percent is: " << percent << "%" << std::endl; 

     //get new value for temp 
     temp = value.load(); 
    //display message when calculations complete 
    std::cout << "Task is done." << std::endl; 

    //when you join a thread you are essentially waiting for the thread to finish before the calling thread continues 

    //cin to hold program from completing to view results 
    int wait; 
    std::cin >> wait; 

    //end program 
    return 0; 

void foo(std::mutex * mtx, std::atomic_int * i) { 
    //function counts to 1,000,000,000 as fast as it can 
    for (i->store(0); i->load() < 1000000000; i->store(i->load() + 1)) { 
     //keep i counting 
     //the first part is the initial value, store() sets the value of the atomic int 
     //the second part is the exit condition, load() returns the currently stored value of the atomic 
     //the third part is the increment 


我很好奇你认为这个答案对这个问题有什么相关性? –


重读这个问题后,似乎我误解了这个问题 – Stephen