2016-01-02 24 views


我正在Python中工作。最终目标是在ArcMap 10.2或10.3中使用的工具箱。

import arcpy 
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/SARP10/MACP_Tool" 

#Define fields to update and the field to use as join field 

Table = "Test2.csv" 
Input = "Test.gdb/MHs" 
csvFields = ['Location_Details', 'Elevation'] 
featFields = ['LOCDESC', 'RIMELEV'] 
csvKey = "Manhole_Number" 
featKey = "FACILITYID" 
csvFields.insert(0, csvKey) 
featFields.insert(0, featKey) 
print csvFields 
#Create dictionary to store values from the update table 
UpdateDict = {} 

#Iterates through the values in the table and stores them in UpdateDict 

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(Table, csvFields) as cursor: 
    for row in cursor: 
     UpdateDict[row[0]] = dict(zip(featFields[1:], row[1:])) 
    print UpdateDict 

MHNum = len(UpdateDict) # gets # of MHs to be updated 
MHKeys = UpdateDict.keys() # gets key values, i.e. MH numbers 

print "You are updating fields for the following {} manholes: {}".format(MHNum, MHKeys) 

#Iterates through feature class attribute table and updates desired attributes 
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(Input, featFields) as cursor: 
    i = 0 
    z = 0 

    for row in cursor: 
     i += 1 
     for f in UpdateDict.keys(): 
      if f == row[0]: 
       row[1] = UpdateDict.values()[z]['LOCDESC']#uses counter and subdict key to call correct value 
       row[2] = UpdateDict.values()[z]['RIMELEV']#uses counter and subdict key to call correct value 
       z +=1 #counter keeps track of rows and provides index location for dictionary 
       print "Updating {} of {} manholes in this submittal: {}.".format(z, MHNum, f) 
print "Updated {} of {} rows.".format(MHNum, i) 
print "Script completed." 





import arcpy 
arcpy.env.workspace = r"C:/SARP10/MACP_Tool" 

#Defines fields to update and the field to use as join field 
Table = "Test2.csv" 
Input = "Test.gdb/MHs" 
csvFields = ['Location_Details', 'Elevation', 'Rim_to_Invert', 'Rim_to_Grade', 'Cover_Size', 'Wall_Material', 'Wall_Diam', 'Wall_Lining_Interior', 'Photo2_Link', 'MH_InspectReportLink'] #update table fields 
csvKey = "Manhole_Number" 
featKey = "FACILITYID" 
csvFields.insert(0, csvKey) 
featFields.insert(0, featKey) 
print "Your table contains the following fields to be updated: {}\n".format(str(csvFields)) 

#Process: Create dictionary to store values from the update table, iterate through values and store in UpdateDict 
UpdateDict = {} 

with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(Table, csvFields) as cursor: 
    for row in cursor: 
     UpdateDict[row[0]] = dict(zip(featFields[1:], row[1:])) 
## debug print "You have created update dictionary 'UpdateDict': \n{}\n\n".format(UpdateDict) 

MHNum = len(UpdateDict) # gets # of MHs to be updatedMHKeys = sorted(UpdateDict.keys()) # gets key values, i.e. MH numbers 
MHKeys = UpdateDict.keys() #calls outer keys (MH numbers, which are join values) into a list of keys 
MHVals = UpdateDict.values()#calls inner nested key:value pairs to a list 

##debug print "Dictionary keys: {}\n\n Dictionary values: {}\n\n".format(str(MHKeys),str(MHVals)) 
print "You are updating fields for the following {} manholes: {}".format(MHNum, str(MHKeys)) 

#Process: Iterates through feature class attribute table and updates desired attributes 
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(Input, featFields) as curs: 
    i = 0 #attribute table row counter 
    for row in curs: 
     i += 1 
     for f in MHKeys: 
      if f == row[0]: 
       z = MHKeys.index(f)#get index location in MHKeys 
       for y in range(0,len(featFields)-1): 
        row[y+1] = MHVals[z][featFields[y+1]]#use z to pull corresponding value in MHVals to correct key in MHKeys 
       print "Current MH: {} \nUpdating Values: {} \n\n".format(f, UpdateDict.values()[z]) 

print "Updated {} of {} rows.".format(MHNum, i) 
print "Script completed." 


if f == row[0]: 
    # loop set by length of featFields list 
    for j in range(0, len(featFields) - 1): 
     row[j + 1] = UpdateDict.values()[z][featFields[j]] 
     # etc. 

注意“抵消” - row[1]应该使用featFields[0]等 - 这需要考虑。


我试过这样,昨晚一环,但它抛出抛出一个RuntimeError:“值类型与字段类型不兼容”。硬编码版本工作正常,所以我想知道是否有嵌套逻辑的问题。我完全运行你的代码,除了一个变化:我开始与范围内的j(1,len(featFields)-1)排除键'FACILITYID'添加到索引位置0.再次获取该错误...任何人都可以告诉我为什么? –


_value类型的incompatible_error听起来像是试图将一个字符串值放入一个数字字段(即'RIMELEV'可能是一个字符串''3''而不是一个整数'3')。 – Erica


我的本能说同样的事情......但为什么硬编码版本没有错误地工作?循环版本有什么不同?这就是我需要识别和修复的东西,我很难过。 –