2014-06-26 57 views

I'm trying to make page jumps on a page in blogger, using:页面跳转,<a href> adding websites randomly to links

<a href="#Test">Test</a> 

for the source and

<a name="Test"></a> 

for the target.

And this is all fine and dandy except when I switch from html mode to compose mode...and then back to html mode. When this happens it triggers the above lines to all of a sudden turn in to these two lines:

<a href="https://www.blogger.com/blogger.g?blogID=6870619294109194114#Test">Test</a> 

<a href="https://www.blogger.com/null" name="Test"></a> 

Where the blogID site is a login for blogger.com and the null site just gives an error message.

It's quite annoying and, while I could just manually delete these added web addresses each time, I am hoping someone out there has a solution that will stop this from happening as i have a lot of jumps and will constantly be updating the page.

Does anyone know why this addition happens and how to stop it?!


这种情况的发生是因为Blogger是一个糟糕的设计糟糕的软件。不过,请忽略我;我只是苦涩。严肃地说,阻止它发生的最好方法是停止使用Blogger。 – Ryan


防止这种情况发生的唯一方法是首先执行HTML部分,然后使用撰写模式并且永不切换回HTML模式。 :) – yaqoob



Actually sometimes This problem occurs because this link https://www.blogger.com/null自动生成并导致重新路由错误页面。 要解决此问题,请输入帖子的Html选项卡,然后查找此链接,然后将其从代码中删除,然后立即在Html选项卡中发布您的帖子。 并且您不应该返回到撰写选项卡以避免再次自动生成此链接。 你可以看到Demo
