2017-03-11 28 views

im发送数据如“52 40 00 00 CF E6 2A 1 2A 0 0 0 1 0 5 2A 0 0 0 0 2A 0 0 0 0 0 3B 00”来自HC-05的“”。但问题是当我收集数据时,我得到不同的数据。 设备正确连接,但当我发送数据到移动设备即时通讯错误data.plaese帮助我。蓝牙不能接收正确的数据


public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements View.OnClickListener { 
Button btnSubmit, nextPage; 
TextView txtArduino, txtString, txtStringLength, txtOutput, lblmeterId; 
EditText txtMeterId, txtCommandNo; 
Spinner txtCommandType; 
Handler bluetoothIn; 

StringBuilder packetFormat; 
String packetRequest; 

long packetFormatArray[] = new long[28]; 
long receivedDataArray[] = new long[28]; 

final int handlerState = 0; //used to identify handler message 
private BluetoothAdapter btAdapter = null; 
private BluetoothSocket btSocket = null; 
private StringBuilder recDataString = new StringBuilder(); 

private ConnectedThread mConnectedThread; 

private static final UUID BTMODULEUUID = UUID.fromString("00001101-0000-1000-8000-00805F9B34FB"); 

// String for MAC address 
private static String address; 

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { 


    btnSubmit = (Button) findViewById(R.id.btnSubmit); 

    nextPage = (Button) findViewById(R.id.nextPage); 
    txtString = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtString); 
    txtStringLength = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.testView1); 
    lblmeterId = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.lblmeterId); 

    txtOutput = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.txtOutput); 
    txtMeterId = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtMeterId); 
    txtCommandNo = (EditText) findViewById(R.id.txtCommandNo); 
    txtCommandType = (Spinner) findViewById(R.id.txtCommandType); 

    bluetoothIn = new Handler() { 
     public void handleMessage(android.os.Message msg) { 

      if (msg.what == handlerState) {  

       byte[] readBuf = (byte[]) msg.obj; 

       receivedDataArray = BytesTrans.bytes2HexString(readBuf, msg.arg1); 

       StringBuilder RpacketFormat = new StringBuilder(); 
       for (long value : receivedDataArray) { 
        RpacketFormat.append(value + " "); 

       String dataReceived = RpacketFormat.toString(); 
       int dataLength = dataReceived.length(); 
       txtString.setText("Received from Bluetooth: " + dataReceived); 

       if (receivedDataArray[0] == 82 && receivedDataArray[1] == 64) { 

        //find meterId from string 
        StringBuilder rMid = new StringBuilder(); 
        String rMeterId = ""; 
        for (int i = 2; i <= 5; i++) { 
         String hex = Integer.toHexString((int) (receivedDataArray[i] & 0xFF)); 
         rMeterId = String.valueOf(rMid); 
        rMeterId = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(rMeterId, 16)); 
        lblmeterId.setText("Received from Bluetooth: " + rMeterId); 

        //find command no from string 
        StringBuilder cId = new StringBuilder(); 
        String cmdId = ""; 
        cmdId = String.valueOf(cId); 
        //cmdId= String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(cmdId,16)); 

        //find kilo liters from String 
        StringBuilder kId = new StringBuilder(); 
        String kiloLiters = ""; 
        for (int i = 9; i <= 12; i++) { 
         kiloLiters = String.valueOf(kId); 
         //kiloLiters = kiloLiters.replace("0",""); 
        kiloLiters = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(kiloLiters, 16)); 

        //find kilo liters from String 
        StringBuilder lId = new StringBuilder(); 
        String liters = ""; 
        for (int i = 13; i <= 14; i++) { 
         liters = String.valueOf(lId); 
         //liters = liters.replace("0",""); 
        liters = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(liters, 16)); 

        //find I data liters from String 
        StringBuilder iId = new StringBuilder(); 
        String idata = ""; 
        for (int i = 16; i <= 17; i++) { 
         idata = String.valueOf(iId); 
         //idata = idata.replace("0",""); 
        idata = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(idata, 16)); 

        //find F data liters from String 
        StringBuilder fId = new StringBuilder(); 
        String fdata = ""; 
        for (int i = 18; i <= 19; i++) { 
         fdata = String.valueOf(fId); 
         //fdata = fdata.replace("0",""); 
        fdata = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(fdata, 16)); 

        //find flag1 from string 
        StringBuilder f1Id = new StringBuilder(); 
        String flag1 = ""; 
        flag1 = String.valueOf(f1Id); 
        cmdId = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(flag1, 16)); 

        //find flag2 from string 
        StringBuilder f2Id = new StringBuilder(); 
        String flag2 = ""; 
        flag2 = String.valueOf(f2Id); 
        flag2 = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(flag2, 16)); 

        //find flag3 from string 
        StringBuilder f3Id = new StringBuilder(); 
        String flag3 = ""; 
        flag3 = String.valueOf(f3Id); 
        flag3 = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(flag3, 16)); 

        //find flag4 from string 
        StringBuilder f4Id = new StringBuilder(); 
        String flag4 = ""; 
        flag4 = String.valueOf(f4Id); 
        flag4 = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(flag4, 16)); 

        //find flag5 from string 
        StringBuilder f5Id = new StringBuilder(); 
        String flag5 = ""; 
        flag5 = String.valueOf(f5Id); 
        flag5 = String.valueOf(Integer.parseInt(flag5, 16)); 

        recDataString.delete(0, recDataString.length()); //clear all string data 

        Intent receivedData = new Intent(MainActivity.this, DisplayDate.class); 

        receivedData.putExtra("meterId", rMeterId); 
        receivedData.putExtra("cmdId", cmdId); 
        receivedData.putExtra("kiloLiters", kiloLiters); 
        receivedData.putExtra("liters", liters); 
        receivedData.putExtra("idata", idata); 
        receivedData.putExtra("fdata", fdata); 
        receivedData.putExtra("flag1", flag1); 
        receivedData.putExtra("flag2", flag2); 
        receivedData.putExtra("flag3", flag3); 
        receivedData.putExtra("flag4", flag4); 
        receivedData.putExtra("flag5", flag5); 
        receivedData.putExtra("dataReceived", dataReceived); 
       } else { 
        Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Please Try Again. not getting proper data. ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 

        packetFormat = new StringBuilder(); 
        for (long value : receivedDataArray) { 
         packetFormat.append(value + " "); 
        packetRequest = packetFormat.toString(); 
        lblmeterId.setText("Received Data: " + packetRequest); 

    btAdapter = BluetoothAdapter.getDefaultAdapter();  // get Bluetooth adapter 

public void onClick(View view) { 

private BluetoothSocket createBluetoothSocket(BluetoothDevice device) throws IOException { 

    return device.createRfcommSocketToServiceRecord(BTMODULEUUID); 
    //creates secure outgoing connecetion with BT device using UUID 

public void onResume() { 

    //Get MAC address from DeviceListActivity via intent 
    Intent intent = getIntent(); 

    //Get the MAC address from the DeviceListActivty via EXTRA 
    address = intent.getStringExtra(DeviceListActivity.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS); 

    //create device and set the MAC address 
    if (address != null) { 
     BluetoothDevice device = btAdapter.getRemoteDevice(address); 

     try { 
      btSocket = createBluetoothSocket(device); 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
      Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Socket creation failed", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
     // Establish the Bluetooth socket connection. 
     try { 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
      try { 
      } catch (IOException e2) { 
       //insert code to deal with this 
    mConnectedThread = new ConnectedThread(btSocket); 

    //I send a character when resuming.beginning transmission to check device is connected 
    //If it is not an exception will be thrown in the write method and finish() will be called 
    // mConnectedThread.write("Hi Im Connected."); 

public void onPause() { 
    try { 
     //Don't leave Bluetooth sockets open when leaving activity 
    } catch (IOException e2) { 
     //insert code to deal with this 

//Checks that the Android device Bluetooth is available and prompts to be turned on if off 
private void checkBTState() { 

    if (btAdapter == null) { 
     Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Device does not support bluetooth", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
    } else { 
     if (btAdapter.isEnabled()) { 
     } else { 
      Intent enableBtIntent = new Intent(BluetoothAdapter.ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE); 
      startActivityForResult(enableBtIntent, 1); 

//create new class for connect thread 
private class ConnectedThread extends Thread { 
    private final InputStream mmInStream; 
    private final OutputStream mmOutStream; 

    //creation of the connect thread 
    public ConnectedThread(BluetoothSocket socket) { 
     InputStream tmpIn = null; 
     OutputStream tmpOut = null; 

     try { 
      //Create I/O streams for connection 
      tmpIn = socket.getInputStream(); 
      tmpOut = socket.getOutputStream(); 
     } catch (IOException e) { 

     mmInStream = tmpIn; 
     mmOutStream = tmpOut; 

    public void run() { 

     byte[] buffer = new byte[29]; 
     int bytes; 
     // Keep listening to the InputStream while connected 
     while (true) { 
      try { 
       // Read from the InputStream 
       bytes = mmInStream.read(buffer, 0, buffer.length); 
       // Send the obtained bytes to the UI Activity 
       bluetoothIn.obtainMessage(handlerState, bytes, -1, buffer).sendToTarget(); 
      } catch (IOException e) { 

    public void write(long[] packetFormatArray) { 
     //converts entered String into bytes 
     try { 
      for (int i = 0; i < packetFormatArray.length; i++) { 
       int msgBuffer = (int) packetFormatArray[i]; 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
      Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Connection Failure", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 



public class BytesTrans { 
public static long[] bytes2HexString(byte[] b, int count) { 
    long receivedData[] = new long[29]; 
    String ret = ""; 
    for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { 
     String hex = Integer.toHexString(b[i] & 0xFF); 
     if (hex.length() ==1) { 
      hex = '0' + hex; 
     String capsHex= hex.toUpperCase(); 

     receivedData[i] = Long.parseLong(capsHex,16); 

     ret += hex.toUpperCase() + " "; 
    return receivedData; 



那么你在接受呢? – greenapps


''52 40 00 00 CF E6 2A 1 2A 0 0 0 1 0 5 2A 0 0 0 0 2A 0 0 0 0 0 3B 00“'。为此会发送多少个字节? – greenapps


'long receivedDataArray [] = new long [28];'。 AND'receivedDataArray = BytesTrans.bytes2HexString(readBuf,msg.arg1);'。 ????为什么一个名为bytes2HexString的函数返回一个长数组。没有意义。只需将字节转换为十六进制字符串并告诉我们您得到了什么。 – greenapps




 public void run() { 
     byte[] buffer = new byte[28]; // buffer store for the stream 
     int bytes=0 
while (true) { 
      try { 
       // Read from the InputStream 
       // Get number of bytes and message in "buffer" 
       for (int i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++) { 
        bytes = mmInStream.read(); 
        receivedDataArray[i] = bytes; 
       long abc[] = receivedDataArray; 
       bluetoothIn.obtainMessage(handlerState, bytes, -1, receivedDataArray).sendToTarget(); 
      catch (IOException e) { 