2017-03-07 61 views

我有3组值的数组:0和1(绿色梯度) Matplotlib:如何在2个或更多的颜色中切割一个颜色条?

  • 值等于2(红色)之间

    • 值等于3(灰)

    多亏了这个帖子(Define a colormap for each set of values in an array)我能得到这个代码:

    from random import random 
    import numpy as np 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    import matplotlib.colors as mcolors 
    from matplotlib import cm 
    tab = np.array([[random() for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]) 
    tab[1,2] = 2. 
    tab[3,4] = 2. 
    tab[5,6] = 3. 
    tab[7,8] = 3. 
    values1 = np.ma.masked_array(tab, tab > 1.) 
    values2 = np.ma.masked_array(tab, tab != 2.) 
    values3 = np.ma.masked_array(tab, tab != 3.) 
    # 50 values for later use from 0 to 1 
    greens = cm.Greens(np.linspace(0,1, num=50)) 
    # 25 values for later use from 1 to 1.5 
    greensfill = cm.Greens(np.ones(25)) 
    # 50 values red for later use from 1.5 to 2.5 
    red = [(1,0,0,1)]*len(greens) 
    # 50 values gray for later use from 2.5 to 3.5 
    gray = [(.5,.5,.5,1)]*len(greens) 
    colors = np.vstack((greens, greensfill, red, gray)) 
    # in total we now have 175 colors in the colormap 
    mycmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_colormap', colors) 
    #we now map those 175 colors to the range between 0 and 3.5 
    im = plt.imshow(tab, cmap = mycmap, interpolation="none", vmin=0, vmax=3.5) 
    cb = plt.colorbar(im) 


    enter image description here


    enter image description here


    greens = cm.Greens(np.linspace(0,1, num=75)) 
    red = [(1,0,0,1)]*(len(greens)/2) 
    white = [(1,1,1,1)]*3 
    black = [(0,0,0,1)]*1 
    gray = [(.5,.5,.5,1)]*(len(greens)/2) 
    colors = np.vstack((greens, black, white, black, red, black, white, black, gray)) 
    mycmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_colormap', colors) 


    enter image description here

  • +0

    伟大的想法(因为我没有在互联网上看到任何类似的东西,所以我觉得它会有点困难)!我该如何移动我想要的索引? –


    @LoïcPoncin您可以通过'set_ticks'指定勾号位置并通过'set_ticklabels'勾选标签。所以你可以通过'cb.set_ticks([0,1.5,2,3])来获得右手绘图的刻度+标签; cb.set_ticklabels(['0','1','2','3'])'。然而,它将标签'1'设置在位置1.5,因此实际上使颜色条无效。同样在你的右手绘图中(红色区域),红色区域从1到2.5,灰色区域从2.5到3.5,但是它们的大小相同。绿色跨越一个类似的区域,如灰色和小于红色的区域,但是它们是三者中最大的一个。 –


    谢谢。 @a_guest是的,我知道它并不真正对应于彩条的原理。事实上,我在一个关于森林火灾的学校项目中工作,在我的动画中,绿色渐变(0和1之间)对应于像素中包含的植被的能力,红色像素对应于燃烧的树木,灰色对应于已经燃烧并在灰烬中的树木。所以红色和灰色的颜色就是传说中的动画。 –





    enter image description here

    from random import random 
    import numpy as np 
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
    import matplotlib.colors as mcolors 
    from matplotlib import cm 
    tab = np.array([[random() for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]) 
    tab[1,2] = 2. 
    tab[3,4] = 2. 
    tab[5,6] = 3. 
    tab[7,8] = 3. 
    values1 = np.ma.masked_array(tab, tab > 1.) 
    values2 = np.ma.masked_array(tab, tab != 2.) 
    values3 = np.ma.masked_array(tab, tab != 3.) 
    # 50 values for later use from 0 to 1 
    greens = cm.Greens(np.linspace(0,1, num=50)) 
    # 25 values for later use from 1 to 1.5 
    greensfill = cm.Greens(np.ones(25)) 
    # 50 values red for later use from 1.5 to 2.5 
    red = [(1,0,0,1)]*len(greens) 
    # 50 values gray for later use from 2.5 to 3.5 
    gray = [(.5,.5,.5,1)]*len(greens) 
    colors = np.vstack((greens, greensfill, red, gray)) 
    # in total we now have 175 colors in the colormap 
    mycmap = mcolors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_colormap', colors) 
    #we now map those 175 colors to the range between 0 and 3.5 
    im = plt.imshow(tab, cmap = mycmap, interpolation="none", vmin=0, vmax=3.5) 
    plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.90, bottom=0.1) 
    cb1ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.85, 0.8, 0.035, 0.1]) 
    cb2ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.85, 0.67, 0.035, 0.1]) 
    cb3ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.035, 0.54]) 
    plt.gcf().colorbar(im, cax=cb1ax, boundaries=[2.5,3.5], ticks=[3]) 
    plt.gcf().colorbar(im, cax=cb2ax, boundaries=[1.5,2.5], ticks=[2]) 
    plt.gcf().colorbar(im, cax=cb3ax, boundaries=np.linspace(0,1, num=100), ticks=[0,1]) 


    plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.90, bottom=0.1) 
    ax = plt.gca() 
    plt.subplots_adjust(top=0.90, bottom=0.1) 
    cb1ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.85, 0.8, 0.035, 0.1]) 
    cb2ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.85, 0.67, 0.035, 0.1]) 
    cb3ax = plt.gcf().add_axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.035, 0.54]) 
    plt.gcf().colorbar(im, cax=cb1ax, boundaries=[2.5,3.5], ticks=[3]) 
    plt.gcf().colorbar(im, cax=cb2ax, boundaries=[1.5,2.5], ticks=[2]) 
    plt.gcf().colorbar(im, cax=cb3ax, boundaries=np.linspace(0,1, num=100), ticks=[0,1]) 
    def resize(event=None): 
        s = 0.03 
        pos = ax.get_position() 
        smh = pos.height/8.; loh = pos.height*0.675 
        w = 0.06*pos.width; 
        x0 = pos.x1+0.065*pos.width 
        cb1ax.set_position([x0, pos.y0+loh+smh+2*s, w, smh]) 
        cb2ax.set_position([x0, pos.y0+loh+s,  w, smh]) 
        cb3ax.set_position([x0, pos.y0,    w, loh]) 
    plt.connect("resize_event", resize) 

    非常感谢!看看我得到:https://i.stack.imgur.com/PQAvH.png。如何正确地将3个颜色条对齐到我的身材右侧并且尺寸相同?我知道对于单个颜色条,它必须是'divider = make_axes_locatable(axes)',然后'cax = divider.append_axes(“right”,size =“5%”,pad = 0.2)''。以及如何将这些小特性放在数字之外,而不是内部? –


    你想要完整的数字向外指出蜱吗?然后在脚本顶部的'plt.rcParams [“xtick.direction”] =“out”'会有所帮助。分隔线不适用于3个颜色条。 “具有相同尺寸”是什么意思?他们都应该是图像高度的三分之一? – ImportanceOfBeingErnest


    我的意思是我想让这套着色器的顶部和底部与阵列的顶部和底部对齐。例如,在你的帖子中,颜色条与数组的顶部和底部正确对齐,但在我发给你的链接中却不是。感谢蜱,这正是我想要的。 –
