2016-07-11 81 views

系统配置: Windows 7专业版SP1(64位)IBM MQ客户端9.0安装失败的微软Windows 7专业版SP1

  1. 卸载MQ客户端7.5
  2. 后来尝试安装MQ客户端9.0,从下载here。 但运行2分钟后安装,最后以下面的错误失败。我选择了默认设置组件。

Blockquote Error 1713. IBM MQ (Installation1) cannot install one of its required products. Contact your technical support group.

  • 看着临时文件夹安装日志文件。安装失败@ CustomAction“iwiInstall32bitRuntime”。
  • MSI (s) (2C:A0) [17:36:55:139]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\PATH \IBM MQ\\Windows\msi\IBM MQ 32bitSupport.msi 3: -2147287038

    CustomAction iwiInstall32bitRuntime returned actual error code 2 (note this may not be 100% accurate if translation happened inside sandbox)

    MSI (s) (2C:1C) [17:36:55:139]: Note: 1: 1713 2: IBM MQ (Installation1) 3: 1631

    Info 2835.The control ErrorIcon was not found on dialog SetupError.

    Error 1713.IBM MQ (Installation1) cannot install one of its required products. Contact your technical support group. System Error: 1631.

    MSI (s) (2C:1C) [17:37:54:336]: Product: IBM MQ (Installation1) -- Error 1713.IBM MQ (Installation1) cannot install one of its required products. Contact your technical support group. System Error: 1631.

    Action ended 17:37:54: iwiInstall32bitRuntime. Return value 3.



    打开MSI日志记录(https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/kb/223300),看看什么是32位安装程序运行时内部发生的。基本上,主要的产品安装产生了一个32位和64位C运行时安装程序来放置它所需的Microsoft C运行时,其中一个失败。如果使用该修复程序,则每个msi安装都会在%TEMP%目录中生成msi * .log,并且一个应该用于C运行时 - 请参阅您是否可以看到任何明显的内容,或将其加上主安装程序日志的某处。机会是C运行时安装错误/不正确,但没有看到一个日志很难告诉 – JasonE




    The file has the 32-bit and 64-bit compiler runtime MSI files in the wrong location relative to where Setup (IBM MQ.msi) is looking for them.

    To workaround this issue, copy "%mq_install_media_path%\Windows\MSI\x86\IBM MQ 32bitSupport.msi" to "%mq_install_media_path%\Windows\MSI\", and copy "%mq_install_media_path%\Windows\MSI\x64\IBM MQ 64bitSupport.msi" to "%mq_install_media_path%\Windows\MSI\".

    (where %mq_install_media_path% contains the unzipped files).


    这很容易,非常感谢你 –