2015-12-10 48 views









var Enemy = function(color, spawnDir, speed, w, h) { 

    // spawnDir is randomized and passed in as argument 
    // objects starting position is set based on what spawn direction was set 
    if (spawnDir == 0) { 
    this.x = -w; 
    } else if (spawnDir) { 
    this.x = GAME_WIDTH + w; 

    this.y = (GAME_HEIGHT/2) - (h/2); // objects y coordinate always set to very middle of screen 
    this.color = color;     // color or sprite image of enemy 
    this.spawnDir = spawnDir;    // spawn direction passed as argument 
    this.speed = speed;     // speed passed as argument, randomized 
    this.width = w;      // width passed as argument 
    this.height = h;      // height passed as argument 
    this.collision = 0;     // sets whether object has collided, 0 = default, incremenets with each collision detected 
    //this.id = generateRandomId(8);  // randomized id assigned to object as identifier (NOT USED CURRENTLY) 

    // called in the draw loop, renders object to canvas 
    this.draw = function(ctx) { 
    ctx.shadowColor = "black"; 
    ctx.shadowBlur = 5; 
    ctx.shadowOffsetX = 2; 
    ctx.shadowOffsetY = 2; 

    ctx.fillStyle = this.color; 
    ctx.fillRect(this.x, this.y, this.width, this.height); 

// enemy spawn function 
var spawnEnemy = function() { 
    // if enemies array length is less than enemy reserve limit and spawn counter is set to 0, then success 
    if (enemies.length < enemyReserve && spawnCounter == 0) { 
    var t; 
    var x = Math.floor(Math.random() * 99 + 1); // randomizes spawn direction by generating random number between 0-100 
    if (x <= 50) {        // if the number is less than 50 then spawn is from the left side of the screen 
     t = 0;         // if the number is greater than 50 then spawn is from the right side of the screen 
    } else if (x > 50) { 
     t = 1; 
    var s = Math.floor(Math.random() * 3 + 1); // randomizes speed of the enemy 
    var enemy = new Enemy("purple", t, s, 40, 20); // instantiates new enemy object with some statis + dynamic arguments 

    spawnCounter = spawnRate;     // spawn counter reset back to default value set in global variables 
    enemies.push(enemy);      // adds the new object to enemies global array 
    } else if (spawnCounter != 0) { 
    spawnCounter--;        // if counter is not set to 0 then lowers counter value by 1 





至于试图创建子类(种不同的敌人类型例如)看答案Subclassing a class with required parameters in JavaScript


我是新来的理解时,功能添加到原型与构造函数本身,所以希望这不是一个愚蠢的问题。为什么不将Enemy.spawn添加到原型中,将其直接保存在Enemy构造函数中的好处是什么? (如果我正确理解这一点) – crispyfrybits


添加到原型的函数处理对象的特定实例。添加到构造函数中的函数可能是用于创建新实例的工厂函数,也可能是函数并处理多个单独的实例。你的产卵功能似乎是一个工厂功能。 – kicken


谢谢你,我正在看你链接的其他答案。 – crispyfrybits
