2013-10-31 94 views

我必须制作一个连接到移位寄存器的8位ALU。我认为这是ALU的代码,但连接它的最佳方式是什么?8位移位寄存器与复位和时钟?林不知道如何使用内部信号,这两个组件连接,他们都应该有独立的ALU +移位寄存器

library IEEE; 
use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_1164.ALL;    -- Calling libary's to be used 

entity lu is 
port( Clk : in std_logic;    -- The clock signal 
     A : in signed(7 downto 0);   -- The A Input 
     B : in signed(7 downto 0);   -- The B Input 
     OPCODE : in unsigned(2 downto 0); -- Op code entered into ALU 
     RES :in std_logic;    -- The reset pin 
     Q : out signed(7 downto 0)   -- The Output of LU 
end lu;         -- End Entity 

architecture Behavioral of lu is 

signal Reg1,Reg2,Reg3 : signed(7 downto 0) := (others => '0'); --The signal declaration 


Reg1 <= A;  -- Linking Reg1 Signal to Input A 
Reg2 <= B;  -- Linking Reg2 Signal to Input B 
Q <= Reg3;  -- Linking Output Q to Signal Reg3 



    if(rising_edge(Clk)) then -- Calculate at the positive edge of clk 
     case OPCODE is 

      when "000" => 
       Reg3 <= Reg1 + Reg2; -- Output is = to addition 

      when "001" => 
       Reg3 <= Reg1 - Reg2; -- Output is = to subtraction 

      when "010" => 
       Reg3 <= not Reg1;  -- Output is = to NOT gate 

      when "011" => 
       Reg3 <= Reg1 nand Reg2; -- Output is = to NAND gate 

      when "100" => 
       Reg3 <= Reg1 nor Reg2; -- Output is = to NOR gate 

      when "101" => 
       Reg3 <= Reg1 and Reg2; -- Output is = to AND gate 

      when "110" => 
       Reg3 <= Reg1 or Reg2; -- Output is = to OR gate 

      when "111" => 
       Reg3 <= Reg1 xor Reg2; -- Output is = to XOR gate 

      when others =>    -- If anyother Input Outputs nothing 

     end case;  
    end if; 

end process;  

end Behavioral; 

在什么情况下你想ALU使用移位寄存器,并实现什么功能?你可以用各种不同的方式连接它,但你需要更精确地定义函数 –





OPCODE: in unsigned(3 downto 0); -- Operation selection for the ALU 


case OPCODE is 

     when "1000" => 
      Reg3 <= Reg1 srl to_integer(Reg2); -- Reg3 <= Reg1 shifted Reg2 bits to the right 
     when "1001" => 
      Reg3 <= Reg1 sll to_integer(Reg2); -- Reg3 <= Reg1 shifted Reg2 bits to the left 
     when "1010" => 
      Reg3 <= Reg1 ror to_integer(Reg2); -- Reg3 <= Reg1 rotated Reg2 bits to the right 
     when "1011" => 
      Reg3 <= Reg1 rol to_integer(Reg2); -- Reg3 <= Reg1 rotated Reg2 bits to the right 
     when others => 
      Reg3 <= (others => '0'); 
    end case;