2017-06-21 49 views

我编写了以下代码,旨在允许我的类mytype在编译时选择是使用C风格的数组还是C++ STL数组,如下所示:模板类的模板平等运算符不编译


template<bool IsTrue, typename IfTrue, typename IfFalse> 
struct choose; 

template<typename IfTrue, typename IfFalse> 
struct choose<true, IfTrue, IfFalse> { 
    typedef IfTrue type; 

template<typename IfTrue, typename IfFalse> 
struct choose<false, IfTrue, IfFalse> { 
    typedef IfFalse type; 

template<bool ArrayIsRaw> 
struct mytype { 
    typedef typename choose<ArrayIsRaw, int[50], std::array<int, 50>>::type array_t; 
    array_t data{}; 

int main() { 
    mytype<true> raw_version; 
    mytype<false> stl_version; 
    raw_version.data[5] = 15; 
    stl_version.data[15] = 5; 
    raw_version.data[10] = stl_version.data[15]; 
    assert(raw_version.data[10] == 5); 
    return 0; 

这工作得很好。但是,我想向该类中添加一个等于运算符,该运算符与涉及的基础类型无关:基本上,我希望raw_version == stl_version有效,可编译的代码将在每个元素相同时返回true


template<bool Raw1, bool Raw2> 
friend bool operator==(mytype<Raw1> const& a, mytype<Raw2> const& b) { 
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 50; i++) if(a.data[i] != b.data[i]) return false; 
    return true; 


prog.cpp: In instantiation of ‘struct mytype<false>’: 
prog.cpp:32:16: required from here 
prog.cpp:24:14: error: redefinition of ‘template<bool Raw1, bool Raw2> bool operator==(const mytype<Raw1>&, const mytype<Raw2>&)’ 
    friend bool operator==(mytype<Raw1> const& a, mytype<Raw2> const& b) { 
prog.cpp:24:14: note: ‘template<bool Raw1, bool Raw2> bool operator==(const mytype<Raw1>&, const mytype<Raw2>&)’ previously defined here 





template<bool Raw2>  
friend bool operator==(mytype const& a, mytype<Raw2> const& b) {  
    // ... 


using array_t = typename std::conditional<ArrayIsRaw, int[50], std::array<int, 50>>::type; 

或C++ 14

using array_t = std::conditional_t<ArrayIsRaw, int[50], std::array<int, 50>>;