2015-05-19 44 views

我试图将我的表单值传递给一个javascript函数,它将它们传入我的CFC函数以插入到数据库中,但它不工作。 JS代码如下:将ColdFusion表单值传递给javascript和CFC,代码不工作


$(document).ready(function() { 
    $("#createReport").click(function(f) { 
     var getReportName = $("input#reportName").val(); 
     var getReportPath = $("input#reportPath").val(); 
     var getReportDesc = $("input#reportDescrip").val(); 
     var getReportCategory = $("input#categoryBox").val(); 

      url: "components/reportController.cfc?method=createReport&returnformat=json", 
      dataType: "JSON", 
        reportName: getReportName, 
        reportPath: getReportPath, 
        reportDescrip: getReportDesc, 
        categoryBox: getReportCategory 
      success: function(){ 
       alert("You successfully added a new report to the system") } 


<cfform name="addReportForm" height="400" width="500" enctype="multipart/form-data">            <!--- Form Initialization ---> 
<p> Report Name </p> 
    <cfinput type="Text" name="reportName" size="20"maxlength="35" label="Report Name"        <!--- Report Name Field ---> 
    value="Report Name" required="yes" id="reportName">  
<p> Report Path </p> 
<cfinput type="Text" name="reportPath" size="20" maxlength="35" label="Report Path"        <!--- Report Path Field ---> 
value="Report Path" required="yes" id="reportPath"> 

<!--- Report Category Dropdown box ---> 
<p> Category </p> 
<cfselect name="category" label="Category" id="categoryBox" message="Select Category"        <!--- DB populated drop down box for reports. Required field. ---> 
width="250" required="yes" tooltip="Select Category">                <!--- Values are static for testing. CFSELECT to be populated by query---> 
<option value="Admin Tools">Admin Tools </option>                 
<option value="Reports">Reports</option> 
<option value="Vendor Tools">Vendor Tools </option> 
<option value="Company Links">Company Links</option> 
<option value="Operations"> Operations</option> 
<p> Report Description </p>  
    <cftextarea name="reportDescrip" size="20" maxlength="200" label="Report Description" 
value=" Enter Report Description" required="yes" id="reportDescrip" width="600" height="250"> 
<br /> 
<br /> 
<cfinput type="button" name="createReport" label="Add New Report" value="Add New Report" id="createReport"/> 


更新:我打开了IE控制台和脚本有一个SCRIPT1010:该行预期的标识符错误: **成功:函数(){

警报(“您已成功添加了一个新的报告。系统“)} **

更新:消除了CF flash表单和指定的HTML作为cfform中的表单类型。 AJAX调用仍然不起作用。


你在做什么错的是你正在使用'cflayout'和'cfform'。虽然他们似乎是一个很好的解决方案......但他们不是。所有的ColdFusion UI功能都实现得很差,使用过时的库,功能受到严重限制。坚持使用普通的HTML表单,并使用类似Bootstrap的布局。 –


我不同意马特的意见。我在那里看到它。最好的办法是打开浏览器的开发人员工具,查看控制台的JS错误,并在提交表单时观察网络流量。你也需要纠正你的“类别”目标代码。现在它正在寻找一个“类别”标签。 斯科特说:“你在做什么错了......”这并没有错,但我也没有建议,要么出于同样的原因。但是你需要在浏览器中检查你的源代码,以验证它如何改变事情,如果你使用它们。 –


当你故意使用过时的,实施不善的工具.....你做错了。:D –






<script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> 
<script language="javascript"> 

    $(document).ready(function() { 
     $("#createReport").click(function(f) { 
      var getReportName = $("input#reportName").val(); 
      var getReportPath = $("input#reportPath").val(); 
      var getReportDesc = $("input#reportDescrip").val(); 
      //var getCategory = $("input#categoryBox").val(); 

       url: "", 
       dataType: "JSON", 
         reportName: getReportName, 
         reportPath: getReportPath, 
         reportDescrip: getReportDesc 
         //categoryBox: getCategory 

       success: function(result){ 
        alert("You successfully added a new report to the system") } 



<!--- CF AJAX function to create new report in DB---> 
    <cffunction name="testFunc" access="remote" description="tests the AJAX functionality and query">  <!--- Function takes in variables from CF page and AJAX call ---> 
    <cfargument name="mathVariable" default="8978" type="any">            <!--- This is just a test argument to verify ajax works before adding new fields---> 
    <cfargument name="reportName" default="" type="any">             <!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call--->     
    <cfargument name="reportPath" default="" type="any">             <!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call---> 
    <cfargument name="reportDescrip" default="" type="any" >            <!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call---> 
    <cfargument name="categoryBox" default="Vendor Management" type="any">         <!--- This argument maps to the like named form field and is passed through AJAX call---> 

    <cfquery name="qryTest" datasource="First_Title_Main_Dev">            <!--- Query creates a new report in the master report list table---> 
    INSERT INTO Report_Master_List (Report_Name, URL, Report_Desc, Category) 

     VALUES (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.reportName#">,     <!--- report name form field references Report_Name column---> 
       <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.reportPath#">,     <!--- report path form field references ReportPath column---> 
       <cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar" value="#arguments.reportDescrip#">,    <!--- report descrip form field references ReportDescrip column ---> 

