2012-08-06 48 views




Using the learning code 

1. Download and install the 2006-2011 PASCAL VOC devkit and dataset. 
    (you should set VOCopts.testset='test' in VOCinit.m) 
2. Modify 'voc_config.m' according to your configuration. 
3. Start matlab. 
4. Run the 'compile' function to compile the helper functions. 
    (you may need to edit compile.m to use a different convolution 
    routine depending on your system) 
5. Use the 'pascal' script to train and evaluate a model. 

>> pascal('bicycle', 3); % train and evaluate a 6 component bicycle model 

The learning code saves a number of intermediate models in a model cache 
directory defined in 'voc_config.m'. 

欲了解更多信息,请访问authors website。该页面还包含这种方法的论文。


根据您打算做的事情,您可能会发现在OpenCV(机器学习库)中更通用的SVM实现效果更好。例如,对于简单的HoG,只需创建一个SVM对象,计算HoG并使用'SVM :: train_auto()' – Bee 2012-11-21 22:43:04


@Yamaneko将其输入到SVM中我已经使用您提到的MATLAB代码训练了许多模型,但是Cann找不到将这些模型转换为.xml格式的方法,以便我可以将它们与OpenCV代码一起使用。 – 3yanlis1bos 2014-10-27 08:13:11