2011-03-07 29 views




1- GlobalProxySelection



System.Net.Uri proxyURI = new System.Net.Uri(""); 
System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.Select = new System.Net.WebProxy(proxyURI); 

2- StackOverflow上的另一个讨论:Programmatically Set Browser Proxy Settings in C#





// Allocate memory for string members. 
proxyInfo.lpszProxy = new WCHAR[25]; 
proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass = new WCHAR[25]; 

// Set the members of the proxy info structure. 
swprintf_s(proxyInfo.lpszProxy, 25, L"proxy_server"); 
swprintf_s(proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass, 25, L"<local>"); 

// Set the default proxy configuration. 
if (WinHttpSetDefaultProxyConfiguration(&proxyInfo)) 
    printf("Proxy Configuration Set.\n"); 

// Free memory allocated to the strings. 
delete [] proxyInfo.lpszProxy; 
delete [] proxyInfo.lpszProxyBypass; 




using System; 
using System.Runtime.InteropServices; 
using System.ComponentModel; 

namespace PoshHttp 
    public class Proxies 
     public static bool UnsetProxy() 
     return SetProxy(null, null); 
     public static bool SetProxy(string strProxy) 
     return SetProxy(strProxy, null); 

     public static bool SetProxy(string strProxy, string exceptions) 
     InternetPerConnOptionList list = new InternetPerConnOptionList(); 

     int optionCount = string.IsNullOrEmpty(strProxy) ? 1 : (string.IsNullOrEmpty(exceptions) ? 2 : 3); 
     InternetConnectionOption[] options = new InternetConnectionOption[optionCount]; 
     // USE a proxy server ... 
     options[0].m_Option = PerConnOption.INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS; 
     options[0].m_Value.m_Int = (int)((optionCount < 2) ? PerConnFlags.PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT : (PerConnFlags.PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT | PerConnFlags.PROXY_TYPE_PROXY)); 
     // use THIS proxy server 
     if (optionCount > 1) 
      options[1].m_Option = PerConnOption.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER; 
      options[1].m_Value.m_StringPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(strProxy); 
      // except for these addresses ... 
      if (optionCount > 2) 
       options[2].m_Option = PerConnOption.INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS; 
       options[2].m_Value.m_StringPtr = Marshal.StringToHGlobalAuto(exceptions); 

     // default stuff 
     list.dwSize = Marshal.SizeOf(list); 
     list.szConnection = IntPtr.Zero; 
     list.dwOptionCount = options.Length; 
     list.dwOptionError = 0; 

     int optSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(InternetConnectionOption)); 
     // make a pointer out of all that ... 
     IntPtr optionsPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem(optSize * options.Length); 
     // copy the array over into that spot in memory ... 
     for (int i = 0; i < options.Length; ++i) 
      IntPtr opt = new IntPtr(optionsPtr.ToInt32() + (i * optSize)); 
      Marshal.StructureToPtr(options[i], opt, false); 

     list.options = optionsPtr; 

     // and then make a pointer out of the whole list 
     IntPtr ipcoListPtr = Marshal.AllocCoTaskMem((Int32)list.dwSize); 
     Marshal.StructureToPtr(list, ipcoListPtr, false); 

     // and finally, call the API method! 
     int returnvalue = NativeMethods.InternetSetOption(IntPtr.Zero, 
      ipcoListPtr, list.dwSize) ? -1 : 0; 
     if (returnvalue == 0) 
     { // get the error codes, they might be helpful 
      returnvalue = Marshal.GetLastWin32Error(); 
     // FREE the data ASAP 
     if (returnvalue > 0) 
     { // throw the error codes, they might be helpful 
      throw new Win32Exception(Marshal.GetLastWin32Error()); 

     return (returnvalue < 0); 

    #region WinInet structures 
    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] 
    public struct InternetPerConnOptionList 
     public int dwSize;    // size of the INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION_LIST struct 
     public IntPtr szConnection;   // connection name to set/query options 
     public int dwOptionCount;  // number of options to set/query 
     public int dwOptionError;   // on error, which option failed 
     public IntPtr options; 

    [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] 
    public struct InternetConnectionOption 
     static readonly int Size; 
     public PerConnOption m_Option; 
     public InternetConnectionOptionValue m_Value; 
     static InternetConnectionOption() 
     InternetConnectionOption.Size = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(InternetConnectionOption)); 

     // Nested Types 
     public struct InternetConnectionOptionValue 
     // Fields 
     public System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes.FILETIME m_FileTime; 
     public int m_Int; 
     public IntPtr m_StringPtr; 

    #region WinInet enums 
    // options manifests for Internet{Query|Set}Option 
    public enum InternetOption : uint 

    // Options used in INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTON struct 
    public enum PerConnOption 
     INTERNET_PER_CONN_FLAGS = 1, // Sets or retrieves the connection type. The Value member will contain one or more of the values from PerConnFlags 
     INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_SERVER = 2, // Sets or retrieves a string containing the proxy servers. 
     INTERNET_PER_CONN_PROXY_BYPASS = 3, // Sets or retrieves a string containing the URLs that do not use the proxy server. 
     INTERNET_PER_CONN_AUTOCONFIG_URL = 4//, // Sets or retrieves a string containing the URL to the automatic configuration script. 


    public enum PerConnFlags 
     PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT = 0x00000001, // direct to net 
     PROXY_TYPE_PROXY = 0x00000002, // via named proxy 
     PROXY_TYPE_AUTO_PROXY_URL = 0x00000004, // autoproxy URL 
     PROXY_TYPE_AUTO_DETECT = 0x00000008 // use autoproxy detection 

    internal static class NativeMethods 
     [DllImport("WinInet.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)] 
     [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] 
     public static extern bool InternetSetOption(IntPtr hInternet, InternetOption dwOption, IntPtr lpBuffer, int dwBufferLength); 



谢谢,我使用解决方案2,但不要在Windows7中为我设置代理。我想为win7中的所有浏览器设置代理,我可以使用解决方案3吗? – Niloo 2014-01-08 05:58:54


解决方案2适用于特定于应用程序的代理,而不是全局代理。试试解决方案1.请注意,Chrome使用IE代理,Firefox可以选择使用IE代理(称为“系统”代理)或设置自己的代理。 – Meligy 2014-01-08 22:45:10