2014-06-09 148 views

而不是渲染完整纹理它只是呈现平均颜色。没有opengl错误或其他错误。我正在检查着色器错误,但没有发生错误。Haskell opengl纹理只有平均颜色

import qualified Graphics.UI.GLFW as G 
import Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL.GL 
import Control.Applicative 
import System.Exit 
import System.IO 
import Control.Monad (unless, when) 
import Graphics.GLUtil 
import Foreign.Storable 

main :: IO() 
main = do 
    let errorCallback err description = hPutStrLn stderr description 
    G.setErrorCallback (Just errorCallback) 
    successfulInit <- G.init 
    if not successfulInit 
     then exitFailure 
     else do 
      mw <- G.createWindow 1000 700 "Simple example, haskell style" Nothing Nothing 
      case mw of Nothing -> (G.terminate >> exitFailure) 
        Just window -> do 
            G.makeContextCurrent mw 
            preMainLoop window 
            G.destroyWindow window 

loadTex :: FilePath -> IO TextureObject 
loadTex f = do t <- either error id <$> readTexture f 
       textureFilter Texture2D $= ((Linear', Nothing), Linear') 
       texture2DWrap $= (Repeated, Repeat) 
       return t 

mesh :: [GLfloat] 
mesh = [ 0.0, 0.5, 0, 1, 0.0, 0.5, 
      -0.5, -0.5, 0, 1, 0.0, 1.0, 
      0.5, -0.5, 0, 1, 1.0, 1.0] 

preMainLoop window = do 
    clearColor $= Color4 0.2 0.1243 0.5 1.0 
    blendFunc $= (SrcAlpha, OneMinusSrcAlpha) 
    p <- loadShaderProgram [(VertexShader, "vert4.vs"), (FragmentShader, "frag4.fs")] 
    currentProgram $= Just (program p) 
    printErrorMsg "program" 
    vao <- makeVAO $ 
     let meshVad = VertexArrayDescriptor 4 Float (stride 6) offset0 
      texCoord = VertexArrayDescriptor 2 Float (stride 6) (offsetPtr 3) 
      stride n = fromIntegral $ sizeOf (undefined::GLfloat) * n 
      mPos  = getAttrib p "position" 
      tc  = getAttrib p "tc" 
     in do 
      buffer <- makeBuffer ArrayBuffer mesh 
      vertexAttribArray mPos $= Enabled 
      vertexAttribPointer mPos $= (ToFloat, meshVad) 

      vertexAttribArray tc $= Enabled 
      vertexAttribPointer tc $= (ToFloat, texCoord) 
    tex <- loadTex "fail texture.png" 
    textureBinding Texture2D $= Nothing 
    activeTexture $= TextureUnit 0 
    textureBinding Texture2D $= Just tex 
    setUniform p "tex" (TextureUnit 0) 
    mainLoop window vao p 

mainLoop window vao p = do 
    action <- (G.windowShouldClose window) 
    unless action $ do 
     (width, height) <- G.getFramebufferSize window 
     viewport $= (Position 0 0, Size (fromIntegral width) (fromIntegral height)) 
     printErrorMsg "start of loop" 
     Just t <- G.getTime 
     clear [ColorBuffer, DepthBuffer] 
     withVAO vao $ drawArrays Triangles 0 3 
     G.swapBuffers window 
     mainLoop window vao p 


#version 430 core 
uniform sampler2D tex; 

in VS_OUT 
    vec2 tc; 
} fs_in; 

out vec4 color; 

void main (void) 
    color = texture(tex, fs_in.tc); 


#version 430 core 

in vec4 position; 
in vec2 tc; 

out VS_OUT 
    vec2 tc; 
} vs_out; 

void main (void) 
    gl_Position = position; 
    vs_out.tc = tc; 

你的实际绘图代码在哪里?另外'nx'和'nl'是在哪里定义的?另外为什么这些简短的,不起作用的名字?这是一种很好的风格,特别是对于Haskell来说,让事情变得容易理解并给出适当的名字。 – datenwolf


这很可能不是您的主要问题,但您设置了两次“WRAP_S”。你可能打算为第二个使用'WRAP_T'。我最好的猜测是你的缓冲区中没有有效的纹理坐标,或者@datenwolf询问的'nx/nl'值有问题。 –


你怎么能有无效的纹理坐标,仍然没有错误 – JoelWaterworth


