2013-12-19 146 views


def calc_load(x): 
     ...:  x.sort('log_timestamp') 
     ...:  x['time_stddev'] = x['time'].std() 
     ...:  x['time_mean'] = x['time'].mean() 
     ...:  return x 


    ValueError        Traceback (most recent call last) 
    <ipython-input-262-f2fe1f013907> in <module>() 
    ----> 1 c=g.apply(calc_load) 
     2215    tuple(map(int, [tot_items] + list(block_shape))), 
    -> 2216    tuple(map(int, [len(ax) for ax in axes])))) 

    ValueError: Shape of passed values is (10, 3943482), indices imply (10, 410450) 




<class 'pandas.io.pytables.HDFStore'> 
File path: /tmp/test2.h5 
/mytable   frame_table (typ->appendable,nrows->410450,ncols->8,indexers->[index]) 


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> 
Int64Index: 410450 entries, 0 to 9999 
Data columns (total 8 columns): 
args    410450 non-null values 
host    410450 non-null values 
kwargs   410450 non-null values 
log_timestamp 410450 non-null values 
operation  410450 non-null values 
slot    410450 non-null values 
status   410450 non-null values 
time    410450 non-null values 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(5) 




<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> 
Int64Index: 410450 entries, 0 to 410449 
Data columns (total 9 columns): 
Unnamed: 0  410450 non-null values 
args    410450 non-null values 
host    410450 non-null values 
kwargs   410450 non-null values 
log_timestamp 410450 non-null values 
operation  410450 non-null values 
slot    410450 non-null values 
status   410450 non-null values 
time    410450 non-null values 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3), object(5) 

bg = b.groupby(['host','operation']) 

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> 
Int64Index: 410450 entries, 0 to 410449 
Data columns (total 11 columns): 
Unnamed: 0  410450 non-null values 
args    410450 non-null values 
host    410450 non-null values 
kwargs   410450 non-null values 
log_timestamp 410450 non-null values 
operation  410450 non-null values 
slot    410450 non-null values 
status   410450 non-null values 
time    410450 non-null values 
time_stddev  410371 non-null values 
time_mean  410450 non-null values 
dtypes: float64(3), int64(3), object(5) 


<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> 
Int64Index: 410450 entries, 0 to 9999 
Data columns (total 8 columns): 
args    410450 non-null values 
host    410450 non-null values 
kwargs   410450 non-null values 
log_timestamp 410450 non-null values 
operation  410450 non-null values 
slot    410450 non-null values 
status   410450 non-null values 
time    410450 non-null values 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(2), object(5) 

<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> 
Int64Index: 410450 entries, 0 to 410449 
Data columns (total 9 columns): 
Unnamed: 0  410450 non-null values 
args    410450 non-null values 
host    410450 non-null values 
kwargs   410450 non-null values 
log_timestamp 410450 non-null values 
operation  410450 non-null values 
slot    410450 non-null values 
status   410450 non-null values 
time    410450 non-null values 
dtypes: float64(1), int64(3), object(5) 



您需要提供一个工作的例子,也许还可以利用Dropbox的提供您的帧(或创建一个例子来说明错误) – Jeff


@Jeff,它在UPDATE。并感谢一百万次的帮助! – LetMeSOThat4U


你可以做''df.head()''所以可以看到值。看起来像你有一个类似字符串的列(标记)为对象dtype。对象的dtypes只能用于类字符串。您可能需要进行一些转换(甚至在将其放入HDF5之前)。数据来自哪一步? – Jeff






In [26]: df = d.reset_index().groupby(['host','operation']).apply(calc_load).set_index('index') 

In [27]: df 
     args   host kwargs  log_timestamp    operation  slot status  time time_stddev time_mean 
0  [] yy3.segm1.org  {} 1385984306000000000  x_gWidgboxParams a12yy3 -101 0.000477  0.061657 0.003226 
1  [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984306000000000   x_initWidgbox a11yy14  1 0.004177  0.035759 0.005816 
10  [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984307000000000    gSettings a13yy32 -101 0.009686  0.245170 0.070137 
100  [] yy19.segm1.org  {} 1385984308000000000 notifyTestsDelivered a16yy19  1 0.000766  0.002825 0.000964 
1000 [] yy7.segm1.org  {} 1385984320000000000   addWidging2 a12yy7  1 0.002576  0.008525 0.004122 
10000 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000   addWidging2 a13yy14  1 0.001317  0.009431 0.003910 
10001 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gxyzinf a13yy14 -101 0.000542  0.001861 0.001074 
10002 [] yy20.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    x_gbinf I502yy20 -101 0.000522  0.001043 0.000743 
10003 [] yy20.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000  setFlagsOneWidg I502yy20  1 0.001660  0.005404 0.002910 
10004 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000 notifyTestsDelivered a13yy14  1 0.000551  0.002877 0.001156 
10005 [] yy20.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gxyzinf I502yy20 -101 0.000521  0.000802 0.000813 
10006 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000   addWidging2 a13yy14  1 0.001256  0.009431 0.003910 
10007 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gxyzinf a13yy14 -101 0.000414  0.001861 0.001074 
10008 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000   addWidging2 a13yy14  1 0.001222  0.009431 0.003910 
10009 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gxyzinf a13yy14 -101 0.000475  0.001861 0.001074 
1001 [] yy7.segm1.org  {} 1385984320000000000    gxyzinf a12yy7 -101 0.000783  0.003059 0.001004 
10010 [] yy14.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000   x_initWidgbox a12yy14  1 0.002764  0.035759 0.005816 
10011 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000   x_initWidgbox a15yy32  1 0.057966  0.334923 0.147668 
10012 [] yy3.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gSettings a11yy3 -101 0.006519  0.163707 0.017649 
10013 [] yy30.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gtfull a13yy30 -101 0.003648  0.116366 0.014088 
10014 [] yy6.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    x_gbinf a16yy6 -101 0.000621  0.005796 0.001139 
10015 [] yy34.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gtfull a14yy34 -101 0.002031  0.015581 0.007747 
10016 [] yy34.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    x_gbinf a14yy34 -101 0.000546  0.002596 0.001899 
10017 [] yy34.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000  setFlagsOneWidg a14yy34  1 0.001358  0.003515 0.005866 
10018 [] yy34.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gxyzinf a14yy34 -101 0.000486  0.004446 0.002018 
10019 [] yy25.segm1.org  {} 1385984461000000000    gtfull a13yy25 -101 0.002029  0.001793 0.002355 
1002 [] yy7.segm1.org  {} 1385984320000000000 notifyTestsDelivered a12yy7  1 0.000847  0.003748 0.001081 
10020 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gFolderId a15yy32 -101 0.018326  0.187434 0.058200 
10021 [] yy25.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    x_gbinf a13yy25 -101 0.000589  0.001716 0.000830 
10022 [] yy25.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   updateWidg a13yy25  1 0.003058  0.004660 0.003973 
10023 [] yy25.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   clearElems a13yy25  1 0.000661  0.004893 0.001687 
10024 [] yy10.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gtfull a18yy10 -101 0.002779  0.069679 0.007495 
10025 [] yy13.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gtfull a11yy13 -101 0.001978  0.124069 0.012524 
10026 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    x_gbinf a14yy32 -101 0.018674  0.190657 0.058083 
10027 [] yy10.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    x_gbinf a18yy10 -101 0.000874  0.007170 0.001606 
10028 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gWidgId a14yy32  1 0.014523  1.518315 0.559983 
10029 [] yy13.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    x_gbinf a11yy13 -101 0.000577  0.008605 0.001130 
1003 [] yy7.segm1.org  {} 1385984320000000000  x_gWidgboxParams a12yy7 -101 0.000933  0.001084 0.001442 
10030 [] yy13.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000  setFlagsOneWidg a11yy13  1 0.001611  0.011409 0.004093 
10031 [] yy13.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gxyzinf a11yy13 -101 0.000575  0.053991 0.003044 
10032 [] yy39.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gtfull a13yy39 -101 0.002005  0.034577 0.003504 
10033 [] yy39.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    x_gbinf a13yy39 -101 0.000539  0.001371 0.000931 
10034 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   addWidging2 a15yy32  1 0.122369  1.414068 0.441565 
10035 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   moveOneWidg a12yy32  1 0.468481  1.303089 0.665778 
10036 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gxyzinf a15yy32 -101 0.018006  0.155379 0.040389 
10037 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000 notifyTestsDelivered a15yy32  1 0.006874  0.129650 0.032741 
10038 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gxyzinf a12yy32 -101 0.016607  0.155379 0.040389 
10039 [] yy39.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   updateWidg a13yy39  1 0.003879  0.005466 0.006465 
1004 [] yy34.segm1.org  {} 1385984320000000000    gtfull a11yy34 -101 0.003681  0.015581 0.007747 
10040 [] yy39.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    SELECT a13yy39 217831 0.000423  0.000126 0.000551 
10041 [] yy39.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   clearElems a13yy39  1 0.000705  0.002367 0.001356 
10042 [] yy3.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   moveOneWidg a15yy3  1 0.002660  0.027428 0.009078 
10043 [] yy3.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gxyzinf a15yy3 -101 0.000436  0.041627 0.001913 
10044 [] yy39.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gSettings a11yy39 -101 0.002237  0.007467 0.002679 
10045 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gSettings a15yy32 -101 0.012113  0.245170 0.070137 
10046 [] yy32.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000  x_gWidgboxParams a15yy32 -101 0.030427  0.143941 0.050055 
10047 [] yy13.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000   moveOneWidg a12yy13  1 0.003796  0.117085 0.017910 
10048 [] yy13.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000    gxyzinf a12yy13 -101 0.000521  0.053991 0.003044 
10049 [] yy30.segm1.org  {} 1385984462000000000  x_gWidgboxParams a13yy30 -101 0.002451  0.051829 0.003644 
1005 [] yy12.segm1.org  {} 1385984320000000000    gtfull a15yy12 -101 0.003428  0.005479 0.003063 
     ...    ... ...     ...     ...  ...  ...  ...   ...  ... 

[410450 rows x 10 columns]