2016-11-08 18 views


的jqGrid DATA - IF用户输入34:09:0; 90:08:8他应该得到这是所有值> = 34:09:0和< 90:08:在持续时间滤波器8

$(function() { 
    "use strict"; 
    var mydata = [{ 
    id: "1", 
    invdate: "720:0:0", 
    name: "test", 
    note: "note", 
    amount: "200.00", 
    tax: "10.00", 
    total: "210.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "2", 
    invdate: "34:09:0", 
    name: "test2", 
    note: "note2", 
    amount: "300.00", 
    tax: "20.00", 
    total: "320.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "3", 
    invdate: "0:0:0", 
    name: "test3", 
    note: "note3", 
    amount: "400.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "430.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "4", 
    invdate: "90:08:8", 
    name: "test4", 
    note: "note4", 
    amount: "200.00", 
    tax: "10.00", 
    total: "210.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "5", 
    invdate: "09:34:2", 
    name: "test5", 
    note: "note5", 
    amount: "300.00", 
    tax: "20.00", 
    total: "320.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "6", 
    invdate: "80:12:02", 
    name: "test6", 
    note: "note6", 
    amount: "400.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "430.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "7", 
    invdate: "80:12:01", 
    name: "test7", 
    note: "note7", 
    amount: "200.00", 
    tax: "10.00", 
    total: "210.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "8", 
    invdate: "112:23:6", 
    name: "test8", 
    note: "note8", 
    amount: "300.00", 
    tax: "20.00", 
    total: "320.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "9", 
    invdate: "80:12:1 ", 
    name: "test9", 
    note: "note9", 
    amount: "400.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "430.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "10", 
    invdate: "112:34:2", 
    name: "test10", 
    note: "note10", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "11", 
    invdate: "114:23:2", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note11", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "13", 
    invdate: "80:12:4 ", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note12", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "14", 
    invdate: "0:1:0", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note12", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "15", 
    invdate: "80:12:3", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note12", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 


    data: mydata, 
    colNames: ['Inv No', 'Duration', 'Client', 'Amount', 'Tax', 'Total', 'Notes'], 
    colModel: [{ 
     name: 'id', 
     index: 'id', 
     search: false, 
     width: 65, 
     sorttype: 'int' 
    }, { 
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     sorttype: 'datetime', 
     datefmt: 'H:i:s', 
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    }, { 
     name: 'name', 
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     width: 90, 
     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'amount', 
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     width: 70, 
     formatter: 'number', 
     align: "right", 
     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'tax', 
     index: 'tax', 
     width: 60, 
     formatter: 'number', 
     align: "right", 
     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'total', 
     index: 'total', 
     width: 60, 
     formatter: 'number', 
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     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'note', 
     index: 'note', 
     width: 100, 
     search: false, 
    pager: true, 
    autoencode: true, 
    viewrecords: true, 
    rowNum: 10, 
    rowList: [5, 10, 20, "10000:All"], 
    caption: "Demonstration custom searching operation (Duration Range)", 
    customSortOperations: { 

     inbetween: { 
     operand: "inbetween", 
     text: "in between", 
     filter: function(options) {} 
    searching: { 
     searchOperators: true 
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的实现依赖于jqGrid的使用哪种(可以使用)的版本,并从叉您使用的jqGrid([免费jqGrid](https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid),商业[Guriddo jqGrid JS](http://guriddo.net/?page_id=103334))或旧的jqGrid在版本<= 4.7)中。我开发了免费的jqGrid分支并实现了[**自定义过滤操作**](https://github.com/free-jqgrid/jqGrid/wiki/Custom-filtering-searching-Operation),您可以在其中定义任何自定义过滤操作。请参阅[答案](http://stackoverflow.com/a/28615923/315935),[this one](http://stackoverflow.com/a/29676941/315935) – Oleg


添加代码@Oleg .pls help.so当用户在文本框中输入例如:34:​​09:00; 90:08:08并选择inbewteen时 - jqgrid shud显示所有记录,其大于等于34:09:00但小于90:08:08 - – Priya


添加的代码@Oleg – Priya



的实现依赖于jqGrid的使用哪种版本(可使用),并从那里使用(free jqGrid,商业Guriddo jqGrid JS或旧的jqGrid在<版本= 4.7)的jqGrid的叉。我开发免费的jqGrid分叉并实施custom filtering operations,您可以在其中定义任何自定义过滤器操作。请参阅the answerthis one

如果您不能使用免费的jqGrid,那么您可以使用beforeSearch回调filterToolbar来更改筛选器,如the old answer中所述。你会得到更长,更复杂的代码,它在过滤器工具栏中工作,但不在搜索对话框中,在那里你必须使用onSearch回调。无论如何,这也是可能的,但实现更复杂。


$(function() { 
    "use strict"; 
    var mydata = [{ 
    id: "1", 
    invdate: "720:0:0", 
    name: "test", 
    note: "note", 
    amount: "200.00", 
    tax: "10.00", 
    total: "210.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "2", 
    invdate: "34:09:0", 
    name: "test2", 
    note: "note2", 
    amount: "300.00", 
    tax: "20.00", 
    total: "320.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "3", 
    invdate: "0:0:0", 
    name: "test3", 
    note: "note3", 
    amount: "400.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "430.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "4", 
    invdate: "90:08:8", 
    name: "test4", 
    note: "note4", 
    amount: "200.00", 
    tax: "10.00", 
    total: "210.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "5", 
    invdate: "09:34:2", 
    name: "test5", 
    note: "note5", 
    amount: "300.00", 
    tax: "20.00", 
    total: "320.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "6", 
    invdate: "80:12:02", 
    name: "test6", 
    note: "note6", 
    amount: "400.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "430.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "7", 
    invdate: "80:12:01", 
    name: "test7", 
    note: "note7", 
    amount: "200.00", 
    tax: "10.00", 
    total: "210.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "8", 
    invdate: "112:23:6", 
    name: "test8", 
    note: "note8", 
    amount: "300.00", 
    tax: "20.00", 
    total: "320.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "9", 
    invdate: "80:12:1 ", 
    name: "test9", 
    note: "note9", 
    amount: "400.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "430.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "10", 
    invdate: "112:34:2", 
    name: "test10", 
    note: "note10", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "11", 
    invdate: "114:23:2", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note11", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "13", 
    invdate: "80:12:4 ", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note12", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "14", 
    invdate: "0:1:0", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note12", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 
    }, { 
    id: "15", 
    invdate: "80:12:3", 
    name: "test11", 
    note: "note12", 
    amount: "500.00", 
    tax: "30.00", 
    total: "530.00" 


    data: mydata, 
    colNames: ['Inv No', 'Duration', 'Client', 'Amount', 'Tax', 'Total', 'Notes'], 
    colModel: [{ 
     name: 'id', 
     index: 'id', 
     search: false, 
     width: 65, 
     sorttype: 'int' 
    }, { 
     name: 'invdate', 
     index: 'invdate', 
     width: 200, 
     align: 'center', 
     sorttype: 'datetime', 
     datefmt: 'H:i:s', 
     searchoptions: { 
     sopt: ['inbetween', 'eq', 'lt', 'le', 'gt', 'ge'] 
    }, { 
     name: 'name', 
     index: 'name', 
     width: 90, 
     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'amount', 
     index: 'amount', 
     width: 70, 
     formatter: 'number', 
     align: "right", 
     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'tax', 
     index: 'tax', 
     width: 60, 
     formatter: 'number', 
     align: "right", 
     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'total', 
     index: 'total', 
     width: 60, 
     formatter: 'number', 
     align: "right", 
     search: false, 
    }, { 
     name: 'note', 
     index: 'note', 
     width: 100, 
     search: false, 
    pager: true, 
    autoencode: true, 
    viewrecords: true, 
    rowNum: 10, 
    rowList: [5, 10, 20, "10000:All"], 
    caption: "Demonstration custom searching operation (Duration Range)", 
    customSortOperations: { 
     inbetween: { 
     operand: "inbetween", 
     text: "in between", 
     filter: function(options) { 
      var convertToSeconds = function (value) { 
        // every value should have 3 integer parts 
        var parts = value.split(":"); 
        if (parts.length < 2) { parts.push(0); } 
        if (parts.length < 3) { parts.push(0); } 
        // now parts has 3 elements: h:m:s 
        return parseInt(parts[2], 10) + 
         parseInt(parts[1], 10) * 60 + 
         parseInt(parts[0], 10) * 3600; 

      var partsOfFilter = options.searchValue.split("-"); 
      if (partsOfFilter.length < 2) { 
       // wrong filter 
       return false; 

      // options.item[options.cmName] - the data from the column 
      return convertToSeconds(options.item[options.cmName]) >= 
        convertToSeconds(partsOfFilter[0]) && 
        convertToSeconds(options.item[options.cmName]) <= 
    searching: { 
     searchOperators: true 
<style> html, 
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    <div id="outerDiv" style="margin:5px;"> 
    <table id="grid"></table> 



嗨奥列格 - 我跟随你的呃ok-soft-gmbh.com/jqGrid/OK/customFilterOperartion.htm在我的代码中添加inbetween过滤器。你可以帮我使用代码---- filter:function(options){},我的列是持续时间{name:'DURATION',index:'DURATION',width:120,sortable:true,sorttype:'datetime ',datefmt:“H:i:s”,searchoptions:{sopt:['nIN','eq','lt','le','gt','ge']}}以及搜索文本框用户将输入格式为hh:mm:ss的数据,例如在选择12:00:03; 23:02:13的时候 - 我不知道时间戳12:00:03到23:02之间的所有值。 13- http://stackoverflow.com/users/315935/oleg – Priya


@Priya:您应该将代码附加到您的问题的文本(点击文本下方的“编辑”链接)并发布我的评论以告知它。最好的,如果你要在JSFiddle中创建演示。我可以修改它并发布新的URL。 – Oleg


