2016-03-10 94 views

线62:信号s不能合成,坏的同步描述。 当前软件 版本中不支持用于描述同步元素 (寄存器,内存等)的说明风格。VHDL:信号s不能合成

library IEEE; 

entity clock is 
    Port (start : in STD_LOGIC;      
      reset : in STD_LOGIC;      
      CLOCK : in STD_LOGIC;      
      setH, setM, setS : in STD_LOGIC;    
      alarmH, alarmM, alarmS : in STD_LOGIC; 
      Alarm_On : in STD_LOGIC;      
      Buzzer_Stop : in STD_LOGIC;     
      BUZZER : out STD_LOGIC;      
      hh, mm, ss : out INTEGER);     
end clock; 

architecture Behavioral of clock is 

signal h, m, s : INTEGER range 0 to 60 := 0; 
signal hA, mA, sA : INTEGER range 0 to 60 := 0; 
signal clk : std_logic :='0'; 
signal count : integer :=1; 


Frequency_Reducer : process(CLOCK) --Reducing Frequency From 40MHz to 1Hz 
    if rising_edge(CLOCK) then 
      count <= count + 1; 
     if(count = 20000000) then 
      clk <= not clk; 
      count <=1; 
     end if; 
    end if; 
end process; 

Clock_Logic : process(start, reset, clk) 
    if reset = '1' then 
     h <= 00; 
     m <= 00; 
     s <= 0; 
    end if; 

    if start = '1' then 
     if rising_edge(clk) then  --Clock Logic Start 
      s <= s + 1; 
     end if; 
    end if; 

     if s = 60 then 
      s <= 0; 
      m <= m + 1; 
     end if; 
     if m = 60 then 
      m <= 0; 
      h <= h + 1; 
     end if; 
     if h = 24 then 
      h <= 0; 
     end if;        --Clock Logic End 

    if setH = '1' then     --Set Time Logic Start 
     h <= h + 1; 
    end if; 
    if setM = '1' then 
     m <= m + 1; 
    end if; 
    if setS = '1' then 
     s <= s + 1; 
    end if;         -- Set Time Logic End 
end process; 

hh <= h; 
mm <= m; 
ss <= s; 

end Behavioral; 

并非所有的任务,以's'是同步的上升沿时钟。而你的代码也不是闩锁的描述。请在支持的寄存器样式上查看综合工具手册。似乎低于复位的所有分配应该与时钟的上升沿同步。 –


@MartinZabel我试过了,它没有解决问题 –


使用一秒时钟不能设置时钟运行的秒数,这需要一个负载。您可以考虑使用寄存器从时钟加载的秒,分钟和小时,并通过一个按钮增加,完成后重新加载到时钟(设置模式)。额外的寄存器也可以用于报警。或者,您可以简单地重置秒并按照[vhdl手动时钟小时集](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/27207698/vhdl-manual-clock-hour-set)递增分钟和小时。检查答案,它显示了所有钟表并且合成合格。 – user1155120




Clock_Logic : process(start, reset, clk) 
    if reset = '1' then 
     s <= 0; 
    end if; 

    if start = '1' then 
     if rising_edge(clk) then  --Clock Logic Start 
      s <= s + 1; 
     end if; 
    end if; 

    if s = 60 then 
     s <= 0; 
    end if; 

    if setS = '1' then 
     s <= s + 1; 
    end if;         -- Set Time Logic End 
end process; 


if rising_edge(clk) then  --Clock Logic Start 
     if setS = '1' then 
      s <= s + 1; 
     end if;         -- Set Time Logic End 
    end if; 

s异步复位时s达到60是可能的,但容易出错由于毛刺。 s是硬件中的多位信号。因此,当它增加时,即使最终值低于60,短时间内也可能等于60!您应该重置同步为0,当电流值是59.


if rising_edge(clk) then  --Clock Logic Start 
     if start = '1' then 
      s <= s + 1; 
     end if; 
    end if; 


Clock_Logic : process(reset, clk) 
    if reset = '1' then 
     -- asynchronous part 
     s <= 0; 
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then 
     -- synchronous part (add more conditions if required) 
     s <= s + 1; 
    end if; 
end process; 


Clock_Logic : process(reset, clk) 
    if rising_edge(clk) then 
     -- synchronous part (add more conditions if required) 
     s <= s + 1; 
    end if; 
    if reset = '1' then 
     -- asynchronous part 
     s <= 0; 
    end if; 
end process; 


Clock_Logic : process(reset, clk) 
    if reset = '1' then 
     -- asynchronous part 
     s <= 0; 
    elsif rising_edge(clk) then 
     -- synchronous part 
     if s = 59 then 
      s <= 0; 
     elsif setS = '1' then 
      s <= s + 1; 
     end if; 
    end if; 
end process;