2016-02-24 166 views

如何在Prolog中围绕其中心点旋转4 x 4矩阵?我可以在4×4矩阵的情况下简单地重新排列元素,但是如何为像N x N这样的一般情况做到这一点?在Prolog中旋转矩阵




:- use_module(library(clpfd)). 

matrix_rotated(Xss, Zss) :- 
    transpose (Xss, Yss), 
    maplist (reverse , Yss, Zss). 


?- matrix_rotated([[a1,a2,a3,a4], 
        [c1,c2,c3,c4]], Xss). 
Xss = [[c1,b1,a1], 

至少要将旋转加180度:'reverse(M,R0),maplist(reverse ,R0,R)'。另外还要区分顺时针和逆时针旋转90度。 –


@Boris。(2)我明白了。你有一个好名字吗? (1)你是什么意思?我用手写下了一个完整的旋转(4步)作为测试用例,'matrix_rotated/2'很好地匹配了。那么为什么第二个“反向”呢? (是的,在我写测试用例之前,我没有写任何代码,欢呼!) – repeat


@Boris。它当然值得!运行时不是我主要关心的问题:“*过早优化是根... *” – repeat



/** <module> matrix_rotate 
* answer to http://stackoverflow.com/questions/35594027/rotate-a-matrix-in-prolog 
* -------- 
* source file /home/carlo/prolog/matrix_rotate.pl 
* created at mer feb 24 16:43:50 2016 
* @author carlo 
* @version 0.9.9 
* @copyright carlo 
* @license LGPL v2.1 

:- module(matrix_rotate, 

:- meta_predicate matrix_allocate(3, +,+,-). 

matrix_allocate(Pred, NRows, NCols, Mat) :- 
    bagof(Vs, Row^(
     between(1, NRows, Row), 
     bagof(C, Col^(between(1, NCols, Col), call(Pred, Row, Col, C)), Vs) 
    ), Mat). 

rowcol(R, C, (R,C)). 

matrix_rotate(Mat, Rot) :- 
    matrix_rotate(Mat, 1, Rot). 
matrix_rotate(Mat, Shift, Rot) :- 
    matrix_is_square(Mat, Size), 
    matrix_allocate(empty, Size, Size, Rot), 
    frames_shift(Mat, Shift, 1, Rot), 
    ( Size mod 2 =:= 1 
    -> Cen is Size // 2 + 1, 
     matrix_row_col_element(Mat, Cen, Cen, E), 
     matrix_row_col_element(Rot, Cen, Cen, E) 
    ; true 

frames_shift(Mat, Shift, Frame, Rot) :- 
    length(Mat, Size), 
    Frame =< Size // 2, 
    ( integer(Shift) 
    -> ActualShift = Shift 
    ; ActualShift is Size - (Frame - 1)*2 - 1 
    frame(Mat, Frame, L), 
    shift_right(L, ActualShift, S), 
    frame(Rot, Frame, S), 
    F is Frame+1, 
    !, frames_shift(Mat, Shift, F, Rot). 
frames_shift(_Mat, _Shift, _Frame, _Rot). 

matrix_is_square(Mat, Size) :- 
    length(Mat, Size), 
    forall(member(Row, Mat), length(Row, Size)). 

matrix_row_col_element(Mat, Row, Col, El) :- 
    nth1(Row, Mat, Cells), 
    nth1(Col, Cells, El). 

shift_right(List, Shift, Shifted) :- 
    length(Post, Shift), 
    append(Pre, Post, List), 
    append(Post, Pre, Shifted). 

frame(Mat, N, Frame) :- 
    length(Mat, S), 
    T is N, B is S-N+1, 
    L is N, R is S-N+1, 
    matrix_range_elements(Mat, T,T, L,R-1, Top), 
    matrix_range_elements(Mat, T,B-1, R,R, Right), 
    matrix_range_elements(Mat, B,B, R,L+1, Bottom), 
    matrix_range_elements(Mat, B,T+1, L,L, Left), 
    append([Top, Right, Bottom, Left], Frame). 

matrix_range_elements(Mat, RStart, RStop, CStart, CStop, Elems) :- 
    bagof(E, matrix_element_between(Mat, RStart, RStop, CStart, CStop, E), Elems). 

matrix_element_between(Mat, RStart, RStop, CStart, CStop, Elem) :- 
    signed_between(RStart, RStop, R), 
    signed_between(CStart, CStop, C), 
    matrix_row_col_element(Mat, R, C, Elem). 

signed_between(Start, Stop, I) :- 
    A is Start, B is Stop, 
    (B < A -> between(B, A, N), I is A+B-N ; between(A, B, I)). 



?- matrix_allocate(rowcol,4,4,M),matrix_rotate(M,_,R),maplist(writeln,R). 
M = [[(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3), (1, 4)], [(2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3), (2, 4)], [(3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3), (3, 4)], [(4, 1), (4, 2), (4, 3), (4, 4)]], 
R = [[(4, 1), (3, 1), (2, 1), (1, 1)], [(4, 2), (3, 2), (2, 2), (1, 2)], [(4, 3), (3, 3), (2, 3), (1, 3)], [(4, 4), (3, 4), (2, 4), (1, 4)]]. 

?- matrix_allocate(rowcol,3,3,M),matrix_rotate(M,_,R),maplist(writeln,R). 
M = [[(1, 1), (1, 2), (1, 3)], [(2, 1), (2, 2), (2, 3)], [(3, 1), (3, 2), (3, 3)]], 
R = [[(3, 1), (2, 1), (1, 1)], [(3, 2), (2, 2), (1, 2)], [(3, 3), (2, 3), (1, 3)]]. 

移调是不一样的旋转,是吗? –


@Boris:是的,我的错......我在制作可重复使用的东西......我会在完成时删除上面的代码 – CapelliC


为什么你需要'matrix_is_square/2'成立? – repeat


有人为wrong on the internet,使值班电话。 毕竟我们必须服从Cunningham's Law


:- use_module(library(clpfd)). 

rotate_clockwise(Matrix, N, Rotated) :- 
    N_mod_4 #= N mod 4, 
    rotate_clockwise_(N_mod_4, Matrix, Rotated). 

rotate_clockwise_(0, M, M). 
rotate_clockwise_(1, M, R) :- 
    transpose(M, R0), 
    maplist(reverse, R0, R). 
rotate_clockwise_(2, M, R) :- 
    reverse(M, R0), 
    maplist(reverse, R0, R). 
rotate_clockwise_(3, M, R) :- 
    transpose(M, R0), 
    reverse(R0, R). 

可以旋转通过翻转两次的长方形矩阵(尝试一下用一本书或某事)。 根据您翻转的两个轴,您可以得到3个非平凡旋转中的一个:如果我们同意“一次旋转”是顺时针90度,那么您可以旋转0,1,2或3次。在上面的代码:

  • 倒装沿着水平轴是reverse
  • 倒装沿着垂直轴是maplist(reverse)
  • 倒装沿左上 - 低级 - 右轴是transpose

至于为什么不定义顺时针旋转90度,然后多次旋转:嗯,它实际上是更多的代码! 有了上面的定义,无论我们给rotate_clockwise/3什么有效的参数,它都做正确的旋转,不会做不必要的翻转,并保持呼叫者代码的简短。

?- rotate_clockwise([[a,b,c],[d,e,f]], -1, R). % once counter-clockwise 
R = [[c, f], [b, e], [a, d]]. 

?- rotate_clockwise([[a,b,c],[d,e,f]], 2, R). % 180 degrees 
R = [[f, e, d], [c, b, a]]. 

?- rotate_clockwise([[a,b,c],[d,e,f]], 168, R). % rotate once each hour, for a week 
R = [[a, b, c], [d, e, f]]. 

?- rotate_clockwise([[a,b,c],[d,e,f]], N, R). % enumerate all possibilities 
R = [[a, b, c], [d, e, f]], 
N mod 4#=0 ; 
R = [[d, a], [e, b], [f, c]], 
N mod 4#=1 ; 
R = [[f, e, d], [c, b, a]], 
N mod 4#=2 ; 
R = [[c, f], [b, e], [a, d]], 
N mod 4#=3. 

?- Matrix = [[a],[b]], 
    rotate_clockwise(Matrix, -1, R), 
    rotate_clockwise(Matrix, 3, R). % those two mean the same 
Matrix = [[a], [b]], 
R = [[a, b]]. 

非常酷! ... – mat


@mat你知道吗,我知道它:它是CLPFD,很酷,不是这个玩具的例子:)这是一个很好的决定,在库中包含'转置/ 2',顺便说一句;一旦我不得不把'library(clpfd)'作为一个依赖项,那么绝对没有理由不使用这个算法。其他亮点(对我个人而言)是'zcompare/3'和'chain/2'。 –


这就是这种洞察力,拥抱它很酷!我们将慢慢而有条不紊地改变Prolog程序的写法。现在仍然显得不寻常的事情将在适当的时候成为民间传说。 – mat