2013-04-15 72 views

我在比较穆迪和S & P的信用评级决定因素的权重。 然后做一个测试,测试系数是否与Moody's和S相同P. 我想基于Wald测试来做这件事,但我需要Beta的协方差矩阵。你能帮我用Stata的代码如何获得协方差矩阵吗?Bioprobit - Beta的协方差矩阵


变量为S &普拉特MRAT GDP吹胀比等



你给出了精确的代码,但似乎期望你的问题是透明的,我们可以为你制定详细的代码。这是为什么?你使用SSC的'bioprobit'命令吗?它带有一个帮助文件,但似乎没有其他文献。无论这是否为真,在您的问题中添加代码和结果的详细信息可能会增加获得有用答案的机会,目前接近于零。所有这些,你是否尝试'ereturn list'来查看你的命令在内存中留下了什么? –



基于来自Stata data@Nick Cox:


sysuse auto 
bioprobit headroom foreign price length mpg turn 

. bioprobit headroom foreign price length mpg turn 

group(forei | 
     gn) |  Freq.  Percent  Cum. 
      1 |   52  70.27  70.27 
      2 |   22  29.73  100.00 
     Total |   74  100.00 

initial:  log likelihood = -148.5818 
rescale:  log likelihood = -148.5818 
rescale eq: log likelihood = -147.44136 
Iteration 0: log likelihood = -147.44136 
Iteration 1: log likelihood = -147.43958 
Iteration 2: log likelihood = -147.43958 

Bivariate ordered probit regression    Number of obs =   74 
                Wald chi2(4) =  22.61 
Log likelihood = -147.43958      Prob > chi2  =  0.0002 

      |  Coef. Std. Err.  z P>|z|  [95% Conf. Interval] 
headroom  | 
     price | -.0000664 .0000478 -1.39 0.164  -.00016 .0000272 
     length | .0347597 .013096  2.65 0.008  .009092 .0604274 
     mpg | -.0118916 .0354387 -0.34 0.737 -.0813502 .0575669 
     turn | -.0333833 .0554614 -0.60 0.547 -.1420857 .0753191 
foreign  | 
     price | .0003981 .0001485  2.68 0.007  .0001071 .0006892 
     length | -.0585548 .0284639 -2.06 0.040  -.114343 -.0027666 
     mpg | -.0306867 .0543826 -0.56 0.573 -.1372745 .0759012 
     turn | -.3471526 .1321667 -2.63 0.009 -.6061946 -.0881106 
athrho  | 
     _cons | .053797 .3131717  0.17 0.864 -.5600082 .6676022 
     /cut11 | 2.72507 2.451108      -2.079014 7.529154 
     /cut12 | 3.640296 2.445186      -1.152181 8.432772 
     /cut13 | 4.227321 2.443236      -.561334 9.015975 
     /cut14 | 4.792874 2.452694      -.0143182 9.600067 
     /cut15 | 5.586825 2.480339      .7254488  10.4482 
     /cut16 | 6.381491 2.505192      1.471404 11.29158 
     /cut17 | 7.145783 2.529663      2.187735 12.10383 
     /cut21 | -21.05768 6.50279      -33.80292 -8.312449 
     rho | .0537452 .3122671      -.5079835 .5834004 
LR test of indep. eqns. :   chi2(1) =  0.03 Prob > chi2 = 0.8636 

# results that are in `Stata's memory` 

ereturn list 

       e(rc) = 0 
       e(ll) = -147.4395814769408 
      e(converged) = 1 
       e(rank) = 17 
        e(k) = 17 
       e(k_eq) = 11 
       e(k_dv) = 2 
       e(ic) = 2 
        e(N) = 74 
     e(k_eq_model) = 1 
       e(df_m) = 4 
       e(chi2) = 22.60944901065799 
        e(p) = .0001515278365065 
       e(ll_0) = -147.4543291018424 
       e(k_aux) = 8 
      e(chi2_c) = .0294952498030625 
       e(p_c) = .8636405133599019 

      e(chi2_ct) : "LR" 
      e(depvar) : "headroom foreign" 
      e(predict) : "bioprobit_p" 
       e(cmd) : "bioprobit" 
      e(chi2type) : "Wald" 
       e(vce) : "oim" 
       e(opt) : "ml" 
       e(title) : "Bivariate ordered probit regression" 
      e(ml_method) : "d2" 
       e(user) : "bioprobit_d2" 
      e(crittype) : "log likelihood" 
      e(technique) : "nr" 
     e(properties) : "b V" 

        e(b) : 1 x 17 
        e(V) : 17 x 17 
      e(gradient) : 1 x 17 
       e(ilog) : 1 x 20 


#You need to use mat list e(V) to display the variance covariance matrix 

mat list e(V) 

symmetric e(V)[17,17] 
        headroom: headroom: headroom: headroom: foreign: foreign: foreign: foreign: 
         price  length   mpg  turn  price  length   mpg  turn 
headroom:price 2.280e-09 
headroom:length -1.431e-07 .00017151 
    headroom:mpg 3.991e-07 .00018914 .0012559 
    headroom:turn 4.426e-07 -.00050302 .00027186 .00307597 
    foreign:price 1.124e-10 -4.999e-09 2.093e-08 2.079e-08 2.205e-08 
foreign:length -5.846e-09 8.021e-06 9.950e-06 -.0000249 -2.087e-06 .00081019 
    foreign:mpg 1.712e-08 .00001035 .00006387 .00001352 1.254e-06 .0006546 .00295746 
    foreign:turn 1.145e-08 -.00002418 .00001022 .00015562 -.00001083 -.00028103 -.0001411 .01746805 
    athrho:_cons 2.360e-07 -.00004531 .0000684 .00005575 -2.010e-06 .00043717 -.00147713 -.00449239 
    cut11:_cons .0000134 .01507955 .07578798 .03653671 1.039e-06 .00068972 .00401168 .00211706 
    cut12:_cons .00001374 .01514192 .07570527 .03630636 9.488e-07 .0007133 .00386727 .00165474 
    cut13:_cons .00001393 .01520261 .07550433 .03603257 9.668e-07 .0007088 .00386171 .00165557 
    cut14:_cons .00001363 .01539981 .07532214 .03582323 1.042e-06 .00068687 .00392914 .00189195 
    cut15:_cons .00001264 .01584186 .07541396 .03541453 1.101e-06 .00068091 .0040106 .00209853 
    cut16:_cons .00001148 .01611862 .07562328 .03535426 1.052e-06 .00069849 .00401805 .00206701 
    cut17:_cons .00001055 .01602514 .07547739 .03620485 9.866e-07 .00069868 .00399718 .00207143 
    cut21:_cons 4.412e-07 .00073781 .00377201 .00190456 -.00058242 .13231539 .18778679 .51179829 

        athrho:  cut11:  cut12:  cut13:  cut14:  cut15:  cut16:  cut17: 
         _cons  _cons  _cons  _cons  _cons  _cons  _cons  _cons 
    athrho:_cons .09807649 
    cut11:_cons -.0064343 6.0079319 
    cut12:_cons .00229188 5.9652808 5.9789347 
    cut13:_cons .00187855 5.9546524 5.9639617 5.9694026 
    cut14:_cons -.00310632 5.9724552 5.9793328 5.9820512 6.0157096 
    cut15:_cons -.00783593 6.0300908  6.03522 6.0360956 6.0667389 6.1520838 
    cut16:_cons -.00756313 6.0745198 6.0789515 6.0788816 6.1081885 6.1880183 6.275988 
    cut17:_cons -.00673882 6.0811477 6.0851101 6.0844209 6.1128719 6.1897756 6.2679698 6.3991936 
    cut21:_cons -.13478036 .30582954 .28918756 .28844026 .29527602 .30401845 .30575462 .30503648 

    cut21:_cons 42.286275 

# If you want to use variance covariance matrix of first four variables 

mat kk=e(V) 
mat kkk=kk[1..4,1..4] 
mat list kkk 

symmetric kkk[4,4] 
        headroom: headroom: headroom: headroom: 
         price  length   mpg  turn 
headroom:price 2.280e-09 
headroom:length -1.431e-07 .00017151 
    headroom:mpg 3.991e-07 .00018914 .0012559 
    headroom:turn 4.426e-07 -.00050302 .00027186 .00307597 

可能对海报很有帮助。对术语的小修改:“生物异能体”在Stata中是用户编写的命令,而不是功能。 –


谢谢@尼克。我现在纠正了这一点。 – Metrics